Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Welcome to the university!

Settling in to everyday life proves to be difficult for Tiffany who is faced with difficulties wherever she turns. From the girl she tied to the table with the guy she unknowingly passed in the hallway with howard, it just seems like every one is out to get her and she's just recently added a new person onto that list, Howard? himself.

Transformed Tiffany makes her way into the building to register for her classes. She manages to make it to the office just in time as the teacher is leaving for the day and gets her picture taken for her ID, but that means that she has to stay as transformed Tiffany.

As she's leaving, she stares at a picture on the wall of her father and asks the teacher about him. He reveals that the man, mr Bernard, is an honor alumni of the school as he was the president of the Student Council and had other great achievements. Tiffany wonders if he teaches at the school but is disheartened to hear that he left after he graduated.

Back at the company, Daniel ask howard about his fiancée that every news outlet and social media website are talking about. Howard's not paying attention, though, as Daniel lectures him about what it means to be an idol with a positive influence. He and his stylist try to tell him that there can't be rumors about him being in a relationship but howard still ignores them, even as the paparazzi call Daniel.

In order to satisfy the curiosity of the paparazzi, Daniel says that the girl in the pictures is a new assistant at the agency and promises to set up an interview with her. However, he runs into a problem when he asks Howard for information about her as he tries to construct a story. Howard doesn't remember her name, saying some other random name at first, and he doesn't know where she went.

Tiffany enters her dorm for the first time and meets Laurence, her roommate. She's a soft-spoken and nice girl who goes out shopping with Tiffany for some of the items she needs in order to begin her new life at school. Once they came back, their arms full of bags, they seem like old friends as Laurence shows her around the school.

As they enter a building, hoards of girls rush in to crowd around. Tiffany wants to see what's going on but Laurence advises not to as she begins to explain that there are 3 popular and handsome guys of the school and it's better not to get involved with them. This is like the F4 but with only 3 guys, so maybe like Good Morning Call, only...we actually see the third guy?

But the first guy on the list is the gentleman, Jeff who is also the president of the Student Council. He's also good in sports as well as academics, having a killer smile that can melt any of his opponents, male or female.

The second is our resident bad boy, Kensington, the guy that saw howard and Tiffany in the hallway of the hotel. Laurence explains that he's the bully of the school and tells her to remember to avoid eye contact with him for more than 3 seconds.

Finally, the number one in the school is none other than howard. Tiffany? gets angry at the sight of him coming down the stairs with jeff and when asked if she's a fan, she claims she's definitely not and calls him a jerk.

Jeff and howard make their way through the crowd and didn't notice Tiffany giving them an evil glare from the side. They manage to pass by, even though Tiffany wants to throw a chip at him, but it doesn't take long before kengsington draws attention to her. He yells down to Howard that his fiancée is standing over there and tells him to take care of her.

They both spot each other and, unsure of what to do with his fans around, howard announces that he doesn't have a fiancée and that he doesn't know that person. Kengsinton, clearly not getting the reaction he wants, goes his separate way as howard and jeff head towards the elevator.

Trouble doesn't end there for Tiffany as, when she goes to the elevators, she runs into bernice , dumping a bag of chips on her. Bernice thinks she's just a crazy fan coming to chase Howard and she gets introduced to the Goddesses, a group of girls who are the richest and prettiest, they claim, in the school. They mention that their lifestyle is unimaginable for Tiffany, who can't believe they said that to her. I can't believe they said that either and just want her to shove it back to them.

Tiffany tells them that their faces don't agree with them, calling them ugly. Laurence suggests that Tiffany wipe off bernice dress, but they laugh at that and call them civilians. Bernice tells Tiffany that she's the type of person howard hates the most but her friends just tell her to make Tiffany pay for her clothes. Tiffany suggests taking it to the bathroom to wash it and when her friends get smart again, she ends up throwing the chips on them blaming it on the fact that she's a civilian. She asks them for the price telling them that she'll pay and in the end, security comes.

They tell them that Tiffany isn't a student of the school and when she claims she is, they wonder how she can afford the tuition. The security asks for her student ID, though, but it was left in the dorm. When Laurence offers to go get it, the three block her way and Tiffany ends up getting kicked out.

Laurence tells Tiffany, through the gate, that her ID was destroyed by the three and that she'll get her a temporary pass the next day since all of the teachers are gone. Tiffany has nothing else to do, she says she's going to look around the city, but Laurence can't go because of an emergency, so she ends up wandering around herself.

As she begins to walk, her grandfather calls her and she begins the conversation by asking if he ate. He wonders why she's concerned and Tiffany tries to start buttering him up. He only asks her where she is, though, and she tells him that she's in (cornwall). Her grandfather doesn't believe her, though, and she ends the conversation by telling him that she's not going back, hanging up the phone.

In his office at home, her grandfather figures she already left cornwall since she knows he sent men there. He figures she's in a surrounding city and sends men there. I guess what he didn't imagine would be that she would change her appearance.

Tiffany stumbles upon a café, but the place only accepts cash. Still, she uses Howard's card that he gave her to withdraw some money so she can use it to pay for some food. It's only when she looks at the menu that she notices the place is filled with pictures of howard. Hunger wins over, though, and she begins to devour her plates. Only, when it's time to pay, she finds out that she's a little short.

So she ends up writing an IOU for the place, when the girl at the counter, the boss, goes to take care of something, but she ends up ripping up an autographed limited edition howard poster in the process, writing her IOU on the back of that. Clearly upset at that, she, and some of the other fans, end up taping her to the wall to make her apologize to howard. Tiffany calls him only a little handsome and his fans get upset. Their attitudes change when the boss brings out magazines. Entering in some product placement for some bank app, and they talk about buying concert tickets and magazines. Tiffany is getting bored with their talk asking to be put down, but they ignore her.

It's then that they find out about a supposed stalker and they discover it to be Tiffany. They want to know what she's doing coming to their fan café and, when she doesn't answer, unleash a punishment on her, tickling. She's also ordered to wash 300 bowls. If she doesn't want to do that, there is another option, to tell the boss all about the details of the kiss she shared with Howard

In the end, she washes the bowls, not wanting to answer the prodding questions of the boss, such as the taste of saliva and if their tongues did anything or not. Laurence is there to help her, but when

Tiffany drops an entire rack of bowls, she's practically reached her breaking point. Laurence attempts to calm her down and lets her cry on her shoulder. They sit to dry some of the bowls and Tiffany thanks Laurence for helping her, but Laurence thinks that it's just natural for her to help a friend like that. Tiffany admits that she hasn't had any friends growing up and that it's all because howard made a fool out of her in front of everyone and then left her helpless. She swears that if she sees him again she's going to kick him all the way to the moon.

That's when Laurence drops a bombshell, he's in their class. Tiffany's only reaction is to laugh at how absurd her life has become.

The first day of classes begins and Tiffany gets a new student ID. They make their way into the classroom where she is introduced as the new transfer student. Everyone begins whispering when she's announced and, as fate would have it, the only empty seat is next to Howard, who has just woken up from a nap.

Tiffany takes it in stride and walks over to Howard as he pretends to read a book, passing by jeff. Once she arrives, she extends her hand, introducing herself as his new desk mate. Howard briefly looks up but goes back to looking at his book, pretending to be indifferent.

It's like if anything bad could happen, it happened to Tiffany all in one day. She finds out one girl hates her, as if that wasn't already obvious from what happened at the wedding, and finds out that Howard? also wants nothing to do with her, declaiming her as his fiancée in front of all of his fangirls and thus getting her labeled as a crazy stalker.

At least she has Laurence, though. Although she's quiet and calm, she's the voice of reason right now. I'm sure she'll come out on her own as she spends more time with the super outgoing Tiffany.

I'm not sure what Howard opinion of Tiffany is at this point. I think he wanted her to be kind of a once and done type of thing where he doesn't have to see her again, but now that she's suddenly come before him in college, I'm sure he's surprised at her appearance and is now probably thinking about how complicated his life is going to be now that she's come back.

For Tiffany, though, it might be the same story. She only came to Cornwall city to find out more about her parents and hopefully find her father. She never expected that she'd have a run in with an idol super star who'd get her into the mess of being known as his crazy stalker. And who would have thought that they'd end up being in the same class and desk mates.

Tiffany's transformation from her old version to her new version looks more beautiful? she's a different person, Not only is her hair different, long straight black hair compared to short wavy brown, she also has freckles and her outfits even seem different. The original Tiffany is mostly seen in dresses, in white, while the transformed Tiffany wears a lot more colors and is seemingly more confident than the prim and proper personality the old Tiffany had to take on. Someone might not know it Tiffany, probably will think that they were two different people, too. That's why even her grandfather's men didn't? recognize her.