A Person in a Black Hoodie

Tonight the atmosphere is so gloomy.

Light rain fell, cold air blew, muddy roads, quiet atmosphere all combined into suffocating silence. Almost all spots in the place were hit by raindrops tonight. No exception in a room measuring three by three meters which became a small guard post for the Guardian at the border.

In one of the rooms, there is a small hole in the roof. It is caused by the rotting of the tile with age. The two-centimeter diameter hole was enough to let rainwater seep into the room. As a result, the glass-covered table underneath became wet.

The pile of valuable documents placed on the shelf was then pushed away by the young Guardian to one corner of the desk. He didn't want the paper exposed to raindrops which further messed up his room.

The young Guardian then took a cup of coffee. He then put the cup on the table on the dripping part to catch the rainwater there. The young Guardian yawned as sleepiness swept over him.