69.0 R18+

[news]Mature Content. [/news]

Dende's Lookout

"We won't be seeing those two for awhile," Gohan said about Trunks and Rhuda. The two newlyweds had departed right away for the Time Chamber.

Videl chuckled. "I'll say. I'm sure when they come out, Kolard will have a brother."

Gohans dark eyes dipped a bit in thought. 'I hope he's gentle with her...dammit. I wish I could read her thoughts to know if she needs me.'

The baby in his arms pouted and cried, already missing his mothers energy. "It's okay Kolard. She'll be here again before you know it."




Time Chamber

"You're so red, Chisato." Trunks said, chuckling at his wife.

He had her pinned against the door already, hand around her waist.

She gave a squeak. "I'm just nervous."

"Why? Because you know I'm about to eat you all up? Or...that I won't let you go?" He smirked, tilted her chin to him and kissed her red lips.


From the door to the room for resting, Trunks Briefs led her to the twin size bed and tossed his bride onto the springy, white covered mattress. It was a beautiful sight; Rhuda dressed all in white, veil pulled away, and the expression of bashfulness. He could hardly contain himself.

('We're about to have...sex...')

"That's right." Trunks crawled onto the bed and pulled his brown boots off, tossing them away. "Lots of it."

He loosened his tie, unbuttoned his vest and the shirt underneath. When that was done, Trunks shed the rest of his clothing until he was completely naked. "...It's your turn, beautiful," he said over his shoulder.


She only took off her heels and veil. "T-the zipper is at the back.."

With a chuckle Trunks turned around, and she caught sight of his muscled nude glory.

"T-Trunks is n-naked!" Like that his bride covered her eyes. "I--I'm so embarrassed!"

"Don't be. It's just us here."

He unzipped her pretty dress and speckled her tan backside with kisses.



Rhuda found herself wedged against his naked chest as he pulled her dress away one handed. "There. Much, much better," he said.

'Don't look!'

"I'm looking. I'm going to memorize everything about you, head to foot." Trunks said, kissing the nape of her neck. His rough hands brought a slew of tingles when they began massaging up and down her spine. She shivered in delight and slowly turned around, hiding her chest with her hands.

"Only for Trunks...I'll be this way." She said, lowering her hands down.

The blue of his gaze captured her body and heart with its warmth. He hugged her naked chest to his, raspy voice saying, "...I'm honored. You're the most beautiful woman in the universe. And you're all mine..."


They tongued, lapping the others saliva for a time. Rhuda couldn't believe how she was finally his wife, finally a part of his family. Her eyes filled with tears of happiness.

Trunks licked them away, his own eyes shining. "That's right. You're Chisato Briefs. Although..I guess you could go by Rhuda Briefs."

"Ano...which one does Trunks like more?"

"Of course it's Chisato." He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over her lower lip, smearing the red lipstick. "It will always...be Chisato, for me."

He began to kiss down her front, pecking the smooth skin softly. Each kiss was a reminder that they'd chose one another over everything, everyone, and every obstacle.

The minutes passed by until Rhuda broke away for air, only to be pulled back in, Trunks tongue shoved deep within her mouth.

'Everything is on fire...If I died now I'd be happy...'

('Then if you'd died, would this be heaven?')

The lovers shared a mutual gaze, before both laughed. "Heaven it is," Rhuda said, looking down his body. "Because...Trunks looks perfect."

"Y-You can touch me, you know." He teased.

"Ano...tell me if I...do something you like."

Rhuda shyly caressed the tops of his tight muscles, gently gliding down, up, and down again. It must have felt good because her husband shut his eyes and grunted.

('Her hands are so soft. I definitely like this, Chisato. Maybe you could go lower?')

She did so, kneading her palm into his abdomen, pelvis and manhood. At the last of that list Trunks groaned, parting his mouth. "T-That feels great."

His large peachy dick was quite warm in her hand and also strange to touch, but she put her fingers around it and gave it a squeeze of bravery.

"Ngn!" She heard.

('Easy...! T-That's really sensitive.')

With a bite of her lip she massaged the two hanging things below it, deciding they were very strange and nothing at all like balls, but more like two squishy eggs.

"E-Eggs...ha...ha.." Trunks leaned away and laughed, "...Yeah. I can see that."

"You're laughing."

"Sorry. I uh, couldn't help it. You're too cute." Trunks moved her hand up and down his erection, "But please...continue. If you want. No pressure."

"Yes." She once more caressed him, gently, and when the smell of him rose to her nose she pulled her hand to her face, sniffing it. 'This is what he smells like...'

It was odd. Not quite bad, but not a wonderful smell either, as though one needed to try it a few times before acquiring a taste. Still, Rhuda eased him onto his back on the squeaky mattress and eyed his manhood. "Ano...could I try licking it?"

"Haa...y-yeah. Of course.." was his shy answer.

Her hair fell around her face quite annoyingly when she tried. She brushed it aside several times, the thickness suffocating, until Trunks carefully lifted it aside and kept it there in his grip. The redness on his handsome face spread to his ears, too. Slowly Rhuda opened her mouth and dared a lick at the main tip, looking up at him to be sure it wasn't bad.


('Damn that tickles!')

"Is this okay?" She asked.

"You're killing me Chisato...P-Please...put it all in your mouth."

'Put it all? But...it won't fit!'

She tried anyway. Her jaws spread wide when pushed apart by his stature, until as far down as she could go without choking. As it was her oxygen was somewhat restricted.

('Oh God..I'm going to get off way too fast.')

'Get off? Should I...move?'

His tight eyes squint down, "N-Not what I meant. Haa...ah..."

Confused but determined, Rhuda sucked him as best as she could, finding that he enjoyed it immensely. His scent had grown stronger, as did the tensing of his thighs.

('Faster, please.')

Her tongue didn't know where to go so it lapped around him instead, being forced aside with every deepening. Then his hands wound into her hair and pushed her along at his own pace, which was quite fast.

'I can't...breathe...I'm gonna puke!'

Trunks had a much more aggressive approach and pushed her head down him until she thought he really wanted her to eat him. Her eyes pricked with hot tears, gazing up at him pitifully while she fought down vomit.

('I'm...going to cum in your mouth!')

'Cum? Ah--that must mean--'

"Hurk...!" His head fell backward.

The large thing in her mouth convulsed, and as her esophagus was already wide open, something sour and salty and very hot shot down into it. Alarmed, Rhuda shoved his hands off and sat up, touching her tongue which tingled. "Ngn!"

"Ha...ha...d-damn..." Trunks had a hard time breathing for a minute. Finally he rose his head, and Rhuda could see sweat on his red face.

"A-Are you okay?" She asked, leaning over him.

('Fine. Just gotta...calm down...')

He hugged her and rolled, panting into her ear. "You...ate our kids," he said.

"B-But--I-I didn't mean to!"

Not understanding that he were merely teasing, Rhuda began to cry. "Uuu...I wasted them. I'm so sorry...!"

"C-Chisato...it was a joke," Trunks said.

'But they're gone in my belly now!'


"Hic..why are you laughing at me.." she whimpered, pouting.

('Because I can make more kids in a few minutes. Don't worry...there's plenty.')

"I...I see."

He wiped her eyes and kissed her nose. "Thanks, by the way. I always wondered what it'd be like for you to do that."

"You mean, eating our babies?"

"N-Not exactly...I uh, meant eating 'me.'"

Her cheeks grew red. "T-Then I'm happy that I was able to help you."

"I'll return the favor."


Trunks smirked, snatching her wrists up with one hand. He straddled her body, looking down its curves with appreciation.

'So beautiful...this is my wife. Who I'll get to make love to every night.'

"Ano..every night?"

"Y-Yeah. For sure."

"But what if I'm sick?" She asked, blushing cutely up at him.

"Er...maybe not if you're sick."

His free hand slid down, cupping the left breast and gave it a squeeze. Whiteness leaked out.

'Gohan got to taste it. It's...my turn.'

She whimpered as soon as his mouth licked the erect pink areola.

('Trunks tongue is so w-warm..')

"The better to eat you with my dear," he said, chuckling.

He pulled her breast into his mouth and gave it a little nibble. "Haa....t-those are sensitive," she said, straining against her bound wrists.

'Sorry. Couldn't help it. They're like cherries on an ice cream cone.'

Indeed, her nipples were even leaking vanilla cream into his mouth. It slipped over his tongue and he lapped at it, finding the sweetness invigorating and addicting. Trunks was mildly jealous of Kolard, getting to eat that every day. He drank her some more, listening to every cute whimper and protest his wife had, until the smell of her fertile fluids was too great to ignore.

Trunks kissed his way down her flat stomach, nibbled the hip meat, and made his trek further. He sniffed her pelvis possessively. 'Oh man...it smells amazing.'

('His breath is tickling me!')

Hearing that, he blew more breath onto her pelvis. "Haa...! Y-You're t-teasing me too much," she said.

Trunks gazed up at her, face hidden partially from the rise of two mountains. His wife was too cute with her sparkling green eyes lowered demurely, a rosy hue on her tan face, tiny lips open. Perhaps he was being a little too playful. Still..

His blue eyes trailed down to her womanhood. It had been shaved, looking shiny and free of blemish, one tiny mole off to the right side. He kissed that mole, trailing his lips over to the center, where her red clit was glistening wet and slightly swollen with desire.

('Trunks is kissing it! I'm going crazy...!')

'I'm going to do more than kiss it, beautiful.'

He wedged his nose between the slit and inhaled the lovely aroma of her pussy, ripe and ready for him to take. His lips opened and he began to slather his spit all across her pelvis, from top to bottom hungrily.

"Agn! T-Trunks--! I-I can't handle it!"

She tried to move her arms down in an effort to push him away but he held fast, moving them to the side instead.

'Relax. I won't hurt you.'

('It's too tickly! It feels like there's a million insects crawling down there...!')

He paused long enough to chuckle and began anew, focusing on her clit, pushing it side to side. Her thighs clamped around his head instantly, trying to pull him away. "Hya! T-Trunks!"

That made him lean away, freeing her hands to press her legs apart. As he invaded again in new territory, her fingers wound into his hair and pulled at the roots.

'E-Easy. That kinda hurts.'

('I'm sorry I can't help it!')

"Ahn~! T-Trunks is e-eating me---I feel so good!"

He ignored the throbbing of his head and worked harder, faster, noting that she was now burrowing her pelvis to his face, widening it just for him. The scent of her pussy, coupled with the pleasure he knew she had caused his dick to come roaring back to life and throb painfully.

Rhuda let his hair go. Instead, she pulled the nape of his neck towards her, crushing his face against her pussy. He coughed a little, choking on her liquid before darting his tongue into her cervix. It wouldn't be long he sensed.

('Ah...! It's like there's a snake in there slithering around. T-Trunks, please go faster!')

He did so with a mild jaw cramp, focusing his attention on the top part of her cervix, lapping the space eagerly.

"Ha...ahn...I-I'm going to pee on you~!"

'Go ahead.'

Her orgasm exploded in his mouth. "Nnn--!" Rhuda clamped her legs tightly despite his grip on them, squishing his head, her hands shoving him to her painfully tight while he did his best to clean her up with his tongue.

When it was over with he broke free gasping for air. "Haa....haa..."

Trunks plopped onto the bed and caught his breath, tucking her to his side. She, too was panting.

The lovers shared a smile before laughing. "Ah ha..."

('We're laughing...what's wrong with us?')

Yet they continued to do so, until Trunks shook his head and kissed her hair. "Beats me. Maybe we're both crazy."

"Yes," she said, nuzzling his sweaty chest. "I'm crazy over Trunks."

"Chisato, you should know I'm going to hurt you the first time. But if it gets too much...I'll try to stop."

"Don't," she said, tracing her hand down his cheek, "Even if Trunks kills me I'll die happy."

"...You're too cute...jeez..."

He rose himself up and put her legs atop his shoulders, and looked down at his bride. "Do you want to make Tie, now?"

"Yes! I want to have Trunks' baby right away."

"O-Okay then. J-Just remember you asked for this."

He slowly slid his dick against her, running it over the wetness to ease the entrance. It wouldn't be enough, but at least he tried.

With a shriek from her that echoed from the white abyss of the Time Chamber, Trunks Briefs pushed his nine inches inside Rhuda as far as he could and stole her virginity in one fell swoop.

It was amazing. But not enough.

"Ngn! Ah...." she gnawed her lip and tearfully peered up at him. "I-It does sting quite a bit..."

"Sorry. But uh...I still have a little more to go."


('But you're already so far...! In my belly!')

'Sorry about this.'

He pulled out, and with a, "Haa...ah!" rammed inside sharply, so sharply Rhuda screamed and thrashed her legs around his blonde head.

"Hya! T-Trunks is too far! Too far!"


The pain was too much to bear for Rhuda. She could feel that he'd done something, tore apart her body from the inside. There was a great burning down below, along with immense pressure from being split apart. In contrast her hymen ripping was merely a scratch.

She rose onto her elbows and tried to push him away but couldn't; her teal eyed husband held fast.

('You okay?')

'No...! It hurts so much!'

Hot tears filled her eyes and flowed freely. "Uuu..."

"...Sorry. I'm just too big for you. There wasn't another choice."

He didn't move a muscle, poised like a statue above her. Like that they stayed until her tears stopped. "Hic...what was that....that ripped? I-It wasn't my womb, was it?" She asked him.

Trunks nodded. "Yeah. I uh, kinda broke it?"

"Y-You broke m-my womb?"

With a peck to her forehead he said, "Don't worry. I'll give you a sensu bean as soon as we're done, okay?"

"Y-Yes...please...c-continue, then."

Permission granted Trunks eased in and out, watching as Rhudas manicured nails tore into the bed sheet, making holes inside the mattress. "Hnn-!"

To say it was pleasure filled would be a lie. She was in great pain but endured, wanting to bear his child at any cost. He was gentle at first, but that burning of both her womb and of his super saiyan state caused fresh tears with every thrust, until Trunks told her he would go faster to be done.


If it hurt before, now it was simply torture. He was so deeply inside her tiny body that she could see his every movement pushing her belly outwards. He saw it, too. "...Look, Chisato...that's me...in there.."

She stared at it while thrashing, nodding. "Uuu..! M-My belly--you're inside it--!"

When it became too much she pleaded to stop and he shook his head. "...Sorry. If we stop now...I'll have to do it all over again. But..."

Trunks kissed her and used that touch to heal her body with his Kai healing ability. It helped just enough.

"Haa....you feel amazing...my wife," he said down to her, shutting his eyes in pleasure.

His dick she could feel pulsing and throbbing, adding to the intense pressure of him. Her legs were shaking, being held up by his head, and each thrust brought with it waves of intense, sharp pain, until he finally rammed so hard spit flew from her mouth and drizzled out the corner.

"I-I'm cumming in you!" He said.

After saying that his swollen dick pulsed in time with his heart beat, releasing its treasure straight into her broken body. She heard the most wonderful of noises from his mouth as her womb was filled with seeds. In fact, his blue eyes even dripped sweet tears onto her sweaty face.

"I love you Chisato...." he said, setting her legs down and falling forward. His blonde hair fell down as well, lilac once more.

She cried into his pretty hair and rubbed his wet back. "I love Trunks."

"You did so well, beautiful."

"C-Can I have a sensu bean now...?"

He propped himself up as tears ran down, kissing every inch of her face. "...Yes."




Six weeks passed in the Time Chamber.

With each week, they made love one time, using a sensu bean until all six had been utilized.

"Good morning."

Trunks pecked her cheek, tickling the side of her jaw with his nose. She nuzzled him lovingly. It was the final day of the sixth week. Trunks had said it would be enough to ensure Tie would be made, and thus the day for departure came.

"Good morning...handsome."

His erection was at long but held at bay, barely. Trunks gave his wife time to come to herself as he sat up and stretched. "Man. Today's the day."

"Yes. We leave today, don't we?"

"Yeah. The party must go on," he said, chuckling. "It's been six weeks for us but only an hour and a half out there. I hope they left us some food."



Rhuda pulled the cover to her nude chest, twirling a lock of her wild hair, "C-Can you hold me some more?"

"...My wife is too cute..." Trunks smile and threw himself to her, squishing her to him. "...You don't need to ask for hugs. I'm all yours. Forever."

"B-But what if Trunks doesn't want a hug?"

"Not gonna happen. As long as it's you I'll definitely want a hug."

She held her loving husband fondly and played with his silky hair, smiling. "I'm glad. The best place for me is in your arms."

"You....really..." Trunks pushed her down to the bed, looking at her lips. "...Saying that...makes it hard to leave, you know?"

"B-But we're all out of sensu beans." She said.

"Which is why you need to get used to me, Chisato. I'm not going to get any smaller."

"H-How can I?"

He smirked and sat up, rolling his bicep. "Lots of 'training' every night."


"...C'mon, let's head out. We have a cake to cut."

On the sixth day of the sixth week, Trunks and Rhuda left the Time Chamber hand in hand.