Juna is in trouble

I rushed to the place noted in the paper. Junna is in trouble. Not that boys of the mechanical department, to study she took a loan from a loan shark she paid back but they are asking more and creating tantrums. while realizing her orphan, they misbehaved as well. The piece of paper I got was her letter to that silent boy. He confessed 2 days ago. And yesterday she called him and gave him the paper but in between that someone grabbed her and took her away in the car. He tried to get her, but couldn't. He came and gave the letter along with the address where they took it. Maybe he trusted me more than anyone. In the letter she was saying, she is an orphan and has no one. She can't accept anyone. All she wants to solve is the problems that she is going through. All want is to stand by herself and fight for the future. Now I can't fall for someone. She was really afraid of her future and all of her insecurities. I can see myself here. But she was really trying hard, maybe more than me. Now I can understand why I felt some connection with her.

The place looks creepy, an old building with pin-drop silence. This silence can kill anyone. I get inside the building; it is larger than I expected. On corners, I found liquor bottles. With all my courage, I went inside. Now I can hear some unclear chatting of people, ear dropping their talk and walking towards them. They were talking about her. It is terrible and hard for me to explain. After hearing them, my blood rush took one wood piece aside from the wall and went straight to them. They are drunk and looking weird. One of them comes toward me while yelling. I rush towards him with a single knock on his nose with a high kick. He is on the ground. They come towards me with weapons. All I want is my Junna. With all my power, I defeated them but got cut on the shoulder. This is common for my hair stick to turn red with their blood. Even though they are on the ground, they still groan to me. I took one of them, pointed the knife in his throat, and asked for my Junaa. He refused me first. When I tightened the grip of the knife, he walked towards a room. When the room opens, it's full of smoke. I hold my breath. And went inside with him. Junaa was there on the floor covered with blood and I removed my dress and made her wear it. Called the ambulance. I usually wear shorts and a short top inside my dress so don't feel like I'm naked. And reported to the police too. Within minutes, both reached. That boy is also coming with them. While I am reporting he was there on the station explaining about these, but they didn't believe him. Even though he is full of dirt. When I reported, they confirmed and took him with them.

They admitted both of us; they didn't put FIR on me, obviously, I attacked them back in self-defense and to help my student. I'm lucky. An hour later Arine came to the hospital. I don't know how to calm her; she is a crying mess. I told her I'm all good, just some bruises and 6 stitches, but she cried a lot. One thing that made her sad is I didn't say to her that I got hurt in the first place. Finally, I hugged her and made her calm. Note it guys, a tight hug can solve any problem, but should be sincere, okay? And Jun, she hurt a lot of cuts on her body, her hands fractured, more than that the wound on her neck was larger than expected, that made her lose blood. I paid for her, so no need to worry. They moved me to a room so Arine could stay with me. I explained everything; she was really worried because when she got back to the faculty room, others said I grabbed the key and went outside in a rush. And all I was looked angry and tensed. Of course, I'm worried but not that angry, hmm might be.

I want to tell you about the relationship with Seong too, but I really don't know-how. I gathered my courage and was about to say but "babe what happened? You were told to be safe. Why don't you obey me" Seong came inside in a rush and his brothers too.

"TRACKERS??," Arine looked at me in disbelief. I've screwed. "babe, I will explain. Let me…" she was fuming and went outside while slamming the door in my face. I called her, but she came back and said don't talk to me ever again and went outside.