
(John’s P.O.V)

I tried to get William to NOT go to Nerina’s villa this morning because I had a feeling that the declarations made by the two of us yesterday would have resulted in her and her friends becoming blind drunk. And that is exactly what happened. When she opened the door for us this morning, I could smell the alcohol, but what I couldn’t get over was seeing her almost bare in front of me. She had on little, tiny shorts that were basically underwear that hid nothing, and her top was cropped so you could see her toned stomach and her nipples were puckered and could be seen through her shirt because, of course, she wasn’t wearing a bra. It was maddening how badly I wanted to take her right against the wall in the foyer. She allowed us entry and went upstairs to change and retrieve her gun, lord knows she really didn’t need it, we weren’t there to hurt her or her friends. Once everyone was seated on the couch, William, Harry, Edward, Arthur, and I began our tale.

“We were all born in England between 1800 and 1805, our fathers were all pirates sailing with my father, Black—” William began.

“Hold on one fucking second, you want us to believe that you lot were born in the 1800s when you don’t look a day over 30?” The Yorkshire woman, who I believe is named Ashe, questioned.


“We all may be trollied, but I’m not near trollied or knackered enough to believe that.” She continues.

How do you prove this to them? There must be a way to get them to believe what we are saying is true. It’s at this moment that I get a good look at all the women in the room and I’m shocked that several of these women look a lot like…well…us. Ashe looked quite a lot like Arthur, particularly in the shape of her face and eyes. One woman, who has what I think is an Australian accent looks quite a bit like Edward; an auburn-haired woman has features that are distinctly like Harry, and finally getting a good look at the woman I remembered was named Cordelia looked like…me. Oh my god. They are all our decedents.! That’s the only way to explain their similarities, whether they see them or not. I wonder if the other men realized this at all.

“How can we prove what we are saying is true to you?” Harry asks, his eyes not leaving the auburn-haired woman.

“Can you please stop staring at Lizzie? It’s getting creepy.” Nerina snaps at Harry, who shakes his head and pulls his gaze away from the woman named Lizzie.

“I think I may have an idea, but you all will need to trust us, okay?” William states.

What the hell is he thinking? The women huddle close together and begin whispering amongst each other, discussing the pros and cons of the situation. Finally, the whispering stops.

“Fine, we will trust you guys, however; I will be keeping my gun with me at all times, and you will have us back here to the villa by no later than noon.” Nerina states.

That didn’t give us much time as it was already almost 11, though the tavern wasn’t more than ten minutes from the villa.

“Deal,” Edward says before any of us say anything.

The girls get up off the sofa and go up to their respective rooms to get dressed, Nerina stays in the living room, avoiding eye contact with us.

“Did you see how a few of those girls looked like us?” I whispered to the group.

“I did! How can this be? None of us knew that we had children out there except for you.” Harry hisses, nodding his head to William.

“Well, looks like we all have something to figure out with these women because something is amiss,” William says in a hush.

The sound of feet coming down the stairs breaks up our conversation as the girls arrive back in the living room.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road,” Nerina says with a sigh.

I had driven the crew over here in the limo so that way we could all be in one vehicle, and I was beginning to think that was a mistake. The silence and tension in the air was so thick, that you could cut it with a knife. Finally, we arrived at the tavern, and I feel like everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. Everyone exits the limo and walks the few feet to the front door.

“This is where I met Charlotte LeBlanc in 1835 and she accompanied me to my ship, the Bloody Hangman for a night of not so well-mannered frivolity. We were supposed to only be here overnight to make sure we got the supplies we needed, however; I was besotted by her, and we ended up staying for several weeks instead. She told me she was pregnant the third or fourth week we had been here, I was ecstatic but that also put a time crunch on our mission.” William said calmly, looking at the tavern with sadness in his eyes.

“You see, William’s grandfather was the infamous Captain Greybeard, and his treasure holds the power to break a curse that had been placed upon the crew and their descendants by a witch who was cast aside by Greybeard. She gifted them with the curse of time, meaning that they would live unnaturally long lives unless they were killed in an unnatural way.” Edward continued.

“You’re barking! There's no such things as witches!” Ashe shouts.

“No, witches are real, and they have a thing for pirates. Which is what we were until we tried to leave Bermuda.” Harry tells her.

“What do you mean by ‘you tried to leave’?” Nerina asks.

“We set sail to try and find the treasure of my grandfather because it is said that something within would help break the curse. We got to what is called the Bermuda Triangle and suddenly, we were pulled through time, and we were back at the docks that were near the tavern, and it was 1990. Our ship became a museum for us to disguise ourselves and figure out our next move because every time we tried to pass through the triangle we were sent further forward in time. We tried twice more before we stopped.” William states.

“Haven’t you all noticed that everyone in your family lives an unnaturally long time?” Arthur questions.

“I mean living to be 100 years old with all this modern medicine isn’t all that unbelievable.” The auburn-haired woman answers.

“Yeah, Lizzie is right. It’s not that uncommon for people to live that long anymore.” Nerina agrees.

“I understand that but, looking into your family histories didn’t you notice that people lived longer than they should have?” Harry questioned further.

At this point, Nerina took out her cellphone and I thought she was going to call the police on us, however, when the person she calls picks up the phone it was the voice of a woman.

“Ne! What are you doing calling me? You’re supposed to be on vacation!”

“Hey mama, I wanted to ask you something about the research you’ve been doing into the family tree.”

“Sure baby, what do you want to know?”

“Did anyone live longer than they should have? Like people who should have died earlier in life because of the lack of modern medicine or whatever?”

There’s a pause on her mother’s end as she contemplates Nerina’s questions.

“Actually, come to think of it. Charlotte’s twins lived longer than normal before they allegedly died. We aren’t sure what happened or where they went, it was like they just disappeared. Then after them it would be another generation before something like that happened again.”

William went pale and was about to faint.