
Ivory sat limply by the flowerpot.

She lost power. Fatigue enfolded her to the bone. Her energy was drained so severely that she couldn't breathe. Her throat ached from crying too long. Her head was spinning because she had been struggling with guilt for too long.

Ivory's hand reached out to touch the fragile-looking rose stalk. Carefully, she traced the stem with her fingers. She stabbed her index finger into one of the thorns on the rose's stem. As if it didn't hurt at all, she stabbed her middle finger, too, while feeling tight in her chest.

The tightness in her chest was insane. She felt a very broken heart. It was as if her world had collapsed in the blink of an eye. Her pain was even more painful when she realized that it was because of her incompetence that other people's lives were the consequence.