Thank you for allowing us to stay here for a while we really appreciate it.
I still don't trust you, so don't get to comfortable, now if you may excuse me i have other matters to attend to, if you need anything you can ask the maids for help and don't go wondering about, not everyone will accept you.
Thank you General Jun, I payed my respect and headed to my room
Are you still crying Jenny?
No, I wasn't crying, I just feel bad Jin is engaged to the princess and shes so pretty, did you see the hair? i mean i would kill to have such perfect hair.
pretty is an understatement, she's a goddess and they do look nice together,
But Jin is everything I need, she complained, he's,tall handsome, can fight
So was Ling and Joe, We have only been here for Three days, am sure you will find someone around here,
Yes, really now help me fix my hair up, I want to rest my legs are sore from kneeling
Tell me about it, speaking of it, that man seemed familiar, am sure i have seen him somewhere just not sure and wherever he got the mp3 player.
Seeing him was heart warming and breaking at the same time,
Should we go see him
I can't leave the house, at least not yet but you can you are not different you just need to fix your hair
But we are supposed to enjoy the adventure together
Says the girl that almost sold me
stop complaining we didn't die
and i was going to get you out,after I found a rich man,
Where? On the streets?
No, I don't know I would have thought about something, but you didn't get kidnapped so stop complaining, I love you, you are my sister, giving me hug, i would never let anything happen to
I know, I love you too but i hate to spoil the fun but the hug is getting awkward
Tell me about, she said after a short chuckle am going to rest bye
Bye Jenny
* * *
Why are you training alone?
Jin went back to his house, How did you sleep Ms Jai?
Pardon my manners, I slept quiet well thank you, how did you sleep General?
I don't sleep much at night but the night was OK, is your sister still sleeping?
Yes she seemed tired yesterday I don't think she will be up anytime soon. Can I join you, I asked eagerly
Do you know how to fight?
Not much but I picked up a few tricks from father
Sure then, he said throwing me a sword, I will be easy on you
But I won't hold back, I said and stepped on the train area.
Clang! Clang! the swords hit each other without him breaking a sweat on the other hand I was halfway dying but neither of us was giving up
Clang! Clang!
Are you sure you only picked up a few tricks
Yes, I used to watch father train every morning, which was a lie Father had us train since we where little and there was no way I would die so easily expect i faint from exhaustion
You father was good swordman, if I may say, but lets see how far you can hold up
Clang! I might last long than you expect, Clang!
Do you plan to fight the entire morning Brother?
Jin interrupted our fight with had a few maids watching and my sister stuffing her mouth with fruits.
Brother, How long have you been here?
About an hour ago, you seemed to be very busy i couldn't disturb you but i must say Ms Jai's swords work is not bad at all, Is Ms Jenny also skilled as you?
Why, would you want to fight with me, because I won't go easy on you like Jai did.
Thank you, I would love to have a match with you but maybe some other time perhaps the next time we meet.
It will be a pleasure, General Jin.
Ms Jenny may I borrow my brother now, I hate to stop the fight half way but we have things to talk about.
Sure, you can. Thank you for training with me General.
We can train together even tomorrow if you are okey with it.
Am always available to train
Excuse me then. And both the generals left.
I am so tired, I nearly died,
You didn't put in your all, why are you tired.
We have been training for since morning non stop, of course am tired.
Why did you hold back?
I don't want to be seen as a threat, ain't you going out today?
I am, was going to tell you but i got distracted watching you fight, anyways what do you want?
Everything nice, especially the flowered cake like sweets.
don't worry I will bring what I can, see you when I come back
Bye love you.