Three unfriendly guests

The scent of lavender and soil by the river after it rained had always reminded Gin of things from the past. Whether they were the times that he would accompany Lady Rosalyn to the woods, deep into Trius Mountain, or whenever she would sneak out and head to the mountain next to theirs - Teserus, the largest and farthest mountain away from the center of the land, this scent always traveled with them.

Gin had mixed feelings about it.

Some days, he hated this scent. Then there were those days that he liked it, even looked for it.

Because this scent always managed to bring him back to where he should be. 

As magical as the tree before him was, that part was also the same – it was something he would always take with him, something he would never forget the source of.

"Do you understand now, Gin?" Sev asked him, gentle as ever as he breathed out and smiled.