[Beast Grave Canyon]
Quickly blitzing his way through the snow and corpse, Junaid rushes towards Gundahar as he wielded his lightning enhanced battle axe, as he instantly arrived before the killer of his brothers and swung up his own weapon against his foe. Likelihood Gundahar foresaw that rapid dash coming from Junaid's movement as he tanked the blow coming from his attackers battle axe while also quickly countered back with a hammer slam imbued with his frost aura.
However Instead of dodging, Junaid redirected the force of the hammer towards his side by the use of his battle axe as he delivered a follow up double swing right across Gundahar's thick frost armor. Through that Gundahar was taken aback as took a few step backwards, before being push away by the force of Junaid's enhanced third gutter swing which forced him to move back once more.