chapter 7

Clang! clang! clang! the sound of metal hitting metal coming from the courtyard.

Clang! clang! it continued in an irregular pattern, it would get fast then slow and would pose for a while before it continued.

I got up and followed the sounds all the way to the yard, Jenny stood out watching in amazement, starring at the two men fighting with swords, both looking so attractive, too attractive to look away.Maybe it was the way they controlled their swords, or the ancient clothes they were dressed in or maybe it was their faces that where perfect.

Handsome Right?, Jenny said now standing next to me, who would have thought watching men practicing to fight would be attractive?

I am definitely here to stay, I commented.

Good morning, Jun greeted. did we wake you?

No, no we are used to get up early anyway, you can continue training and ignore us? Jenny lied about us waking up early.

I think you should head In for breakfast, we will be leaving for the Palace to meet his majesties, they requested for the both of you.

Are we going to get beheaded?

That will depend on the majesties, if you pose any threat yes you will be beheaded.

oh, let's go then, i quickly said to avoid suspicion. one more question, we had a bag with us, before you arrested us.

Its already at the palace it was taken there for investigations, you will get it back after meeting them, if they don't find anything dangerous.

Do you think the phones will be a threat? Jenny whispered.

Forget the phones, I put a lighter in it,

The gun lighter!? Jenny asked in shock

Yes, the gun lighter.

Why would you bring a gun here, they don't even know what a gun is.

For protection, what do you think,

From what? Arrows, if we get murdered I will hunt you for life,

We will both be hunting each other, we argued silently.

Is anything the matter? Jun asked.

No nothing, we are just excited to meet his majesties, we said and left for breakfast.

* * *

At the Palace

The Generals are here! a soldier announced, before we headed into a hall room just like in movies, the place was made out of Gold with paintings of all past leaders.

we reached to the front with officials standing on both sides while the king sat on his thrown with his two sons sitting beside him, we bow to greet his majesties.

long live his majesty, the greatest rule of all times.

Get up my Generals, you both have risked your life to protect me and the kingdom , Are these the intruders that caused the entire city restless ?

Yes, your highness, we detained them for questioning and the only thing we found suspicious was that they claimed to come from the Lins family but Mr Lin has never had daughters at least not that we know of and the other things were the strange object found in the bag.

Guards! Summon Mr Lin right away, he needs to be questioned right away

Yes, your majesty, the armed soldier left after the command.

Who are you and who sent you here? he demanded.

We were born in the middle of no where, mother was killed after our birth because they thought she was cursed we lived in hiding with father until he one day died, We set out to look for a new home and heard your majesty is kind enough to take us both in with my sister, she's all I have, Jenny pleaded.

How can we believe you are sisters when she looks nothing like you do, she's with the devil is it she ?

No! spare us your majesty, my sister and I share a mark that was gifted from the heavens, a symbol that we are one.

Is that true General?

Yes your majesty, its a symbol of the sun and star shining side by side we have seen it with our very eyes.

Show me! he commanded

we both uncovered our wrist and everyone witnessed the symbols

Are you sure they are not just painted? One of the officials questioned.

That's what we thought but no matter how many times you clean the paint neither rubs nor fades, Jin stepped in our defense.

And what about the strange items in your strange bag, The crown prince asked judging by the way he was dressed, Bring out the bag, ordering one of his guards to bring it out.

Jenny locked eyes with me telling me to think of something or else we are dead, the bag was brought fourth and unpacked everything next to us for all to see,

You carried a knife? I questioned jenny who clearly didn't bother mentioning anything to me.

Your majesty, I said.

So you can talk? a man spoke, so the spirit can talk.

ignoring everyone else I proceed, Your majesty on our journey to here we came across a lot of strange things, many are better to be left unsaid, but a few that we picked were just for our safety i can demonstrate them all if you may allow?

Guards! protect the royal families, the General ordered,

Really? even you,

I risked everything bringing you in, I still don't know what your objects can do.

I rolled my eyes and began to explain, This is a phone for pictures instead of drawing a person this will capture with high quality, like this I showed them, next this is a lighter, it releases fire when you press here, to scare wild animals away. After explaining everything one by one a number of times finally finished.

Wait I have another question, how can a tiny black thing turn into a knife, the crown prince asked for the fourth time.

Has anyone ever seen such objects anywhere, his Majesty asked interrupting the princes questions.

Yes I have, a man from one of the officials answered. The man was so familiar and yet a stranger, he felt like home so welcoming, where have i seen him before, I looked at Jenny just to be sure shes seeing this

My daughter always travels and every time she come back with weird objects he said removing a podcast with headsets, the last time she left she brought me this, it sings , he demonstrated as he played one of a song from his podcast

Are you alright? Jun asked .

Yah what's wrong? looking at Jenny who was crying.

You are both crying.

I am? I asked wiping my face

Father, I would like to carry on with this investigation at my palace , the visitors seem to be tired and you must take care of other court matters. the crown prince asked.

yes, that's a good idea, I trust you get the generals to help you.

Yes your majesty, they chorused and we were lead out to the princes palace grateful we were able to stand