Move 19: First Battle

'Why did it turn out like this? I thought we could win, but why?! Why?!' Oli thought while gritting his teeth as he resisted the dagger pointing towards his throat.


Oli put all of his remaining strength while resisting the attack. But what could he do against someone who was trained to kill ever since he was a kid?

Oli grew up and lived in Earth's era where war happened in selected countries, and peace was globally adhered.

Oli was about to give up and accept his fate, but then he remembered. He remembered where he came from, a world that was more advanced in every aspect compared to this world.

A few hours ago.

Oli opened his eyes at the sound of his alarm clock. He stretches his body before getting up.

"Ah. This was the best sleep I had!" Oli mumbled while looking at his large bedroom.

Yesterday, after Oli signed the required documents and gave the payment, he immediately moved out and moved here to his newly acquired condo.

Oli immediately went to the bathroom to prepare. After that, Oli brewed a coffee and stood in his large window where the entirety of the City could be seen.

"So this is what those in the upper class could see daily. Hahahahaha! I feel like I was one of them!"

After Oli finishes all the things he needs to do, then opens the portal, but before stepping in, Oli brace himself. After he stepped into this portal, everything would change, including himself. He will become Baron Oli Von Alexander, the Lord of the Leefside Barony. And as the Baron, he needed to defend his land from the people who had evil intent toward his people or land.

Oli checked himself. He wears his comfortable tunic attire. And finally, he touched the colt cobra revolver in the holster strap on his right leg.

Due to a lot of permits that needed to own one, Oli never held or fired a real gun in his entire life. The only time he grasped one is when he bought and got this revolver, and maybe this day if Oli was cornered in a situation, he would use this. grasp

He knew he was not an expert, nor did Oli have experience firing one. But Oli was sure that if he could get close to his target, he couldn't possibly miss the shot.

Now that everything was ready, Oli stepped into the portal and went to Chronos.


In Chronos, Leefside.

Oli steps out of his scrap house. Eli made this house for Oli, but because Eli had a lot of things to do, he made it out of scraps in a quick manner. So, it's unfinished and unpolished.

Oli has no problem with this house at the moment. As long as it has walls that could shelter and cover him while he opens the portal, it's good.

Oli saw that the villagers were having their breakfast. They were the men and women who remained in the village. The children and the elders were in the forest where the safe house was located.

Due to the lack of manpower, the women stayed in the village even if Oli wanted them at the safe house.

"Ah! My Lord!" Zick exclaimed after he saw Oli. The others followed suit.

"Can I join you?" Oli asked.

"Hahahaha! Come on now, My Lord. Why do you always ask for our permission? Everything in the Barony is yours. So no need to ask us, your vassal." Rita said while laughing.

'Rita, forty years of age. A mother of one and a widow. Her husband died one year ago when the soldiers from the Credia Empire attacked. Her husband dies while protecting her when he sees that Rita was about to get raped.' Oli thought while looking at Rita.

Now Oli looked at the man standing at the back. 'Jose, forty-five years of age. He is a widower, the same as Rita, but Jose's whole family died two years ago at the hands of the attackers.

All of the villagers of Leefside had experienced losing their loved ones and their families. And the perpetrator of that experience was the Credia Empire.

I don't know what's with them that they kept harassing and pillaging Leefside. What's worse is that they keep killing everyone. For god's sake, they were Knights! An actual trained Knight! They were not some sort of bandits who had no morals to follow!' Oli thought.

Oli once again looked at everyone. He hoped that they could still eat like this. After all the events that were about to happen.


Credia Empire, Ashur village.

"Is everything ready?" Heng asked impatiently.

Tin only sighed internally before answering his Lord's son. "It is, My Lord."

"If that was the case then, what the fuck are we still idling here?! Instead of loafing around here, we should start our march towards that village!" Heng blurted out.

Tin lost count of how many times he took a deep breath. "Everything is ready, My Lord, but we are still waiting for the mercenaries we hired to arrive here. But rest assured. The moment they arrive, we are going to march immediately."

As the war between the Credia Empire and Literra Empire was brewing, most of the soldiers and Knights were assigned to the border or the strategic points.

The Credia Empire sees the Vedrain Kingdom as not a threat to their mighty Empire. That's why they leave the border unguarded or with a few soldiers to guard. This was the first time a Noble and a Knight were sent here to protect the boundary.

"Tch! Fucking useless!" Heng mumbled, but Tin still heard it right.

Tin only shook his head and waited for the mercenaries to arrive.

And it didn't take a lot of time to wait because moments later, twenty-five mercenaries arrived.

"Now. Let's go to our hunting ground." Heng said while having an evil smile.


Aklas river, Vedrain Kingdoms' territory.

Michael and the three brothers, Zack, Zeck, and Zock, were scouting the other side of the river using binoculars.

"Still, I can't even think where the Lord got this thing." Zack casually said.

"You're right, first brother. From the spices and wine glass to this. I can't wait to see what remarkable thing the Lord will show us next." Zeck said.

"The Lord even thought of the appropriate field system we could use on our farming lands. Hahahahaha! The Lord's idea still amuses me every time I think of it. How about you, Sir Michael? Do you even get curious about where did the Lord get all of these unique things? The Lord and you were always talking to each other. So could I assume that you were close to each other?" Zock said, then he looked at Michael, who was currently looking at his binoculars.

Michael was used to this kind of mood.

If a Knight saw or heard this kind of conversation, he would surely erupt in anger. A Knight and a commoner are different from each, and the commoner should always talk and act respectfully to the Knight at all times.

But Michael is different. He doesn't care about status or such. What matters to him is that they have known each other for a long time and possibly trust their back to each other when the fight breaks out.

"Hmmm… Close? Well, you could say it that way. But if I remember correctly, all our conversations were related to the Barony or other territories. We don't talk about our matters, and I know that the Lord had a secret, and that secret was the key to all of these things.

But I don't intend to ask the Lord about that. Everyone has their secret. So, if you, brothers, don't want to lose the trust that the Lord gave to each of you, don't even try to uncover the Lord's secret.

If the Lord trusted you enough, the time would come that he is going to tell his secret. And knowing the Lord, he is going to say it casually." Michael said without looking at the three brothers. He was still looking at the binoculars intently.

The three became silent as they pondered the words Michael spoke, but they woke up in their stupor when Michael alerted them.

"One of you! Quick! Rode a horse immediately back to the village! Notify the Lord that the attackers were now preparing to cross the river!" Michael quickly said.

The three jolted when they heard it, and they immediately picked up their binoculars. From here, they saw the group of men preparing to ride the boat to cross the river.

Three quivers as they remember how these people slaughter their parents, friends, and all the villagers they caught.

"What are you still doing here?! Quickly! Go back to the village and notify the Lord!" Michael forcefully looked at the three, who froze in their tracks.

"I-I-I will do it! I will do it!" Zock immediately said, and he quickly rode his horse and rode back to the village to notify Oli.

"Zack and Zeck were going to slowly retreat to the village. Like what the Lord said, our role is to observe where the attackers are! Every time they advance on their march, one of them will go back to the village and notify the Lord what the attackers' position and how far they are before they can arrive at the Barony!

This is the first official task our Lord gives to us. And in our hands rests all the information the Lord needed! Now, let's hurry and change our position." Michael seriously said as he walked toward his horse. The two followed Michael.

The three rode their horses to their new position as they observed Heng and the others marching their way towards the Barony of Leefside.

Now. The first battle of Oli here on Chronos was approaching.

And later, when Oli built his Empire, this event would be known as the First Shot of the Revolution.