(31) Power of Ego |2|

May 19th 3019

4:15 P.M. 

Cambridge, H.A.S. Arena

The timer reaches zero as we run with all our might to get in position. We are heading to a small grove of clustered Trees near the Giant one in the middle, there we set Spincaster as he summons 100 and sends them in four different ways, 25 to our East, 25 to the West, 25 straight ahead, and 25 surrounding him for protection, they don't feed him imagines or talk back to him like Livestream's drones but he can feel when and where they are attacked. 

Knuckles and Animatronica head to the Giant Tree as Max and I stay in between them standing by for support. It took us a while to get Sarmon in place, Jacob and Bonnie might encounter Exponentia as soon as they arrive so we have to be ready. A buzzing noise sounds above us as two spherical floating devices scan the area, it looks like Livestream is already here. We hear fighting and dash to the tree only to hit something hard on the way and fall down. 

"Hehehe you're not going anywhere" A disembodied voice sounds. The space in front of Max and I warps to reveal a tree. 

"It's Mirage he's already here damn it!" I didn't expect him to get here so fast. 

"Hehehe try to get me!" Several copies of him appear and we don't know if the real one is even here. 

"Quick Kris, let's restrain the area!" He enters a wide stance with his fists up like a boxer as the hair in the tufts of his thighs and gloves raise and aim at the clones. 

I raise my hands and vines shoot out lashing wildly around. 

"Oh? A wood elemental? That's it? That's all this rookie has? I gotta say I'm disappointed" The clones smile and say. Many of them are pierced revealing they are fakes as they disappear in a puff of air. 

"Damn you!" I light all the vines and surroundings on fire. 

"Whoa, dual elemental, not bad. but not enough" 

I accumulate light and flashbang the area. The clones vanish leaving a person at the back. Max rushes at him. 

"Aaargh!.. " 

Mirage Screams but Max is suddenly thrown to the side. 

"Sorry I'm late I just finished scouting, I found Spincaster and that robot girl but I don't know where Knuckles went" 


"What Mirage?"

"Stop standing and rush them!"

Max gets up and stands by me. 

"Good! You were first on our hit list either way"

"I'm flattered but you will regret that" Mirage vanishes as a thick fog surrounds us. 


Giant Tree in the middle...

"Damn it where are they?! Where did She go?!" Knuckles is frustrated looking around the tree when he hears fighting. He runs towards the noise and looks down from above the tree, he sees on a branch below Bonnie fighting against Spellcaster, Avenger and Atlas, a horde of spinners has converged on her location for support. 

"Finally! Here I come!" He roars at them and jumps but falls very slowly. 

"Bad idea to scream what you're gonna do you know?" Atlas has reduced his gravity; he can't move in the air and is a standing duck. 

"Damn you!! How dare you!!" He yells at them but can't do anything. 

"Knuckles, where were you?" Says Bonnie as she tries to dodge Avenger's Light beams. 

"Where did I go?! Where did YOU GO?!" 

"Hey! You too, stop screaming and go down already" 

"Shut it Atlas, I'll take care of him... {Magnify}" A magenta glow surrounds Spellcaster his power begins to increase. 

"{Power Multiplier}, {Spell Enhancer}, {Density}"

Spell circles appear at Spellcaster's feet as his aura grows stronger and stronger.

"Stop! Are you trying to kill him?" Bonnie dodged another light beam but Atlas is also slowing her down. The light beam barely graces her. 

"Spellcaster, hurry up! I can't deal with the spinners and her alone Damn it!" 

"Hey, I'm trying to help too!" 

"Shut it!! Both of you... {Split Strike Six}"

A spell Circle appears on his palms as he stretches them towards Knuckles.

"Hehehe Goodbye!"

The spell circle fires six beams of energy and they head directly towards him. 

"I'd like to see you try!" Bonnie fully transforms her arm then dislodges it and flings it in the path of the projectile. As it flies in the air Bonnie controls it so it splits six ways to stop each of the beams.


V.I.P. Lounge #2

"They are rather decisive I guess, I'll give them that, but too hot headed still" 

"Yeah but that can be worked on, look at them. If we train them properly we can get something great out of it" John writes down more notes on some papers. "What about the new guy? Pretty impressive don't you think?"

"I will say a triple element is rare but not to the point of getting crazy about it"

"What about the Girl?" 

"Her Ego could be useful, she can completely fall apart and recover as long as there's materials so it isn't too bad, I'm more interested in the one casting those Spells which one is that?" 

"Let me see" John picks up one of the papers and hands it over. 

"Spellcaster... SS potential? Well no wonder, his Ego looks strong" Richie nods approvingly.

"Looks like it's getting intense over there" John points back at the screen" 
