Out of blue...

"I'm all ears dear," "Do you know writer Reyna?" he hummed." What do you think about her?" "she is a nice, excellent writer. Our Byung ho hyung and Dae hyung are her huge fans. But she still did not show up. Why?" "Do you like her?" "Of course, I read one of her books. That's quite interesting and really motivating. There is a rumor that she will show up on her own. We all are waiting for that." Wow, I didn't expect this from him. How can I say that I'm Reyna?! "Seong, what if I'm…." the doorbell interrupted my confession. "I will go and check, stay here" I nodded, why the hell? This is not the first time, whenever I tried to confess I got interrupted by others. "Hey it's your wifey!!" my Arine, Seong always tease us like that. I really forgot that I called her yesterday to come here to discuss some matters. She is going to sleep over here. But what to do? bad timing. At Least if I get 5 minutes, I think I can confess everything to him. Next time…

Arine looked so worried while talking and she used to avoid eye contact with me. Don't know why. Did I do anything wrong? After eating, Seong said goodbye and left for home. Their world tour is on the way so I need to take proper rest and practice.

"Arine, what's it? Spit out." "Hey nothing dear, you might have misunderstood something, I'm completely fine." I gave a sharp gaze. "I know something is bothering you. Let it out, whatever it is I will be there for you, let us fight together. Don't worry about anything. Just tell me I will help you. Ok? Just tell me" "it's…. I…I…unknowingly opened your mail mistakenly by mine and saw an urgent mail, without your permission I opened and read it. It was a request from the CEO of Destiny company to…. Reyna." She paused and her eyes were shut because of fear and trembling too. I was planning to confess to her but she, herself, found the truth. No need to hide. She is tearing up. "I am sorry Natasha, I didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me, I know it was a huge mistake, I'm sorry." She is sobbing, it was definitely my mistake, I should log out of the mail but... I stepped toward her but when I took each step she was moving backward in fear. "Arine, it's okay. I'm fine, look at me. Look, I'm completely ok. Not angry, you did nothing ok and why are you afraid of me, is there anything else? hha?" she shook her head. "Baby look" she refused to look at me, slowly hugged her, "it's ok. I was planning to tell you everything. That's why I called you for a sleepover here. Please look at me babe, please.." she slowly looked at me, "you're right I'm Reyna and the mail you opened was the request from the CEO for conducting my debut." "you're Reyna?" I nodded. "Mam, I'm sorry to bother you. And happy to see. The whole fandom was waiting for you to see and this is my privilege to meet you." "Arine, why are you talking like this, don't be formal. I'm still your wifey" "I should go bye mam" This is so unexpected what should I do now? "Arine, stop, just hear me out.."

she froze. "Let us talk '' and took her to my working room. And gave her a glass of water, still looking down. "As a warrior, you know everything about my profession and passion. As a friend, you know what I like and as my sister, you know me, I'm sincerely sorry for hiding this from you, Reyna is just a name to hide my identity from my family and friends. Because... Because I'm afraid to face everyone, the criticisms, and the crisis after that when I stepped into this, afraid of how my fandom accepts me and what will happen when everyone gets to know about me, about my personal life and freedom. With all these freaking things I hide from others, I was really planning a long time before confessing my identity but was afraid about the outcome. And I'm afraid of losing you. How can I endure that? Your silence is killing me, dear, please talk to me." "what should I.." "This is why baby, this response. I know that you will act like this. Because of this, I stepped back from confession. Whatever it is, I'm still what I am, so stop doing this. I know that it is hard to accept me. Take your time. I will wait for you outside." I stepped out of the room, and I am also tearing up. I should have told her before.

"Hey, Ron" "yes mam" "are you free this weekend?" "yes mam, have some drafts to edit that's it. Do you have any work to do?" " Let us meet this weekend, will inform you of the place and time the very next day and take all the contracts and requests with you. Ok?" "yes mam" "the drafts for the next 2 days will be sent within an hour and cross-check everything, telling the editor to read twice before and after editing. I don't want to see any mistakes in the storyline. Last time the editing was a complete flop, after editing my storyline was completely changed to another plot. So tell them to be more careful ok?" "yes mam I will." "Okay" I cut the call. Arine really needs some time to rethink and adjust to this situation and reality. I will wait for her. Guys what do you all think, is it really unpardonable?? I am really afraid to confess and stand in front of fandom, and now about Seong too. What if anyone found out about us? It is really hard to face everything in one go. I really don't want it to happen, the pressure from the company is also unbearable. I hate all of this but Arine that... I'm really sorry about that, I'm sorry...