Chapter 14 Fights

Chapter 14

"Who was that?" Noah asked from the hip of files on his desk

"It was Miss. Lora."

"What did she want?"

"I don t know sir, I didn t ask her; she only said you should call her back, they were some important issues she would like to discuss." James replied

Noah was quiet, as he continued his work, probably it s about Susan, since they were cousins, she would have told Lora what happened, but that is not something that needs discussing? He pondered as he worked.

Grace sat down on her desk with a heavy thud, she couldn t shake the happy faces, that was looking at her when she came out from the boss's office until one of the staff walked over to her

"That was amazing, I never knew there was someone who could talk down to that show of, honestly when they made her your mentor; I sort of pitied you from a distance, but I am glad, you are not a weak one, good work." The staff said as patted me on the shoulder