Move 5: Few New Things

Oli's POV

"Young Lord!!"

The children shouted when they saw me walking along with Michael. They immediately swarmed me and asked a question they were always asking.

"What's for lunch later, Young Lord?" In unison, they asked me.

"Hahahaha! Let's see… Secret!! HAHAHAHA!!" I replied with a teasing tone.

"Awwww!! Young Lord, don't want to tell us." One of the children said.

"Hey! Did you forget? All the foods the Young Lord gave us were all delicious! So, even if the Young Lord won't tell us, it doesn't matter because it is guaranteed to be delicious!" Rex said. He was the one who acted as a leader of all the children.

"Well, Rex was right! Just wait until lunchtime, and you will know it." I said while rubbing Rex's head.

"Now, continue playing. Captain Michael and I were talking about something really important." I added.

"OKAY!!" The children replied in unison, and they got back to playing.

"Hahahaha! The children were always excited about the food the Young Lord would distribute to everyone. Well, I can't blame them. Even the adults were always looking forward to it." Michael said.

"I'm pleased to know that," I said, then I looked in the direction of the tents.

It's been three weeks since I discovered the ring that opened a portal towards this new world. I learned a few things about this new world.

After a series of events that transpired in the village of Leefside, the villagers started to gather straws and cut some logs.

When I noticed it, I asked Michael about what they were doing. And Michael replied, "They were preparing to build their new houses."

Before I realized it, I opened the portal and went back to my room to order some tents online. After a few hours of waiting, my order arrived at my address, and I put all the tents inside my room. Wherein, I bring it back to Chronos.

Then when I finished bringing all the tents, I called Michael and some men to help me carry all the tents towards the village. After that, I called all the adults and introduced the tents to them. I also showed them how to properly arrange it and set it up.

At first, they had a confused expression and looked at me as if I was some sort of crazy young man, but after I finished setting it up, their jaw gasped when they realized what I was setting up looked like a house.

Then they swarmed me, and some asked questions regarding the tent. I answer their questions with an understandable explanation. After the question and answer portion, I started to show them again how to set it up. And to my surprise, they efficiently followed all the steps and instructions. Within an hour, all seventy tents were set up within the village.

I told them that for the time being, tents would be their home.


The world I was in–this new world was called Chronos.

When I saw the remains of the burned map of Chronos, I asked Michael about it, he said that it was the Confederation. The group of Kingdoms that band together to fight against the Federation in their South.

Additionally, Michael showed me the map of the Vedrain Kingdom. And the Leefside village was part of Didi Dukedom.

And to be sure, when I get back on Earth, I would buy a world map and compare it to the map of Chronos.

I also learned a few shocking pieces of information.

It happened three weeks ago after finishing setting up all the tents. Some adults hunted deer, boars, and rabbits in the forest to have a meat stew for dinner.

After thirty minutes of hunting, the adults bring back one of each animal. While the animals were being skinned and removing the blood, women were starting the preparation to cook all the meat.

And at exactly seven pm, the meat stew was done. Before they started to distribute the stew, Michael introduced me to all the villagers as a Noble. Like the first gesture Michael, all the villagers started to act formally and began to bow their heads which was very uncomfortable for me.

Anyway, when the stew was distributed, and I received mine, the moment I tasted it, one word escaped from my mouth…


Michael and Zion looked at me with confused expressions. Like earlier, I started to explain what I meant, but the two replied, "There's nothing wrong with the taste. It tastes like usual."

So I asked them, where is the spice?

They looked at each other before turning their heads on me.

Then Zion asked me, "Young Lord, spice? What's that? This is the first time I heard that word."

I stated some common spices that can be found on Earth-like salt, pepper, garlic, and chili powder.

I also added that spices were an ingredient added when cooking so that foods would have a delicious taste.

And Zion replied, "In my fifty-five years of living, this is the first time I heard the word spice. What's more, it could transform foods into something new and delicious."

Then Michael started to tell them about the sandwich I gave to him.

If the fifty-five years Zion doesn't know about spice, there is a chance that there is no spice existing here on Chronos.

On the other hand, there is also a chance that the information he knew has changed.

The Vedrain Kingdom was weak and poor, so the possibility of not getting recent and new information was quite high.

For the time being, I assumed that there was no spice here, not until I verified this information.


And this happened two days after the villagers settled down in the tents.

While the villagers were sorting all their property, they took it from their burned houses.

I noticed one specific thing.

The villagers had this in different shapes.

It is one of the most valuable and expensive metals on Earth, and it was used to exchange money, like jewelry and some other things. And if you have a lot of this, people consider you a wealthy individual.


The villagers were treating the gold as if it was worthless. They were throwing it on the side without blinking an eye. Then. I walked towards the location of the golds and took one of them.

When I asked Michael about this, he explained that gold was considered here on Chronos as a mere decoration due to its natural shininess and attractiveness.

Gold here has zero value. They can't use it to exchange some valuable resources.

Michael also added that there are a lot of gold mines located in each Kingdom and empire. The thing goes for the Vedrain Kingdom.

I blurted out of nowhere that in the place I came from, gold was a precious metal and could be used as a resource to exchange something valuable.

When the villagers heard what I said, they gave me all the gold they had because, for them, they don't need it. And at this moment, I have a lot of gold stored here. It was all placed in the small storage house.

I started selling all the gold on Earth but in small amounts to avoid suspicion. And I used all the money I got from selling the gold to buy food for everyone and preparing to rebuild all the houses and walls. I want to help them get back on their own feet and not depend on me.

Before I realized it, all the villagers considered me their new leader.

Their new Baron, to be exact, and I don't know, but I enjoyed managing all the people here. I feel like I was starting a new game in the age of wars.

"Michael," I called.

"Yes, My Lord?" Michael replied.

"Is there any Kingdom near Vedrain where we could trade seeds, livestock, and horses and get new information? A place where we could buy anything."

"There is, My Lord. On the Southeast of Vedrain is located the Kingdom of Baijan. Merchants from the Literra Empire have their business in the Kingdom of Baijan.

To the daily necessity from slaves, you could buy anything if you have money." Michael said.

"Hmm… Is that so? How many days does it take to arrive at Baijan?"

"On foot, seven to eight days. But if we were riding a horse, four to five days, My Lord." Michael.

"Sadly, we didn't have a horse. So, walking was our only option."

'And I can't ride a horse. I have a lot of gold in my possession. Maybe I can afford practicing now.'

"Then, I would prepare all the necessary things that we needed while traveling," Michael said. He doesn't even ask if I have any money to spend.

"Sounds good…" I replied while nodding.

Michael just slightly bowed his head.

I looked at all the tents.

At the children who were playing, at the adults who were doing their own thing, at the families laughing at each other.

Maybe… I found what I want to do.