(24) Spell Practice

May 15th 3019

3:31 P.M.

Cambridge Training School, Training Grounds

As everyone went off to train...

"Kris why didn't you use your new spell thingy?" Asks Max

"The one I yelled out when I broke through?" I say. 

"Yeah that one"

"I can't control it yet, it's dumb but despite having the elements and it being the trigger for my breakthrough I can't use it, it's so stupid" I say dejectedly. 

"What was it Supposed to do?" He asks curiously. 

"It was meant to be fire vines that could burn or heal people" I summarize plainly. 

"That does sound cool, wouldn't it be easy to just mix those and do it?"

"It's not that simple Max if I add fire to any wood technique it will burn and destabilize it"

"What if you add wood to the fire instead?" I stare at him then sit on the floor and put my hands in my head.

"What? just add wood to the... oh" Max blushes out of embarrassment as David approaches. 

"What are you guys doing? Why aren't you training?" He looks at us and frowns. 

"Yeah I'll think I'll go train with my tail" says Max as he dashes into the distance. 

"What happened?" David asks

"Nothing I just can't use the spell I wanted" 

"That's because you have to master your current one to a decent degree before getting a new one"

"That's the problem, I can't use it! I can't use my current spell" I tell David what happened and he frowns. 

"Wood and fire, destabilized hmm... Maybe use the light element as a medium?" He says

"Light?" I ask, confused. 

"Yes use a stream of Light Element to channel your other elements maybe that's why you also awakened it after breaking through" He concludes" 

"Will it work? Wouldn't it still burn Inside the light stream?" 

"No the Light would envelop them both preventing them from coming fully into contact with each other"

"I can give it a try? just mixing all those elements is bound to take me a while" I say as I stand up and summon a ball of light. David guides me through the process as I imagine the ball melting then flowing like water. It melds into my hand then pours out like a small fountain. 

"Good, now add the Wood Element imagine it taking 'Roots' in the light, focus on the healing property of both elements" I do as he says then the Fountain of Light gains a glowing green branch pattern going down it. 

"Woah" I say

"Now fuse them" 

I try to do as he says. The branching pattern and the fountain turn into this glowing green tentacle that I can control. 

"It worked!" 

"Now add a spark of fire and imagine it covering it but not in a hurtful way, try to focus on the Illumination aspect of Fire and Light" He says slowly and clearly. 

I try to focus but the whole thing catches fire and I have to start over. After a few dozen tries I finally got what I wanted. The tentacle has this light orange flame running across it. 

"Phew! Like this?"

"Yes, now fuse them" I do as he says and the spell gives out a massive flash of light. I feel the runes in the elemental tablet glow brightly for a second before they dim down again, on my enhancement tablet I see two new runes representing 'Silent Chant' and 'Swift Chant'. I tell David and he seems surprised.

"Not bad, you can now cast spells quickly and without saying them out loud" He frowns deeply and starts thinking to himself 'He's growing too fast, even in my visions he didn't grow like this?'. 

While David ponders whatever he's thinking I start playing with my spell. A glowing light projection of an Aloevera stalk grows out of my hand covered in a shiny light green flame that gives one a sense of security and also danger. I grip it tightly then slam it into the ground and it puts a big dent in the grass but not much else.

'Hmm maybe I need higher Vitality' I think to myself, I see Max in the distance swinging his tail around sparring against Bonnie, then I get an idea. 


"Ha!" *SLAM*

"Ow!" Bonnie rubs her mechanical arm. "Why is your Damn tail so Damn tough? It's even tougher than Sarmon's Spinners!" She complains. 

"You're just mad cuz you can't get close! Finally I have a way to keep you away!" Max exclaims when suddenly he gets a sense of danger, his hair standing as a flaming green vine appears and wraps him up. 

"Max!" Bonnie says afraid. 

"Haha! get a taste of your own medicine!" I say happily, Max and Bonnie turn to look at me. 

"Kris?!" They both say at the same time

"Kris you did it already? Did you really put wood in after the fire?" Max says excitedly. 

"What are you guys talking about?" 

"A spell I've been working on, and no I didn't add Wood to the Fire Max! David gave me the idea of using Light as a medium" I respond to both. 

"I don't get it" says Bonnie.

"But doesn't that mean that you can't use anything else when you use that spell? I thought you only had three slots?" Max asks

I freeze as the realization dawns on me "Damn it you're right, how am I supposed to use anything else with this" I look at my spell sadly.