Get ready to go

Woke up early in the morning and went to the gym to refresh my mind. I usually do this to release my stress. Full sound music and doing exercise for 4 hours, this is not going to make me tired. Have to forget everything, and I don't want to remember what Seong confessed and the path I went through. The whole 4 hours are enough for me to reset my mind. "Ma'am, you are working out for over 4 hours. You should take, a break otherwise it will be hard for you to handle all the situations." I hummed and told them to wait for half an hour. Enough time for summing up and taking meditation. There are some photoshoots before the event. After meditating, I took a bath and got ready for the photo shoot. I don't need to dress up, they will take care of it. While on the way to the set, I kept playing music. Avoid talking, so nothing will bother me. Most of the dresses they selected are short and exposed because of my good mood. I didn't fight with them. Just wore and did the photoshoot. Ron asked if anything was bothering me. I kept silent. No need to tell anyone. All I want is to complete this day with splendid memories. I have to make this day the best day of my life. And for my warriors, too. Because without them, I wouldn't get this much exposure and love. So I want to make them feel like the luckiest in the universe.

At noon, I went to stylish and got ready. I loved my dress, it's so elegant and soft to wear. The light makeup and small necklace with crawling earrings are a good match for my dress. Put my hair free, and it is flowing in the wind. The only prop I am afraid of is the mask. It covers my eyes and nose. All can see my lips and forehead. I got ready and waited backstage. now I can hear the cheering of my fandom. they are so loud; I wish to see them but I can see them through the screen now. Ron and Elizabeth are ensuring every time that I'm okay or not. All the dancers are practicing inside but they changed some dancers. That's unusual. I practiced with them even yesterday. What is with this sudden change? They arranged my food and drinks backstage, so no need to go. I'm getting nervous at every moment, so I called Arine to ease me. She is more nervous than I am. Now I have to make her comfortable. I know who can make me feel free, only her Tiara. my hands are trembling while dialing her, don't know if she attended the call. Maybe it's a late night there. After some ringing, she took the call.

"Tiara, how are you?" "Jiya!! Are you okay? Why didn't you call me till this day? only mailing. Do you know how much I missed you? Switch to face-time now. I wanna see you!! hurry," I switched to face-time, "babe you changed a lot, how have you been? Where are you? What are you wearing? Is that gown?" I nodded. My eyes were getting teary when seeing her excitement. She is the only one I had to support me in my difficulties. "I missed you, and babe, I'm gonna reveal myself today, not within some hours." "I heard in the news and thought you forgot me," "now babe, I'm not sure yet if I can do it or not, I'm still afraid to stand in front of all. You're the only one who can help me. Now at this moment, I feel like I'm recharged with my energy. Love you, babe, and thank you so much for picking up my phone." "Then who will pick your call then? I'm the only one. Understand," I hummed "don't cry. You can do this and thanks for not forgetting me. And you have one surprise too," "what's it Daa?" "You became an aunt 2 days ago!!" "what??!!" I screamed my lungs out and Ron and Elizabeth came towards us with worried faces. I said sorry and asked to repeat what she said. "you became an aunt Jiya, look," she shifted the camera downwards. a small newborn with brown eyes giggling at the phone. I can't take my eyes off the baby, so cute I wish to teleport there.

"It's girl Jiya, and we named her your name!!" my eyes widened my name "you meant Jiya??" she nodded. "We want her to be like you, bold, lovable, and kind, and more than that determinant. And of course, she will." "I didn't expect that your husband would name her as mine?" "he suggested your name. You don't know how much we love you, babe." "Thanks, da, this is the best day of my life. Will come back to you after clearing some chaos, ok?" she nodded. "I need to go now and I will catch you later." Some more hours were left, but now I felt more comfortable after talking with her. But more exciting is to meet my baby Tiara. The more time left felt like taking a break. What about taking a walk outside? And called Ron to bring the contract, along with a cappuccino. They changed the arrangement according to thought, now it is much better than earlier. I didn't plan to sign yet. So let's take some time to check through this. That is much better. We don't have to act kindly to someone to betray us. If they act like that, of course, we can change the card, no need to regret it. Right?

A few minutes before the event, I did the last rehearsal. Now I can hear the cheers of people outside, so many celebrities are performing. Everyone is eagerly waiting for my entry, Oh God!! Let me do my best. Slowly closed my eyes and prayed. "Ma'am, 3 more minutes get ready." I can feel the heaviness of my heart. I ambled backstage, "All the best ma'am!! fighting!!" everyone backstage cheered me. Stood on the stage and it lifted. Scream, cry, and cheer. That's all the emotions I can see in the audience. The anxiousness and excitement were the first time I experienced them in one go. The dancer forwards his hand to exit from the lift stage. I placed my trembling hand on him, but...