Repetition is the key to success

"Seb, why are we taking this route back home? Wasn't it closed due to construction work?"

"It will be fine… don't worry"

"If you say so…"





"What is it, Seb?"





[Attempt 5: Failure!]

[Completion Rate: 25%]

[Reason for failure: Completion rate below 80%]

"Guess it wasn't dropping her down an open manhole…"




[Attempt 7: Failure!]

[Completion Rate: 30%]

[Reason for failure: Completion rate below 80%]

"It wasn't pushing her into the fence either…"

A fountain of blood kept spurting out of her neck due to the jugular laceration by the fence spikes.

The deaths kept on getting gorier and gorier.




[Attempt 13: Failure!]

[Completion Rate: 20%]

[Reason for failure: Completion rate below 80%]

Seb leaned over on a wall as he puked out everything inside of him.

Once that was done, he just kept dry heaving.

His insides had already been emptied out, yet the disgust still did not subside.

He couldn't even bear to look at the remains of her corpse this time.

It wasn't just the gore…

With each attempt he took, the more time he ended up spending with her.

He kept on getting more and more attached to her.

Which made the fact that he HAD to kill her at the end even more painful.







[Attempt 17: Failure!]

[Completion Rate: 30%]

[Reason for failure: Completion rate below 80%]

This phase…

Isn't it taking way too long?

He didn't even feel sad anymore.

He just wanted it to be over.

Seb couldn't help but hurl over a hundred curses at his past self.

Just how had that f*cker killed his sister.

Why was it so hard to replicate it?




[Attempt 29: Failure!]

[Completion Rate: 27%]

[Reason for failure: Completion rate below 80%]

How long had he been doing this?

Why was he doing this again?

Was it for power?

He wasn't sure.




All he knew was that he had to keep killing her.

Even if it hurt him.

Even if he felt like dying.




[Attempt 37: Failure!]




This is getting out of hand…




[Attempt 40: Failure!]




It's already getting harder to figure out new and unique ways to kill her

I haven't tried pushing her down the stairs yet… though there is a high chance of survival… maybe I should try it next time?




[Attempt 41: Failure!]




Pushing her down the stairs didn't work either…




[Attempt 66: Failure!]




What if all this was just a mistake?

Maybe it wasn't Seb who killed her but someone else?

However, he immediately crushed that though.

He had already gone too far down this path.

If it turned out… that this wasn't the right way.

Seb wasn't sure he would be able to stay sane anymore.

Not with the more than sixty different corpses of Luna haunting him.




[Attempt 72: Failure!]




No… He had already turned insane.

Repeating the same action again and again and again.

Somehow hoping to get a different result 'this' time.

If this wasn't madness… he didn't know what was.




[Attempt 91: Failure!]




Oh… she finally tried to fight back before being pushed this time…




[Attempt 93: Failure!]




Why are you looking at me like that?

Don't you understand I am doing this because I love you?

The sooner I kill you the right way, the faster your suffering will end.




[Attempt 100: Failure!]




In this whole world, it is only Big Brother that loves you the most.

Life is nothing but suffering.

You should thank me for freeing you.




[Attempt 121: Failure!]




But… who would free me from it?

He was also tired…

really… really… tired.

If only… he could sleep.





[Attempt 123: Failure!]




No! Sebastian! No!

You have to keep doing this.

You cannot give up now.

Not after everything you have done.

You have to complete the mission.

This was all for a brighter future.




[Attempt 300: Failure!]




How long has it been already?

Months? Decades? Centuries?

Sebastian had lost count…

Oh, he just had to check the message and he would know.

How convenient…

Guess it wasn't even a year yet…




[Attempt 320: Failure!]




Why are you crying Luna?

Why are you apologizing to me?

I am the one who is killing you…

I should be the one who is sorry.

Please don't cry.

It only makes things harder for the both of us




[Attempt 360: Failure!]




Luna, Luna, Luna… you were so cute today.

Today, we had some ice cream again.

How fun.

She really loves ice cream.

I should get her some next time as well.




[Attempt 365: Failure!]




Ha Ha. This is so funny…

She got ice cream on her face again.

We even had a snowball fight

Winter is so fun




[Attempt 400: Failure!]




I hate winter




[Attempt 500: Failure!]




White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red.




[Attempt 521: Failure!]




Have we been on this bridge before… it seems familiar?

Damn. This is the same bridge from the second attempt…

Another attempt wasted….




[Attempt 530: Failure!]




'Did I mention I hated the winter?'




[Attempt 550: Failure!]




White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red.




[Attempt 600: Failure!]




It's over




[Attempt 601: Failure!]




It has been over for a long time now.

I have long run out of ways to kill her.

Yet… I cannot stop.

I just can't stop killing her




[Attempt 602: Failure!]




Why can't I stop?

I want to stop killing her.

But my arms are already out before I can stop myself.

It's almost an instinctual action at this point…




[Attempt 603: Failure!]




I know!

I just have to go somewhere new, somewhere we never have gone before.

Then my instincts won't kick in.

There must be something else I can do…

At least I don't have to kill her anymore…




[Attempt 606: Failure!]




I can't find it.

There is no place left to go….




[Attempt 610: Failure!]









[Attempt 613: Failure!]




Luna.. oh Luna.. my poor little Luna….

I am sorry.

I am really really sorry

Please forgive your big brother





[Attempt 620: Failure!]




Don't forgive me…

I don't deserve to be forgiven.




[Attempt 700: Failure!]




What was I supposed to be doing again?

Oh yeah… I had to find more ways to kill her…




[Attempt 704: Failure!]




Strange…. I can't find any places to kill her.

What am I supposed to do now?




[Attempt 720: Failure!]




Who am I anyway?

What's this place?

Who is this girl?

Why do I keep killing her?

And why…

Why does it hurt so much every single time?




[Attempt 733: Failure!]




Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White.




[Attempt 750: Failure!]




Oh, is that a Christmas tree?

How beautiful…

But why do I feel that it was supposed to be green and not red in colour…




[Attempt 760: Failure!]




Jingle Bells… Jingle Bells… Jingle all the way…




[Attempt 800: Failure!]




I hate the winter.




[Attempt 833: Failure!]




When will this stop?

Is there a give up button somewhere?

I don't want to do this anymore.




[Attempt 870: Failure!]




Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White. Red. White.




[Attempt 899: Failure!]




He had figured it out.

He must be stuck in some sort of time loop.

His goal was to kill the girl.

But some higher entity didn't want it, so that's why It kept on rewinding time back.

That entity however had made a HUGE mistake.

Instead of giving the girl the memories of the loops, It gave them to him.

Ha Ha! How stupid.

But it's fine.

He just had to keep doing his job until it ran out of energy to turn back time.

He could just keep doing this forever.



