
Conton City - Time Academy Grounds

"Grab him!"

SS4 Goku used Instant Transmission to get to Ginyu, who had stolen Shallots body. After Trunks told them Ginyus whearabouts, and that he was after the Super Dragon Balls, they'd gotten there as fast as possible.

"We meet again," Ginyu said, smirking with Shallots face.

SS4 Vegeta smirked back. "You picked the worst body possible to steal. I'll enjoy this."

"Vegeta...we're not here for revenge," Goku said.

Ginyu powered his energy and turned into a super saiyan. He threw a few blasts towards them which they knocked aside.

"When you have a daughter you'll understand." Vegeta said. His energy skyrocketed, 'ssfwss' over to Ginyu, and the two began combat. It was obvious who had the upper hand already, as a SS4 was stronger than a plain Super Saiyan.

"I guess." Goku said.

Their fight went to the air, and began drawing attention from the crowds leaving the Tournament Ring. "Hey!" They heard, "There's a special fight over here! Bonus!!"

Soon they were swarmed with people. It wasn't good, seeing that Ginyu could take over their bodies. Goku flew over and shouted down at them, "You have to stay back!"

"Huh? Stay back?" One woman asked. She hoisted her purse higher and added, "We paid a LOT of money to get here!"

The others agreed.

Goku gave them a glare and shot a warning blast to their feet. "I said it isn't safe!"

SS4 Vegeta kicked Ginyu to the apartment complex near the Academy. The building began to rumble as its many floors became weak. It gave way and the building all came falling down, Ginyu flying out of the dust. "Ruahh! That was nothing!"

"Tch. When you return to a frog, I'LL be the first to squash you!" Vegeta said.

He shot blast after blast to Ginyu, who deflected them towards the crowd. Goku, seeing the danger, teleported and caught the energy, redirecting it to the sky. Over his shoulder he said, "Get outta here!"

Finally some were beginning to realize that the danger was real. They fled screaming up to the Nest steps, where Piccolo barred their entrance to the Portal.

Ginyu laughed despite the odds. Vegeta watched in aggravation before snapping, "Just what the hell is so funny?"

"...I don't need THOSE bodies." Ginyu said. His saiyan dark eyes looked down, where Zamasu was watching, ready to guard his flower garden from any of their attacks.

"Don't you even--"

--Ginyu 'ssfwss' down to Zamasu, who immediately went on the offense, making it harder for Ginyu to attempt a possession. But whereas Zamasu had more concern for his roses, Ginyu sought out the chance to destroy some, distracting the Kai.

"I brought that particular species all the way from the Sacred Land of the Kais," Zamasu said. His mouth set into a harsh, angry line, and his hand went to his side where energy formed into a sword. "You dare defile my only peace! I can't even GET those anymore!"

Zamasu swiped at Ginyus stomach. Ginyu dodged, jumping away, and SS4 Vegeta kicked him into the ground.

The dust settled, revealing Ginyu wasn't there. Vegeta and Goku tried to pinpoint his ki, but once again he was hiding it very well.

"Tch! Coward! Come face me!" Vegeta said.

Goku saw Ginyu teleport behind Vegeta, aiming to blast him with a kamehameha. "Vegeta! Behind you!"

SS4 Vegeta turned, crossed his arms to block the blast, but through the smoke Ginyu took his chance. "Ha! Let's see what you do about THIS!"

Goku used IT to get to Ginyu, grabbing his body, but didn't cover his mouth in time. Zamasu stepped back as Ginyu smirked, "CHANGE..NOW!"




Conton City- Bamboo Forest - Outskirts

Rhudas arms fell away from Trunks. He took a deep breath and finally asked, "You're...sure? I'm...just a character, and--"

"--No. I'm not sure...ano, that is...I'm scared. To...to lose you. But...I want to do as you said."

"As I said?" He turned towards her.

Rhuda nodded. "You told me its better to love and lose than to never love."

Trunks relaxed. He had told her that, hadn't he? Well, it settled the dispute within him to hear those words. He kneeled into a one legged squat, peering at her flustered face. After a seconds pause he asked, "Then...I won't hesitate either. Chisato, will you marry me?"




She flung into his arms and he caught her, both laughing awkwardly. Trunks said, "It's not the ideal place to ask that, but..."

"No. It's perfect. I mean, that...I can feel Trunks' heart better, like this."

Ahh. His girlfriend is way too cute.

Trunks held her to him and she pushed him over onto the grass, smiling away. The look of one with adoration and devotion. It was his first time seeing such a face, definitely his only time wanting to be with someone forever. He had been so used to losing people, saying goodbye to his world over and over, that it made the moment all the more precious.

It brought to mind the creator, who could erase this moment from his mind.

"Chisato...save the game. Just in case." He said.



Trunks felt her lips on him then, and he answered with all of his heart. He'd figure out a way to ensure they'd both be together, forever, even if it meant defeating the one who'd made him. He wouldn't lose her.


Shoot. He was doing it again. Too handsy---too aggressive.

Rhuda tilted her neck and offered it to him, and he brushed away her dark hair to sniff it. One, two licks before his teeth tasted her skin. He lightly bit, and the moan she released caused a wave of passion to swell inside his lower body. He growled and held her tightly, as if she would try to escape, and bit harder.

"Ah♥ T-Trunks--m-my body," she squeaked out, "---it's burning up."

On the verge of losing his mind and wanting nothing more than to harm her, Trunks took a ragged breath, but it only brought to mind that her heart was beating in rhythm to his. He could feel it pulsing under his cheek as he nuzzled her neckline.

This time he didn't fight the urge.


Her blood oozed into his mouth and he tasted its iron sweetness, salty flavor. She began to squirm away but he couldn't let her escape. He 'had' to do this, had to--to--

"T-Trunks...w-why are you d-drinking my blood?"

He couldn't talk without it coming out as some primal growl, but he tried to say, "Can't...stop it."

With another bite that bordered on cannibalism he finally had enough blood to swallow, and after doing so, his heart which had been racing calmed. It followed a new beat that jarred his senses too high. He could hear too many things at once. A flash of heat lightning blinded his mind, and right afterwards, an image appeared to him.

It was--

He knew the face.

That voice.

Shining dark hair and the eyes of one lost soul, coming together on a tiny face and body frame. It was Chisato--no, Chisato Shino--but how did he know that? Why did it look so different? There were too many things wrong. Too 'much'.

His body shook. He pushed Rhuda away and held his chest, trying to make sense of what what going on within his mind, but it was useless.


"S-Stay back!" He swiped her away, huffing for breath.

"What's wrong? A-Are you sick?"

("T-They wouldn't hurt him, would they? But what if the creator wanted to kill him off? But he's a main character--")

His body shook. Why could he hear her voice without her lips moving? Trunks grabbed his ears and shut his eyes, saying, "...Chisato. I'm...going to pass out now."

And he did.




Rhuda caught him as he fell, laying him down on the grass. There she stood watch over his form and saw that even in rest he was panting, shaking his head as if having nightmares. "T-Trunks..." she said, holding his hand.

What do I do?

Why did he bite me like that?

Should I load the game? Maybe I could prevent this from happening. But...what caused him to do that? It was like he became an animal!

Not that she hated it. It was the opposite. His teeth had bitten into her but the pain had faded fast, as though she'd taken a strong pain medication. It had made her want it all the more. Perhaps she was a glutton for pain, then.

"I...need to get him somewhere. His home! I need to bring him home."

She lifted him onto her shoulder and made way for the transporter. Just as soon as she had touched on the floating platform in the sky however, his watch began ringing. It kept ringing and she had no other choice but to answer it.


"Eh? Rhuda is answering Trunks' calls now?" Asked the SKOT.

"He..he's asleep." She lied.

"That's no good! We need him now! Ginyu took over Zamasus body, and Goku and Vegeta are fighting him, but he has all of Zamasus kai powers--Kya!"

"Skot! What's happened?"

"No time! We need Trunks' help! Goku, hold him down!"

The call cut off.

This was bad. Trunks was needed, and he was unconscious.

"Trunks...please wake up..."

She touched his forehead, feeling that it was too hot. A fever. And his body was sweating. Just what had happened to cause that?

Rhuda pulled from her satchel a sensu bean and crunched into it, giving him the pieces, but even after swallowing them he wasn't recovered. So it wasn't something psychical that could be fixed, then.

A loud explosion rang out from the Nest. It jarred everything, and the shock wave reached her on the platform, blowing wind across. She squint her eyes through it.

SS4 Goku appeared before her. "Rhuda!"

He grabbed her, who had Trunks' hand, and the three of them were IT to the Nest.

Goku let her go, and she could see that it was a battle zone. Vegeta was fighting Zamasu, now Ginyu, and Shallots body was helping, but because their foe could teleport anywhere it was hard to land a hit. Thus they'd destroyed much of the Nest.

SKOT ran over holding a scroll. She was out of breath but said, "Trunks is still asleep? Ah, I can't worry about that now. Here! Take this, Rhuda!"

She took the scroll. "Eh?"

SKOT and Goku faced Zamasu, who had caught sight of Rhuda and smirked. Over her shoulder SKOT said, "Go! You have to get to safety! I'll clean this mess up when I freeze time, but I need to make sure the location for the Super Dragon Balls remains out of our enemies hands!"

"...I need to go...somewhere?" Rhuda asked, unsure.

"Yes! That scroll will take you to the past. Don't worry, it's a peaceful time. Just lay low until I can fix all of this!"

She nodded. "...And Trunks?"

Goku answered that, "I'll watch over him. The others should be here any minute. Get going!"


Rhuda took the scroll and ran to the Vault, going into it. There she began crying. The girl didn't want to leave Trunks behind and go off on her own but had no choice. A menu option appeared:

[Go on mission? Yes / No]



[Just a minor explanation about the "bite". As saiyans are both humanoid and animal, I thought to myself, surely they would have instincts that their animal parts would have. Thus, this idea was born. I guess they'd be were-saiyans? I mean...they 'can' change into Apes at the full moon.]