Whatever happened we stay together...

"cut the craps, such a jealous bitch!!" "Why don't you believe the truth, why should I be jealous of myself," she cut off in between because of some unknown call. and went to talk, I ear-drop the call, "no, they won't doubt me! I'm fine Ron, don't be tense like this and of course, I'm an excellent actress too. Will call you later in the middle of something. ok bye!"

"Who was he?" "my colleague," "how could you lie in front of me? If he gifted you the car, wow, you're something. Working behind me," "what do you mean with that? Why should I lie?" "Now I understand why you're hiding things and feeling insecure along with me. To hide these, you're accusing me, right? How much does he earn? My mom was right!!" "what the fuck Seong, you know what you're spitting? you are the one who spent time with some girl and came late at night, the one who got a text from someone and now you are the same, telling me I'm the one cheating you, being with you for money?" "Of course I am, that's the truth, but the accusation you made is wrong, I don't know who she is and why she texted me like that. And not spending time with you, why should I? If you have someone behind to spend the night and bed with you, wh*re!!" I unknowingly spitted out of blue. "me? a wh*re?!!" she didn't cry but can see how disappointed and broken she was. "Out, Get out! Now! Don't dare to come in front of me ever again," she screamed and pushed me out, and slammed the door in front of me.

I was too flaming in anger, went back to my mansion, and didn't contact her till the next day. When I woke up, I started missing her calls and texts, but my ego made me restrain longer. All day in my studio. Ordered everyone, even my team members, and the secretary not to come to meet me till I order. All I want is to be alone. On the way back home, mom asked to visit her. It did not end the meeting with peace; we fought. She introduced that girl I met at the restaurant as the girl she found for me, and tried to convince me as well. Asked why she texted me like that. The answer was quite shocking, to separate me from paapa and realize my paapa was not good for me, though. All that happened with me and paapa was my mom's plan. Even the secretary also stood by my mom's side. What about me without realizing all these shouts to paapa, broke her heart? Without hesitating, I asked mom why. Why does she do this? The answer was the same as paapa said, my paapa can never match up with my social status and money. She is an orphan. All my paapa wants is my money and fame when I am with her. Like other girls. How dare my mom say that? This is not my mom. She won't tell me that? I got to this life all by my hard work, from below middle-class life to this luxury. All the way I went through, my mother witnessed everything. She didn't let me stay back or fall. But this time my mom was wrong from all perspectives. Made mom clear how much I love paapa and that not gonna live without her. And also to stay away from my life and paapa.

I was regretting every word I spitted to paapa, rushed to see her. Arine opened the door and didn't let me see paapa. After 2 weeks Ho-Sook helped me to see her. She looks pale and has dark patches around her eyes, tired and exhausted. "Paapa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Will you forgive me?" "I don't think we need to discuss this. Let's stop this Seong, your mom was right. You agree with her, I am not good for you. I came to say a formal bye to you." "I didn't mean to talk like that. That was all my mom's plan. I'm sorry, please," "you were doubting me Seong, and you know there was a reason behind my doubts, don't you?" "Of course you're right. You had all the right to doubt me. All the things came up at the same time. I can't deny that but please understand me I was out of mind," "you said I'm sharing a bed with someone Seong, I am a wh*re, how can I forget that? Till this moment, I did not even spend time with any men, you're the first man I loved, the one who touched me. How can I work behind you when loving you with my whole heart!! you even said I have been with you for money. That's all enough. What if you said all these after we started our family? So let's stop this." "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to. I know much you love and care about me. At that moment I spitted whatever came to my tongue, not even thinking how rubbish that was!! Please believe me, even though I fired my secretary too, clearly spoke to mom about how much I love and care for you. And we can't stay apart. I know how much I broke your heart, promising you won't do that. Always think before talking and will spend time with you. Be there for you when you want me. Do not decline your call and text even if I am at a concert or studio. Keep you like a queen. Please forgive me this time!!" She uttered nothing, just looked into my eyes. I was sure she realized how much I'm begging for forgiveness and my sincerity in each word. She can't leave me like that, because I'm her whole life.

"Could you take back whatever you said in our fight? Could you? Do you know how much you hurt me? Then how dare you come back in front of me? If I was not into you, you're dead now. But you're right, I can't stay away from you. If you dare to do like that then will see the real me, got it?" "yes, now go and apologize to mom, and no cuddles till I lose my temper," she pouted. This simple. My paapa was. If there were someone else, like she said, I would be dead meat. I cried and fell to my knees. She came and hugged me. Don't know how she controlled her anger, not gonna doubt her ever again. From that day to this day, not even doubted or mistreated her but didn't get enough time to spend with her. She won't complain but I assured her will find time for her in the future.