One Important Question Aaron Often Forgets

"Cakara Park! Where are you? Get out and face me if you dare!"

Five minutes ago, Aaron came with stomping steps. He entered the Guardian Base with a fiery rage. The man started screaming for the Guardian Commander to come to meet him, even though he did not know where Cakara was.

Two Guardians immediately crossed their wands in front of Aaron, who was starting to stir up trouble. The Guardian then gripped Aaron's hands. They stopped the anarchic actions that the Copulation participants almost did. One of the Guardians almost hit Aaron in the forehead if it wasn't stopped by one of his leaders, who was disturbed by the visitor's screams.

"Who are you?"

Aaron stomped his hand away from the Guardian's grip.

"I'm Aaron Magnifico. I'm here to look for Cakara Park!"

Seconds later, Aaron felt his arm being scanned by the Guardian. It wasn't long before his data surfaced. He saw the person in front of him was reading his origin.