(5) Presentation End

May 9th, 3019

8:24 A.M.

Cambridge Training School

"Spy Group, simple yet effective, they are the scouts of a team or spies of an organization. With Stealth Class which let's Users sneak around and through many places, and Sensory Class which will greatly enhance one's senses or even give an entirely new sense to the user. 

Last is the Variant Group. This is for those whose Ego is just too different, or for Classes with too many variations between each user. There's Vocation Class which gives the user abilities based entirely off of a job including fictional ones like Magician or Psychic. There's Mythril Class which allows people to gain abilities associated with historical or even Mythical beings, It includes humans, beasts, plants and even places. 

And finally there's the newest class classification released by The Core- " At this point everyone perks up, even Professor Cranston, it's not everyday that The Core releases a new classification after all. "-the System Class it seems people have been reading too many videogame and system books and comics, it's been so wide spread in fact that people with system interfaces as their Ego have shown up all across the place, they tend to have higher potential value than others but not always." I pick up my papers and glance at the clock. 'Nice just in the nick of time'  "And that concludes my presentation on Egos, Rankings and the Classification System, keep in mind the I only mentioned some of the many classifications and they are also subject to change, any questions?" *clap*  *clap*

I hear a rather elegant clapping and turn around "Aldrick? I though you left?" I say, Cranston seems surprised it seems he didn't expect him here either. "What's the matter? Can't I watch Young Master Kris's presentation? I gotta admit I'm quite proud and I didn't even help this time!"

"Aldrick!" I pack up my things and go back to my desk. 

"Fancy speech Kris I didn't know you could talk like that"  

"Shut up David, I bet I still did better than you."

"Good job Kris now I have extra time for mine!" 

"You wouldn't need it if you had started it you meathead" Says David.

Meanwhile by the door..

"Aldrick what are you doing back here in my class? It can't be just to watch Kris?" 

"You'd be correct Samir, and it's urgent, I'll tell you when they leave" Cranston looks bewildered, he knows Aldrick, he has never dropped the Mister and said his first name like that, not for a long time at least, unless something terrible has happened. 

*RING* He gets knocked out of his shock by the bell.

"Before you all leave, I would like to say that you all WILL get the due date extended, also Kris, David you get bonus points" Max looks at us sadly, David nudges me so I chime in "Wait actually we were thinking-" 

"Ugh Yes! Fine, I already know what you're thinking and I'll split yours and David's points between the three of you now hurry up and get out I have business to attend to!" Max immediately perks up and we all pack our things. 

"Aw guys you didn't have to-" 

"Quit it, now you better work on your presentation or me and Kris will be taking those points back"

Max immediately quiets down, so I put my arm around his shoulders and pull him forward "Common we can't be late again"

"Haha, ok let's go" 


"They're gone, now what's the matter Aldrick?"


Cranston takes a deep breath and asks. "What about them?" 

"They're back" 

Cranston immediately stands and slams the desk "No impossible! I saw them with my own eyes they-"  Aldrick puts a hand on Cranston's mouth and holds him. 

"SHH! Quiet! Don't attract attention Samir! Do you want the whole school to know?" 

Cranston calms down but is visibly shaken, his eyes get watery as he says. "I'm sorry I just, it just doesn't make sense!" 

"I know how you feel, I felt the same when I found out too but we have to prepare. They know The Core and the governments are already after them, but they don't know about us! So hurry up we have to inform the others, and tomorrow we set off." 

"What about the Reals? What about Kris?" 

"That is why we are gathering today and setting off tomorrow. You didn't think I would miss the boy's birthday did you? We will all be there for him tonight, give him a nice surprise and then tomorrow we shall leave. It is the least we can do before vanishing from his life, we don't even know how long this will take us, or if we will come back to begin with."

There's a silent pause before Cranston responds "Alright, let's go get the others."