(33) Power of Ego |4|

May 19th 3019

5:02 P.M. 

Cambridge, H.A.S. Arena

I can't do much just by chucking elements at them so I decide to jump down and help in the fight, suddenly we hear the announcement of Bonnie and Atlas getting eliminated. 

"Damn it, what are they doing over there?" Mirage screams. 

"I don't know let me send a drone over" 

"Not on my watch!" Max and I pounce on them but we still can't stop the drone from leaving. A few minutes pass when. 

"Mirage! Not good, they broke Avenger's lantern. He's injured and Spincaster is there too. We have to assist them now!" 

"How? They won't let us through!" 

Mirage drops the fog and jumps in the fray creating an illusion around his body. He swings at me and I duck only to be thrown away by something, his form dissipates as he reveals he never swung a fist but wound up a kick! 

The fight reaches a stalemate as none of us can do any big moves against the other, Max is still hiding his transformation and hasn't used his tail much to hide it from the others as a Trump card. 

As they rush at us again I use speed and strength enhancement and enhance my speed further with the light element when suddenly time seems to stop for a second before suddenly it skips forward and I find myself thrown away. What was that? I shake my head. 

"It's not a good idea to zone out around us, you know?" Mirage smirks

"Realtor you ok?" 

"I'm good" I feel like I should know what that was and how to use it, my core shakes and glows at the thought, it seems almost, excited? I stand and begin fighting again. 

"So what was that?" Asks Max

"I'm not sure just focus on the fight with me" 

We reach a standstill once again, I need to think of something. Sarmon and Jacob have the advantage on the other side but I have a very bad feeling about this. Suddenly we hear another announcement. 


"Damn it! Do I have to to Everything myself!?" Spellcaster yells at Avenger as he falls under the onslaught of attack from the others. 

"[Attention... Participant... Avenger... Eliminated]" 

"Nowhere to run now! It's three against one just give it up!" Spincaster says.

"Forget that, beat him up!" Jacob lunges at him but Spellcaster evades him. 

"{Flight}, {Levitation} you'll never catch me, you idiots!" He vanishes into the upper branches of the tree and starts chucking attacks down at them.

"Are you kidding me! Come back here you coward!" Jacob screams. 

"Common lets go! follow him! don't let him get away!" Spincaster says as they start to climb the tree. Its branches form paths that don't make it too hard to climb but it takes time. All the while Spellcaster has been throwing attacks at them to slow them down. 

"{Fire Blast}, {Ice Shards}, {Stone Spike}, {Lightning Bolt}"

"How is he not out of energy already?" Sarmon is shocked at the sheer amount of attacks coming their way. 

"I think I heard about Exponentia teaching their students some Vitality augmentation technique, it doesn't raise their Vitality but it greatly increases energy capacity and regeneration"

"We can only hope Furlion and Realtor deal with their side soon. I don't know how long we can last like this" Sarmon says as he throws his spinners in defense. 

"Ugh what's taking them so long?" Jacob grunts as he tries to deflect the incoming projectiles.

"They aren't fighting an easy battle they have Livestream and Mirage they are probably stalling them" Sarmon continues

"UGH! Both of you shut up and stand still. I'm trying to hit you!" Spellcaster screams, he's getting frantic, his aim is becoming shaky and he has to recite spells more than once because he didn't say them loud and clear enough. 

"A chance!" Jacob crouches and gathers energy in his legs as he jumps and pulls his fist back. Spellcaster dodges but Jacob grabs his robes and drags him down, to the floor. Before him and Sarmon can do anything though.

"{Boundary Push}"

A spherical energy field booms out with Spellcaster as the center making the others get pushed away as he begins to fly away again this time not looking back and hiding in the upper branches. 

"Damn it again?" Jacob and Sarmon give chase and head to the upper branches.


"Yes!" Max exclaims. It seems they are almost done on their side. We just have to take care of our side and we should have this in the bag. Suddenly the drones come back. 

"Alright change of plan! you better hold on tight" Livestream then grabs onto a drone while signaling for Mirage to do the same, I don't have to guess to know what they are doing. 

"Furlion stop them!" I shoot Light beams and chuck fire at the drones slowing them down but it's too late, they have already grabbed onto them and Livestream uses his Self-Technique to make them dash away in a flash. 

"Common! We have to go to the big tree, we can't let them interfere" I say activating strength, speed and jump enhancement as I run as fast as I can, using my jump enhancement to push off of the ground hoping it gives me an edge. Max transforms into his Furlion form, turns into a streak of hair and joins me.