What Was That?

But then just after a second, at an unrealistic speed, he came back to his senses and swiftly raised his upper body with a straight back.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zombie King?"

However, despite being glad that he is back the cute head-patter Loli-Zombie got worried a little bit instead, as she now noticed that the person in front of her is staring intensely right into her eyes... the second time. And out of that, she stopped doing the head pats. How sad.

Aye, the protag is sus. Suspicious, indeed. Nevertheless, despite seeing Loli-Zombie "anxiously" sweating the fuck out, he has not noticed their situation yet where it looks like he is trying to hit on a kid. Not at all. Or maybe in the first place, he does not think of her as being one? But nay, it does not change the fact that she looks precisely like a 10-year-old kid.

Humanities' Federal Bureau of Investigation, please do not open up. Stoppu. The story might end here in this chapter.

Fuck that, he continued staring at her. But not until he finally blinked his eyes after some seconds had passed by, now gazing at the other two women back and forth, opening his mouth right after.

"If this is really real, then can I ask for further questions?"

He requested, slightly frowning. And so knowing that he was just preoccupied with such mere thoughts, Reaper Zombie sighed, at ease once again.

"Just know that in this situation you are having, it is certainly normal to understand why this is happening."

She nodded, sure that what she said is precise and true. And since Reaper Zombie had just claimed that he then made a neutral face as he went gazing at the ceiling.

"Oh, okay. So why me?"

Boom. Thunder.

*Gulp*, the three kidnappers instantly produced one as they were just asked the GRANDEST question ever, moving away a little bit from him. Regardless, they have different reasons why so.

"Hoh, so you wanna know?"

Dream Zombie expressed while blazingly staring at him on the outside,

'I don't know why, but how I wish I really do~!'

yet concisely feeling something filled with elation, desire, and interest on the inside. Moving on with her...

"Just some advice. Surely, it would not be short."

Reaper Zombie suggested while "elegantly" glancing at him on the outside,

'Nono. This is bad, so so bad! No one of the three of us knows at all, and yet I need to lie and satisfy him with a credible answer right here right now so that we would not go back to phase 1 again! Yes, I am scared that the progress might be gone and he will endlessly bark again!'

but rigidly pondering about that in her suppressed thoughts, currently being loaded with pain, fear, and much greater fear.

Aye, she is truly frightened. So might as well keep it buried, inde-

"Mr. Zombie King, we don't know at all!"

Never mind, the innocent Loli-Zombie voiced out. And unknowingly to her, she just happened to start a calamity.

"You... you must be joking..."

This calamity tightly clenched his fists, slightly bowing his head.

"Don't know... at all...? What... the hell... are you saying..."

The next thing the three women noticed is that the atmosphere around him became more intense. Yet succeedingly, they did not even think about this.

That he is more than just a calamity.

His eyes went darkened and so is every detail of his face. Blood slowly splurted on his tightly-clenched fists as more veins began showing within his body, starting from his hands. Strangely, his dark brown hair went glowing white and was instantly turned into long and short thin spikes at the same exact time, wobbling around the air as it floats.

His head seems to begin moving so fast to the point that it became blurry and warped. After that, he slowly shifted his view and went looking to his left, which happens to be at the three certain women's fixed positions. And lastly, he leaned his head to the front while still facing in the same direction.

"I'm normal... I should be normal... but now that I'm not, I can't even find out why I'm not..."

He "just" coldly expressed, although not with the same exact voice he naturally has, but with another incomprehensible obscure one that is seemingly mixed with different types. Thoroughly, there was the hoarsened, the high-pitched, the monotoned, and so on.

However, what about the three women's reactions to all of what they are being shown? Apparently, they are indeed silenced to the core. They do not understand what is happening. It is as if they felt that someone who owns each of their whole lives finally appeared right in front of them for the very first time, arriving to obtain all of what is rightfully his. And since it is so, they do not know the right way to react. Nay, in fact, they do not even know why they are reacting this way.

Even Loli-Zombie, who was just being carefreely showing her different truthful feelings during those times that she did, cannot even apprehend this emotion she is currently having right now. And along with her two companions, she cannot even make a single flinch at her body. Just like the inescapable horror of sleep paralysis.

It is fear. Nay, it is more than fear. More than Reaper Zombie's anxiety of him barking again; more than any other degrees of atrocity.

Degree of atrocity? Nay, he is himself. Even Narrator is "slightly" scared if Narrator is narrating this in an incomplete way.

It is terrifying. It is petrifying. He truly is... their one and only ki-

"This isn't fair! Why don't you just say it to me! Ahhh! Fuck fuck! @#$%&*!"

Hah~ Never mind. Do not overthink what was happening earlier, since everything suddenly went back to what it was, now starting again from his endless barking. Nay, not just barking, but his shitty weeping as well.

Yet is it so? Did everything really go back to what it was? He may have turned back to his "normal" basic human-kit looks, but what about the minds of three women? Undoubtedly, mentality stands up to be significant as well.

Aye, everything did not actually go back, since the three of them are still each in their own solitude of being paused inside a white void.

And so noticing their current unmoving state, he got confused to a great extent.

"Wait, are you three playing with me the... what's that called again? Where people won't move while being recorded- fuck, who cares about that! Just stop this already!"

Still, even after that instantly-shifting yelling phrase of his, the three of them have still not come back to their senses yet. They must have gone to something far greater than anyone could ever imagine. Aye, se-


Three exclamation marks are equivalent to how loud student-girls shout whenever a student boy accidentally opened their changing room and notices him gazing at each of their bodies covered with only pa-alert, forbidden to go any further.

Nay, wait... right, this is not for kids. So yeah, panties and bras. Hoho.

However, in this situation, it is but from a mere boy. The opposite, indeed. Yet still, it did not change the fact that out of his shout the three managed to flinch, finally going back to each of their conscious minds.

So seeing them with their senses, or specifically just witnessing them unsteadily swaying around each of their own bodies like they are now having some hangovers, he began expressing his confusion not to himself as he would have just continued being an idiot, but simply to others, particularly the three women that are currently on this basketball court along with him.

"Why were you guys being like tha-wait, what just happened to me again? After the loli-hag said something to me, I got angry and... went out of control? Wait, huh? How could I sa-"

"As if we know! We should be asking you that instead!"

Guess what? That is none other than Dream Zombie's phrase with an unexpected harsh tone. A simple exclamation mark seriously changes the way of speaking, indeed.

Moving on with Dream Zombie, now that Loli-Zombie is back again as well her eyes became teary as she remembered what just transpired between her along with her two sisters and him, the Mr. Zombie King.

"I-I dunno why that happened, but I'm sowwy, hu... waaah!"

And so she cried and apologized, although not fully knowing why she did.

However, as a certain master of hers received that adorable apology, she was then given not an earful scolding from her but rather a graceful and sincere smile instead.

Although at the start, despite Loli Zombie not being able to know about this her master Reaper Zombie already did not actually think of her, which is her only student, being at the fault there, as she is the most innocent little girl she could ever have by her side... and that it is understandable since she is very cute.

She did not find her at fault. Not at all. And aye, nor the potato-protag.

Regardless of that, the student hugged her master while crying.


"What is your name?"

While patting her student's head Reaper Zombie asked, staring at him with deep seriousness in her graceful eyes.

"And why do you wanna know?"

Although as expected, he became concerned. He was taught by his parents and his parent's parents and so on that revealing even their slightest bit of identity to someone they do not trust yet will straightly be a disgrace to their family, since they will be recognized as fucking idiots if they do so.

Though aye, Reaper Zombie already knew that he will be wary about it since, in the first place, she had then understood that it will certainly not be easy to be trusted by someone who they just abducted, even revealing to him something more than supernatural affairs, like coming to this world from another world or something.

However, despite seeing him looking at her cautiously... while strangely biting his lower lips and sweating, she did not wince at all and is still in her calmness, living up to her elegance, unlike earlier when she got rattled out.

Gazing at her companions and next at him, she gracefully nodded and said...

"Because we want you to trust us."