Do truth reveal...

"what's happening to Seong. he is not talking to me. Not even trying to make eye contact. Did I do anything wrong? I can't hold it like this. Tell me whatever it is!"

"Nothing, he is doing good." "Then why is he not talking to me? Call him. I wanna talk to him now." "no paapa, he must be tired, we can call him tomorrow" I refused, now or never I usually follow that path. I talked about nothing else laid down. Dal oppa came back after some time. I grabbed the pad and, went to change, then got back doesn't utter anything. They may be confused by my actions. At night, a nurse came to the room for my medication and I refused to have it. They tried a lot to make me have it but I threw the medicines. This is the only way to show my anger. Usually, when I'm angry, I used to go to the gym. Now I can't, so I use something else to show my temper. It's midnight now, and my cramps getting worse, curled to circle and hide my face inside the blanket. Wish to have something spicy. Normally girls like to have sweet food, I'm different from them, I prefer spicy food. Feel like sleep is far from me but I can't walk because of this IV. The only way to forget about pain is by scrolling on the phone and listening to music. I took the phone and put on a song. It is relief while checking mail that, realized there is so much work pending. Mailed my drafts and Data that I prepared beforehand. I usually draft the thing prior to ease my work. So there will be no delays in my work. I hate to be late for my work so I will try hard to turn it in on time. That's why I drafted work prior to next month. Don't know when I fall asleep. Woke up by hearing some noise around me. All are assembled here, including Seong and Arine. giving no glance went straight to the bathroom and came out. They're still looking at me. "Arine, ask the doctor to go through a discharge procedure. I need to get out of this hell as soon as possible." She passed a sharp glare while grinding her teeth and was about to say something, but I cut off. "If you're not gonna tell him, I can use my own ways." "Paapa, you cannot get out that easily. What if you get infected? You already skipped medicine please try to understand the situation." that was Ha-Jun oppa. "I hate to be here. It is uncomfortable. I wanna go home. I'm sure I won't get attacked again when I'm there." Seong suddenly went out, not saying anything. This shit makes me angry!! I refused medicine and food until the doctor agreed to take discharge. But in one strict condition, I have to stay with my brothers. First, I refused, but at last, I agreed with them. Arine got my dress from the apartment and went to their house with Ho sook oppa and Ha Jun oppa to arrange my room. There is no need to go there. I can handle myself, but what can I do? If I don't agree with that, then there is no way to get back home.

That's not a house, it's a mansion, with so many rooms. Why do they live in such a huge house? There are only 6 members but in this house, there is 8 bedroom, 3 living room, a vast kitchen, pools, and a gym. More than that, there's a garden in the backyard. I loved it, but what's the need for this gigantic house? I prefer small and affordable ones. Not like this. I settled into the room but seeing the room felt like I can use this room as a playground. The funniest thing is they arranged the room more pinkish. I like pink but not to decorate or use it in all things. Better prefer black color and dark rooms. Such a childish thought, not gonna suggest or say anything. Gonna take a nap after showering.

I woke up after hearing Dae's voice to have food. Not interested to have it now. I don't want to face any of them. Maybe feel frustrated, or I don't want to. Whenever I see Seong making me feel betrayed, I don't know why. Maybe because he is hiding something from me. Not gonna ask him if he wants to, let him tell himself. Is he tiring of me because of continuously getting into trouble? Or afraid to be caught by him as my boyfriend. I don't know why that person attacked me. Do I have a relationship with him? Of course not! How can it be possible? That's the first time I'm seeing him. Definitely not. I feel lonely, the same feeling as the day my family betrayed me. continuously thinking random things and getting teary and puffy eyes. Such an idiot I am. Making me feel hate for myself. To not be like this I tried for a long, look I finally ended up in the same situation that I hate.

Someone is knocking on the door, it's Ho-Sook. "you should have food now! It is getting late." "I'm not hungry," and tried to close the door. He pushed the door and pick me up on his shoulder, "ya!! what the hell are you doing? Put me down," "if you don't keep your mouth shut, I will kiss you. Do you wanna try? hha?" "are you insane?" "I'm hungry you idiot!! if you won't eat. I can't have my food. Byung oppa clearly said that if you don't have food, then nobody's gonna have." "Why the hell are you guys trying to do? Don't need to bother me? I am not anything to you all." he put me on the table, everyone is there around the dining. I lowered my head. All are glaring at me. I didn't lie. It's the truth. If Seong doesn't want to be with me, then, of course, they can't be with me like before. "Paapa, what do you mean by that? You're our only sister. How dare you to tell like that?" I do not dare to look at them. It's my fault I triggered them. Should bear the consequence. "look whatever happens, whatever you are. We are not gonna let you go. We are a family, even if you don't think of us as your brothers!! And we are worried to hell because of your condition. You are weak, not healed yet. Need to take medicines. And do you think like Queen or something, how did you fight with that bastard while bleeding? did you think about us? What if anything happens to you? I will leave everything, but why the hell have you are not talking to us until now? Why are you trying to avoid us? I need answers Paapaa!!" tears are rolling down my cheek. No words are uttered from my throat. Felt like someone was gripping tight on the throat. Of course, I missed them, but when Seong avoids me.. that makes me triggered. how can I keep my distance from my brothers? They are my safe place and home. I need to tell them I can't live without them. Need to confess how much I wished to see them. Only my tears are coming out. Not a single word. I said sorry while shuttering that's the only thing I can say now. Dae oppa embraced me tightly. "It's okay. Take your time. We all are here with you. Hmm! but have food and medicines on time. Take rest. If not, we are going to beat you. Got it?" a smile slipped from my lips. "Oh, my Paapa smiled? wow!! look guys. such a cutie actress. How could you change your emotion in a snap of seconds? Yah Ho-Sook you got a strong competitor in your career," Dal oppa mocked me. "Aish Oppa stop it, I'm not an actress. Look Byung oppa, Dal oppa making fun of me." "yah Dal how dare you? hha?" " Hyung" Dal oppa whined.

I am wrong, I shouldn't bother about Seong. He can't inter whine between me and my brothers. Now, I understand that my love for brothers is more than for anyone, even more than for Seong. If he ignores me, then I will. Why can't I? I have my brothers and Arine, that's enough for me, Of course. Once I decided it's hard to change. Not gonna let anyone hurt me. I promised that to myself before. So I need to be tough on myself, so then no one can hurt me.

From that day onwards, I did my best to ignore him. But whenever I asked about that attacker, everyone tries to avoid it. why? That's the question for me. For an entire week, I took a rest, and gradually the wound healed, but not my heart. He keeps helping me but always tries to keep his distance. Doesn't talk but always cares about me? These are making me hard. If he completely ignores, then that won't hurt like this, but when he cares and keeps ignoring, that hell makes me nuts. I am planning to go back home within one or two days, before that I have to tell them what I feel when I'm stabbed and goodbye to him also, but I need an explanation of his actions as well. He should! else I will make him say.

We are dining around the table. "Oppa, I'm planning to leave tomorrow.