Chapter 16 The sudden promotion

Chapter 16

The Sudden promotion

Lora glared at Noah for a while, despite he couldn t do anything about the unbreakable law of no relationship among staffs; doesn t mean he can t get involve if he wants to.

For years, the law wasn t the reason people were careful and afraid of the O.S publishing film it was because of him; Noah Creed who didn t allow any crime or misconduct go unpunished.

The fact is that when she heard he was going to take over this film, Lora was happy because there was a lot of things that needed correcting here, and when he did come, it was not disappointing at all.

But now, what happened to him? Why is he trying to destroy the perfect image he had taken time and effort to build, because trust me, when the news of his affair with an intake gets out; things will get messy, not just for him but for every one, and she doesn t intend to let that happened.