(22) A Swift End

May 15th 3019

2:43 P.M. 

Cambridge Training School, Training Grounds

Ron and I stare at each other, he seems wary of me and for good reason. His body is covered in burns and the golem has cracks on its surface. I'd like to think I did a good job but I spent way too much energy on that attack just to break free. Ron stares at me then smiles. 

"You Are strong! But if you think that's all it takes to take me down you are dead wrong!" He roars at me as he fuses with his golem again, the rocky armor appearing on his body and he dashes forward.

I think fast and set a wall of flames in front of me to stop him, he can't phase through it due to the light of the flames, it seems those affect him too that's good to know. I set a wide circle of flames around me and lift myself into the air with some giant vines, being careful that the elements don't interact with each other and cause the vines to burn. I aim both my palms at him and gather light for a big area attack. 

He looks around looking for something then he gets an idea, he goes through the ground bypassing my wall of flames and phasing upwards into my spot. I forgot he could do that and I panic. I decide to take a risk as I deactivate the vines, enhance my jump power and take off into the air. As the vines dissipate due to losing their energy I start aiming downwards towards an odd shadow coming at me. 

Ron widens his eyes but it's too late he can't dodge in the air and he's at point blank range he's caught in the pillar of light shooting out of my palms as his armor dematerialises and his body spikes into the floor, the impact of his head hitting the ground knocking him out unconscious. 

I start falling so I reactivate my wood element and set up a large pile of plants below me to soften the landing. As I get out the pile limping, I look for Ron and find the nurse already taking his body away. I sigh in relief and look towards Max who seems a bit surprised but with a wide grin on his face. 

"Well I guess the training really did help, didn't it?" He slaps my shoulder and I wince. 

"Hey easy! I didn't get out unscathed" I say as I hold my shoulder, it seems it took most of the brunt of my landing. 

He opens his arms and brings me into a big bear hug "I knew you had it you! I knew it. I told you you'd make a great fit! I told you!" 

He starts get excited and I can see his tail going around like a windmill, it still looks as stupid as ever but it does bring a smile to my face. 

"Alright Max calm down, I swear if it goes any faster you're going to take off like a helicopter!" I say and punch his chest playfully. 

David comes up to us "I gotta admit that was much faster than I anticipated, you beat him in less than ten minutes, I had predicted at least 15 or more" He looks impressed.

"What, you didn't use your Ego for this?" Max asks

"I just need a small rest that is all" David says and looks away, seems he really did overuse it like I had suspected but at least he's listening to us and resting even if it's only for a small amount. 

We see the team gather around Ron and we approach them. He's awake and a bit ashamed he lost like that. I'm also surprised about my own strength but I don't brag and just ask if he's ok. 

"Do I look ok? You literally blasted my head to the ground! See how I'm only looking straight ahead? I can't do much more than that!" He laughs then winces, I'm starting to think I might have used too much strength in that blast and feel bad. Jacob steps up to me and I put my guard up. 

"Good job scrub you beat him and now you'll take his place next game so let me make something clear to you" He steps up right up to my face "If you screw up and we lose against Exponentia forget about being kicked out the team I will personally make your life a living hell you hear me? and even the Captain won't save you!" 

He gets stopped by Max who gives him a stern look and walks away "Kris common let's go we have still more than an hour to get acquainted with the others, we need to come up with a strategy to beat those guys, the game is going to be held Friday so we don't have much time"

We meet with the team and get properly introduced to each other then start explaining our Egos in much more detail.