Chapter 174: The Bloody Altar

[Outskirts of Tekoa Town, Forest]

Walking towards the direction where Asagi and all the people who can sense such eerie energy,they all then started keeping track of there whereabouts as they literally felt that something might go amiss whenever they miss a slight detail.

Alongside it, Hero Sato and his group begun to chat on the rear side of the formation, as they occasionally look behind them. After all in order to not loos sight of where they are, they w8ll always need to know where they came from.

"Hey! Do you think something will pop up?" Asked by Fujino

"What do you mean?" Replied by Hino who looked at her

"You know, like a Jumpscare!" Said by Fujino

"Jumpscare? Like those things that happens in a horror genre?" Asked by Hino

"Yup" insisted by Fujino

"Well eerie atmosphere defeaning silence, unknown threat, nightime, the things that a horror movie has, actually checks out" said by Takahashi after hearing their talk and decided to join in