(26) A Gift of Time

May 15th 3019

7:58 P.M.

Real Household, Cambridge

I feel myself blanking and my back go cold, Max sits up alert as a sense of fear and danger grips our hearts.

"Ahem, Forgive me it tends to happens when I get excited, I forgot you guys don't have such high Constitution" 

As soon as the feeling came it went away, I grip my chest as I try to breathe and Max comes up over and holds me warily eyeing him. 

"What? Don't look at me like that, it's not my fault you are all so weak, I'm so used to hanging around much stronger people" Case blushes and looks away.

"Either way you saw how strong I am right? So you want my gift?" 

I steady my breathing and straighten my back, as long as I can add to my collection it would be worth it. 

"I'll do it, I'll take it" 

"Good! here you go!" He waves his hands and an old manuscript appears in front of me. It seems his watch must have a portable space included since it glowed briefly when the papers appeared. 

"What's this? What does this mean?" I look over the papers and see the title.

"It's an advanced movement technique, the best of the best! I've studied it for ages and I still have yet to fully comprehend it, but as you can see I'm still very fast aren't I?" 

I look at the pages but it's all in a different language. 

"What's wrong? Now don't you be picky on me!" 

"It's not that it's just... is there a translated page or?"

"Oh you can't read any of it? I figured your parents would at least teach you one of the ancient languages, that's what the manuscript is written in and a lot of the words and references only make sense if you've studied it and its myths. Hmm I didn't think I'd have to also give you lessons on it" 

"What is this language?" Max says between bites

"We have found many ancient ruins, scriptures and items in several different languages. It seems these people must've had several groups of Gods that they believed in. They must have some truth to their stories since many people awaken Egos based on these Pantheons" 

"Is that where Mythril Class comes from?" I mutter silently. 

"Yes! You know about Mythril Class but don't even know the myths and legends they are based on?" 

"I mean I knew about them but I never payed attention to the stories" 

"I see, well let me enlighten you then, throughout Their history it was only the Gods had any sort of abilities. Sometimes the Gods would bestow mortals with abilities but only under certain conditions" I nod and he continues. 

"However some mortals decided to gain abilities without the approval of the Gods, they were usually punished and made an example of by removing them and their achievements from history but others succeeded and wrote down their Techniques"

"And they weren't punished?" 

"Well some yes but with their abilities they escaped several times before succumbing to injuries, just enough time to write down their findings and hide them for future inheritors. And we know these work for us too because we have comprehended and practiced them. A lot of these scriptures allow one to gain elemental abilities although they are usually very limited in scope and aren't enough to fight properly against a User, however for someone who has already awakened, these abilities can be very powerful and increase the strength of their Ego do you understand?" 

"How is this possible? Why is this not taught to us? Shouldn't this be more widespread?" I ask, I try to think if I have ever heard of this but I can't seem to recall anything. 

"Why would they teach you about the scriptures? Sure they will teach you about the ruins and the myths scrawled on the walls but that's only to help the people who awaken as a Mythril Class to get a better handle on them"

"I see but why are you telling me this then?"

"Well we used to work for the government, you know? We have always had access to this info, we just never really cared for it unless it was a technique that would suit us"

"Wait, you worked for the government!?"

"Let me guess your parents didn't tell you? I'm not surprised and I won't elaborate but yes we did work for them" Max already went upstairs to get David for dinner and the staff are standing by getting the table ready.

"This one is a movement and life prolonging technique that roughly translates to 'time traverser' it allows one to gain insights into the inner workings of Time itself allowing them to move between the gaps in time and absorbing its energy to live longer, this is a vague and incomplete description since it is impossible for me to summarize it you understand yes?"

I nod as we head to the table and wait for the others for dinner.