Xyra's viewpoint
Fear comes in many ways, happens in different ways and stands for different things. For example, the fear of losing someone, the fear of failing, the fear of change, the fear of losing a job or hope and many more. But to me, the greatest fear is the one that comes with disappointment. That moment where you wait so eagerly for something good to happen or for a result and to be disappointed at the end, only to start doubting yourself because you feel like you might not get there; you are afraid that you will never get there. In my case, I was afraid of negative result.
I earlier mentioned that I received the worry of all worries. I didn't let it bother me while trying to support my best friend whose mate almost died and the beta he almost killed in his rampage. Caesar was found out cold, a hole in his chest, barely missing his heart. If I didn't heal him, he would have died and Zane would have never forgiven himself, even if it wasn't his fault.