
Trunks didn't sleep very well. There were too many things running through his mind for that, so he had left his bedroom and went to train in the gravity chamber. That helped some, until the moonlight turned into morning, and he began his day anew.

With one or two fresh cups of espresso of course.


His wrist watch beeped. He looked, seeing it was the security system picking up someone at the main entrance. Gohan.

'Of all the...! Why is he here?'

Trunks went to his bedroom, putting on fresh clothing on and left to greet his old friend, letting him inside. Albeit reluctantly. They walked through the foyer to the lower level living room, where Gohan finally spoke. "About biting her...you should know that Kolard was dying. I had no choice."

"I understand that. But what about kissing her, Gohan? And--you even drank her milk!"

Instead of being ashamed Gohan appeared calm and quiet. He pushed his glasses up. "Let me ask you a few things, Trunks. Why is it that you keep leaving her alone, when she's at her lowest?"

"W-What? I don't.."

Gohans dark eyes narrowed. "You did. She cried herself to sleep last night worrying about you. Not only that, but I can't help but notice you weren't too concerned knowing that she almost died out there. If I hadn't stepped in--you wouldn't even HAVE a girlfriend."

Trunks fell silent. 'That's not true. I was worried the whole time.' But thinking back, he didn't show that to anyone, choosing to keep his worries locked away, so as not to forget his mission. That was all.

"Did it ever occur to you that she might think you don't really love her?" Gohan asked. "...You know what I know. You've seen what she went through, yet you keep making her think these things! Grow up, Trunks!"

"Be quiet. You don't know everything." Trunks said. He forced himself not to be upset, but it was hard.

"I won't. She won't ever tell you what she feels, so I will." Gohan stepped closer, took his glasses off and folded them up, tucking them into his white shirt. "You know I can hear her thoughts. I can't help that. Last night...Chisato..." he trailed, raking a hand into his messy dark hair, "...she thought about leaving. Not just you, but everything. Going back to the real world."


'No..! She wouldn't..!'

Trunks heart leapt into his throat. "W-Why would she do want to do that!"

"...Because she'd rather you forget her than be mad. That's how she is. One wish is all it would take and you'd never remember she was even there." Gohan glared. "...Do you see now? What you've been doing--making her think the worst--it's only pushing her away."

"I...I didn't mean to...but..." Trunks swallowed.

'She wouldn't wish that, would she?'

"Look. I didn't come here to fight with you, Trunks. I can understand how you must be feeling. But...it's not just you anymore." Gohan said. "She's got a son. My son. And I won't stand by and watch as you force her into some decision you've made all on your own!"

"S-Shut up...Gohan. I--I know that."

"I don't think you do. I think you've got it in your head that she'll up and leave, all because YOU want her to. Did you even ask her? If she wanted to move out?"

Trunks grit his teeth. "...I didn't need to. You expect me to let her keep staying there, knowing how you feel about her? Don't be ridiculous."

"So what!" Gohan yelled. He shoved Trunks shoulder, "It's not like I'll stop caring about her just because she's farther away! The only thing you'd be doing is making her life harder. Kolard wouldn't be around his Dad, and she knows what that's like--did you forget how she grew up without her mom? And you want her to do the same thing to her son!"


'Not true, dammit! That's why I let her decide all on her own. But it's becoming too much with Gohan involved. It wasn't part of my plan, him having to know everything.'

Gohan and Trunks glared at one another. Sparks began to crackle up their bodies. It wouldn't be long and a fight would surely break out. Slowly Trunks exhaled and said, "..Get away from me, Gohan."

"You can't stand to hear it. Is that it? Well guess what...I'm not done!" Gohan transformed into his mystic form and shoved into Trunks, shouting, "Listen to me! I've been around women more than you have. There's never a good reason to leave them crying themselves to sleep! If you do it again, I'll--"

Trunks could take no more. His own energy rose and he grabbed the hilt of his sword. Through narrowed icy eyes he hissed, "--You'll what? Take her from me! Like hell you will!"

"Then show me I'm wrong!" Gohan said, punching towards his face. Trunks dodged and swiped his sword across Gohan, who jumped back. There they stood, poised to fight it out in Capsule Industries.

"What about Videl, Gohan! You have a child by another woman! You're not any better than I am," Trunks said.

"...She knows." Gohan squared his shoulders, "Unlike you, I can tell the truth. She already knew from the beginning that Kolard was mine."


"And she's okay with that?"

"We've been married for a few years now. Videl would never make me pick between her and my sons mother. She's just like that--and that's why I love her." Gohan said. His mystic form faded. "You could learn a lot if you'd try."

Trunks looked angrily to his dark boots. "...Maybe I could. But I...I can't...share her. First it was with Shallot, and now...even you. She's supposed to mine and only mine."

"Then act like it!"

"But--how do I--?" Trunks leaned forward as his shoulders sagged. It was hard to bear the thought of her gone, imagining his memories of his tiny girlfriend all erased.

"...For starters, making it up to her would be good. Take her somewhere nice." Gohan said, "She's not picky about those things. We both know she's never went anywhere for fun, even at school."

"Y-Yeah. I-I'll...see." Trunks dipped his head.

"And get the girl a cell phone. I have no way of checking on her and neither do you."


'I hadn't thought of that. With everything going on...a cell phone was the last of my worries.'

Gohan stepped over and touched his friends shoulder. "I know you love her, Trunks. But she's not just your girlfriend. She's the mother of my son, Gokus daughter, and a damn good fighter. Chisato has found herself a place here with us. You have to accept that she's not going to go back to being like before."


Their chat ended.


Gohans Home - Orange City

Rhudas eyes were caked over with salty tears as she woke to the sounds of Kolard wailing. It had been a long night, between all the fear and the inevitable panic attack that followed, the new young mother was unwell. She shifted and rolled out of bed, going to her sons crib and picking up the tiny baby, popping her breast to his mouth.

'I...fell asleep.'

Normally, if it were Conton Time Academy she would be restored with Stamina and Health, but it wasn't the case for sleeping elsewhere. What a shame.

She changed Kolards diaper as a peck came at the door.

It was Videl, holding Pans hand.

"Good morning," Videl said. Pan was in her Academy uniform and had a happy grin, and Videl looked ready for a day of work.

"Ah...good morning." Rhuda forced a smile.

"I'm taking Pan to school. If you need anything...well," Videl thought, "..you'll have to IT over to me. Alright?"

"Y-Yes. I'll be fine...thank you."

Pan ran over and gazed at Kolard, wanting to hold him. The three year old cuddled the boy and handed him back, "I wish he was big enough to play with me." She said, pouting.

"One day." Videl said, rubbing Pans head. "But for now, you can help take care of him."

"Yes. I'm sure he'll grow up well with you here," Rhuda added, giving them a smile. "Then you'll be wishing he wasn't so big!"

That made them chuckle. Videl said goodbyes and left with Pan.

Rhuda got ready for the day. A shower, a good teeth brushing, and a new outfit that wasn't a Gi or something from a capsule. It was womens clothing--a yellow blouse, a ruffled A-line skirt and matching brown sandals. As she looked into the mirror within her room, above the chest of drawers, Rhuda couldn't help but think she looked like a real lady. A grown up.


She prepared a bag for Kolard, knowing Gohan had left to talk with Trunks, and set off for Conton upon their agreed meeting place. However as her foot left the home she saw her boyfriend there with a bouquet of flowers. Trunks wasn't wearing his usual coat and shoes; he too was dressed casually. A striped blue and white long sleeve shirt and dark wash jeans. The white sneakers on his feet had a familiar C logo.

The flowers in his hands were all different kinds of color. "H-Hey.." Trunks said, looking her up and down appreciatively, "You uh, look very nice."

"Thank you! Y-You do, too."

He handed the flowers over. "I'm sorry about last night. Let's just forget it happened. If that's okay with you, I mean. No pressure."

"I'd like that." Her weight shifted as she inhaled the flowers, "I'll be back, just going to put them into water."

After returning they set off. Trunks offered to hold Kolard while they flew, and said he had cancelled the meeting at the Time Nest. "Eh? Why is that?" Rhuda asked.

"You need a break. That's why. And...I want to make it up to you. For...leaving like that."

"I'm fine..! Really! D-Don't go to such trouble for me, Trunks.."


Trunks couldn't help the feeling of guilt within his chest. Gohan had been right to scold him. It was easy to see how Rhuda was pushing herself, not wanting to be a bother or burden anyone, even at the expense of her own happiness. She deserved better. "...I want to take you away from here for awhile. A trip. Just uh, the two of us." He said, watching her long hair fly away in the wind.

She halted.

('Me and Trunks? Together?')

Her hands went to her cheeks, lower lip trembling. "W-Why would you w-want to do that?"

"I have all intentions of spoiling you." He confessed.



Real World - Shallots Home

He motioned around, "This is it. Home sweet home."

Bra entered his room cautiously, looking around like it were disgusting. Her blue eyes fell on Shallots extensive Light Novel collection, some with H theme. She lifted one up. "You were a pervert here too. Not surprised."

"Lay off me. I showed you my room, so now what?" Shallot asked.

Bra put the book back and sat down on his bed. She twirled a piece of her light blue hair. "...I...want to...talk."


"D-Don't give me that look!"

Shallot chuckled and flopped beside her on the bed lazily. His hand drifted out, touching hers. "...We can talk. But you know I'm not over Chisato...not by a long shot."

"Tch..I--I know that!" She shouted that out and eyed him shyly, adding, "Tell me...things. About yourself."

"I'm not a biography. Just ask me whatever."


Bra began a peppering of questions about 'Shiroui', amazed at the difference in Shallot and his actual self. They could have been different people altogether. As Shallot talked, growing more passionate and honest, Bra couldn't help but hang onto his every word. Finally when she'd ran out of questions, Shallot flopped on his back and stared in a daze at the ceiling. Bra leaned over, looking at him quietly, before she said, "...I like Shallot more. E-Even if we...argue...and...d-don't see eye to eye."

"Thanks. I think."

"What I'm saying is...can we try again?" Bra asked, fluttering her lashes.

"You want to date me? Knowing I like another chick? What, do you have the hots for me that bad?" Shallot couldn't help but ask.

"Shut up! I mean..." Bra nodded. "...I...I do. Maybe there's room for me in your heart somewhere. But I won't know unless...you let me in.."

Shallots cheeks grew hot. "Stupid!" He snagged her arm, which had been holding herself up, and pulled her into his armored chest. "...You'll be miserable. I'm not that great."

"I don't care if I'm miserable. As long as I can...be beside you."

'Jeez. When did Bra become like this? Was she always this cute?'

Shallot gave up. If Bra wanted to torture herself then so be it. "Alright. We can give it a go. But if you turn all high and mighty like before I'm calling it off. I...I didn't like fighting. That's why I...That's why I went out with Marron. Didn't have the guts to tell you the truth. I'm sorry about that."


Her shoulders trembled. Seeing that she was crying, Shallot moved her hair back and poked her nose. "Oi! That's in the past. The past."

"D-Don't pity me. I'm...only happy. That's all."

Like that, Shallot and Bra began a tentative relationship with each other.

[author] A double post, mostly because I know most of you are itching to get to the next Arc. But peace time has to come first, okay? and I think poor Trunks and Rhuda deserve to have time together before I sling them into even more danger. Thanks![/author]