(17) Departure

May 10th 3019

1:01 A.M.

Cambridge, Real Household Bunker

"Is everyone ready?" Says Aldrick

"I believe so Monsieur Bors" 

"Make sure to double check your spatial storages everybody and get your costumes out" 

The adults seem to hesitate before Aldrick speaks up again "I know how you feel, I never thought we'd have to return to our identities, I myself never thought I'd get to use a Codename ever again" 

He leaves into a separate room and changes his clothes, the others follow. When they come back, they look nothing like the friendly heroes and professors Cambridge has come to know. Underneath their Codenames was one word 'Inanihil' meaning "Nothingness", because that is all that would remain when they got involved. 

"This feels a bit tight" Says Dwayne shifting uncomfortably.

"Yeah, you're right but that's what happens when you abandon a suit and train for over two decades before putting it back on" Samara says while flexing and checking out her arms in front of a mirror. 

"I think I now know why Maximus always does that" Augustus frowns. 

"Alright everyone listen, we will fix the suits and gather the plants when we arrive, got it? Now gather up!" Aldrick lifts his palms as a portal appears, on the other side is an abandoned building with dust everywhere. 

"Oh the memories!" Smiles Curie. Everyone lines up and leaves one by one, Aldrick stays behind making sure nothing is forgotten then steps through and the portal closes. 

After twenty long years The Silencers have returned to the Courser Continent.


May 10th 3019

9:03 A.M.

Cambridge, Real Household

"They left on their trip already?" I ask a bit sad.

"Yes Kris, I'm afraid they already have, Humph! that Aldrick didn't even say anything to me either!" Melinda says. 

"Ok then, is breakfast ready?" 

"Yes it is, I'll get the table ready" She heads toward the kitchen and alerts the staff. 

"I'll get the guys to wake up and come down" I get upstairs to my room, shake Max and David awake and bring them down to eat. 

"Yo Kris what's your Vitality at?" 

"I think David said 30 right?" I ask

"Yes your other stats will also cap at that, don't forget" he says plainly. 

"Ugh don't remind me, I can't even imagine going through that to get past D-Rank" I shiver. 

"Yeah Dave that wasn't very cool, you should've at least given a warning!" Responds Max. 

"If I did warn him it wouldn't have worked, you haven't seen what I have" David contemplates for a while before shaking his head. 

"Yo Kris can you manipulate your Vitality then?" Max asks expectantly

"No, I'd have to have about 100 Vitality attributes before even thinking of it" I sigh then I remember something. 

"Oh! David can I ask you something?"

"Sure?" He raises an eyebrow at me. 

"So you know how I had to basically scream the spell to use it?" 

"Oh that? Yeah don't worry, you don't have to anymore after forming your Tablets, just think about the spell in your head and the element associated with it, which reminds me" He stands up and walks over to me, then holds the sides of my head and flips it one way then the other.

"Uh David?" I ask confused

"Your spell I felt its energy, it was a wood and fire mixed element spell was it not?" He questions.

"Yes, how did you- never mind I forgot who I was talking to"

"I'm still confused" 

Max and I look at him.

"Your tablet acquired the wood and fire elements, it makes sense that's what the spell you envisioned was composed of but the question is why did you get a third element inscribed? and why the light element?"

"Wait I do?!" I immediately close my eyes and find out I do have the light element. 

"Huh, strange? I can control my Ego now so let me see" I raise my hand and in the middle of it a white sphere of light manifests. 

"I do have light powers! Wait but that also means I'm not Enchanter Class anymore, since I'm a mix of Elemental Class now too so my Class is Inconclusive" 

"What's that mean?" Asks Max

"It means someone who falls under more than one Class" I answer.

"Max they literary taught this last week, didn't you pay attention?" David frowns at him

"Well I think I remember it not being on the exams so" Max scratches his head. 

"Anyway" I interrupt "I WAS thinking maybe going out to the pool outside or the trampoline but I think I might go to the weight room in the basement"

"Why's that? You are our birthday boy! don't you want to have fun" Asks Max with a mischievous smile. 

"While I Would like to prank some people, David said my body is ready to increase its stats I want to go to at least 20 before anything else since that's when David said they will return to normal"

"That's a good plan, I'll help with Agility since that's my forte, and-" He turns to Max who's stuffing his face with more food. "I suppose meat head over here can help with your Constitution" He sighs and rubs his temples. 

Max perks up at that, swallows his food and smiles. "Yeah! Kris with me around you won't have to worry about a thing!" He beats his chest and flexes and I can already see a headache coming.