Sometimes the best way to learn something is to experience it firsthand.

That was what I was beginning to think in the weeks that followed my coming to stay with Jade and the others. Of course, nothing in life is ever easy, especially not to the ones like us, but I was starting to accept just a little bit of my fate by then; not only with my knowing that someday I'd be marrying Chris, but also in knowing where I came from and who I really was. I was starting to fully understand that absolutely nothing in this world or any of the others could change what had happened in the past. Only we could determine our future.

However, I was starting to question my own fate at times when it came to training under Jade. While I'd thought that Chris and the others could be slave drivers with stuff like that, Jade may have been out to kill me and call it an accident.

Looking behind me as I stood up straight again, I stared at the large burnt black oak tree with that thought in mind.

"Okay Jade, I get that you're trying to show me what I'm going up against but are you seriously trying to kill me now?!" I demanded angrily.

Jade stood near me with his arms crossed and a knowing smile on his face. I was really coming to hate his smiles now. They often masked his bad intentions.

"Not at all. I know that you've become very good at dodging now." he replied curtly.

Chris stood up from the bench where he'd been resting. He'd actually been out there for a few hours before me, also training with Jade. For me, it had been kind of surreal to get to watch that. Chris and Jade had been pretty evenly matched when it came down to it, although Jade did still get the better of him at times. Jade was incredibly fast and seemed to have no hesitation in using what I would've considered dirty tactics. Chris seemed to know a lot of them, but there were still certain things that caught him off guard here and there. Hence his need to sit back for a while to recover.

"Of course she can, but you're going harder than you should at this point. Just because she's learned how to use a good deal of that power now doesn't mean she's fully prepared for everything you have to offer in a real fight." he reasoned as he walked over beside me.

"Perhaps not, but there's no time to be slow about this, especially today." Jade told him.

"Is that so? Are you expecting something more to happen today?" Zane asked from the thick tree branch he was seated on. The branch was in a large tree near where Chris was sitting and was nearly twenty feet from the ground. The filtered sunlight shined in places on his black wings as we looked up at him.

Will leaned against the tree under him, "I would think so. Apparently, there's been a correspondence here stating that we need to step up our guard." he spoke up.

"Correspondence?" I repeated.

"It's nothing to think too much into at this moment. However, one should always be prepared. From what's being whispered on the other side, they may be gearing up again for a final confrontation." Jade told us.

"We expected that much, but I think you've done enough. If you keep this up, you're going to end up hurting her more than helping her." Chris countered, shooting him a hard look.

"Still being overprotective, aren't we?" Jade sighed in frustration.

I could kind of see where this was coming from. Chris and the others weren't making it easy on him being around me, even though I kind of counted that as a good thing. Like I said, I didn't trust Jade either.

"You already know that. Besides, you can't exactly pick your fights with Saffron right now, so we'll make sure you don't take any frustrations out on her." Chris informed him.

Jade seemed to humor him, "You really believe I have any with that fool still recovering?"

Before Chris could say anything, Will suddenly spoke up, "One never quite knows with the ones like you, but if you're itching that much for a good fight, I can give you one. It is time to allow Ariana a break."

Jade seemed to relent, "Very well. I can deal with that. I certainly am not ready to just call this." he agreed.

Chris led me away, "Come on. Let's go in and fix some drinks. I want to relax this afternoon."

I agreed, walking with him towards the nearby house. Zane stood up and unfurled his wings, flying down to land on the other side of me.

"Sounds good to me. I could use some brandy myself." he said happily.

"You know, I don't care that you can't get drunk. You're still an alcoholic." Chris informed him.

Zane just laughed, "You'll never let me off the hook for anything I do, will you?"

"Trust me, I'm going to be on your case for a long time after all of this." Chris confirmed as we stepped onto the deck.

I glanced back as Chris opened the glass door, shaking my head at Will and Jade. Whenever those two decided to do so-called 'training' together, there was bound to be a huge mess of destruction afterwards. Even now, several of the trees had been knocked over and there were large holes in the otherwise solid ground.

Zane looked as well, "Honestly now, those two really enjoy duking it out anymore." he commented.

I was inclined to agree with him, but I decided to let it be as I followed him and Chris inside. Sitting at the table, I breathed in relief as my body began to relax. It seemed like I was so tense whenever I was around Jade. I needed to figure out a way to get over that. If I was going to stay with Chris for the rest of however long my life was, then I had to accept Jade was going to be around too.

In the nearby kitchen, Zane set about gathering his glass and bottle, "Would you like anything?" he offered.

"No, I'm good." I replied.

"Same here. I'm not ready to have anything this soon after putting up with him." Chris added as he sat beside me.

I glanced at the ring on my finger as I rested my hand on the table. In the dim light, I could see the soft glitter from the blue stone. My mind drifted back to Saffron as I looked at it. I hadn't been able to tell him about this yet. But then, it would be almost impossible to see him right now. He'd sent himself back down to the bowels of the Abyss to recover in what Jade described as a black cocoon. I had tried several times to imagine it in my mind, but couldn't seem to wrap my head around it. Strange, considering all the things I'd gotten to see in the past year.

Zane's voice brought me out of my revelry as he sat with us.

"You know, you're allowing Jade to get you worked up too much again. You must realize that he has no intentions at this point of harming her." he was saying to Chris.

"Yeah, I get that, but it's something I've always tended to do anyway. Jade's got a bad habit of trying to get under my skin whenever he feels like it." Chris admitted.

"It seems like Jade enjoys seeing people get uncomfortable around him." I noted.

I was trying to be part of the conversation because I wanted to stop thinking about Saffron. There was a sadness deep within me whenever I did. Even though everything I'd said to him was basically true, there was a part of me that still wanted to think that he cared about me. It was the conundrum that continued to haunt my mind.

Chris shrugged, leaning his arms on the table, "It's how he's always been. Jade's the type who likes to think he's superior to everyone else."

"You know, that very well may have been a part of what got him thrown out in the first place. Too much arrogance is never a good thing, and that's a trait that all of the Fallen seem to share; though I will admit that Jade tends to be a cut above many of them from what I've seen." Zane agreed. I watched the smile cross his face as he played with the ice in his drink. He was clearly amused with the thought of the Fallen being full of themselves.

Chris didn't share that amusement, "It's part of their curse, and they tend to pass it on to us too. We all know that much."

"Perhaps, but we can also rise to places that they cannot. Or at least, most of them cannot. I definitely wouldn't say that some of the Fallen are beyond redemption." Zane continued.

His words immediately caught my interest, "So, you think that they can be redeemed too?" I asked him. I halfway wondered if he was just humoring me. After all, Zane hadn't believed that our own redemption was possible for a long time.

"I do think that a small number may be able to be. But that is also their choice if they wish to seek it." he told me.

"You know something? I'm beginning to think that Kinsley did a number on you when he got a hold of you back then." Chris commented.

I glanced over at him, wondering if I'd seen anger there, but instead, I simply saw curiosity reflected in his eyes. It made me consider that perhaps he didn't quite understand how Kinsley could change Zane's perception of the world.

Zane chuckled, "You may be right. I honestly haven't felt this free in my entire life. Even though I can recall all the bad with crystal clarity, it feels like I can rise above it for the first time. Perhaps I had something wrong in my soul that he corrected, or maybe he just opened my mind to allow me to see past all the hardships. Either way, I'm glad to be here right now with you all, and I'm more than willing to fight as well to make the hunts stop for good." he explained.

I looked down at the table and the ring on my finger as he spoke those words. Willing to fight to make the hunts stop for good. Was I really willing to fight back as well?

I had questioned myself about that ever since I'd come back there. The memory of Lennox remained deeply imprinted in my mind. He may have been a lot of things, but could one really have called him bad in the end? He had saved my life knowing full well that it was probably going to cost him his. I couldn't help but think that such an act was a redemption of sorts in his own mind. If he could make himself do one unselfish thing before he perished, then his life had been worth something.

All at once, I felt a shiver go through my body. Sitting up straight, I looked with Chris and Zane towards the glass doors as the three of us fell silent. The outside didn't look the same. The skies had darkened, and there seemed to be a thick, dark fog rolling over the grounds. The air seemed like it was filled with dark electricity.

Chris stood up, his chair scraping loudly behind him in the movement, "You're kidding, right?" he whispered. He sounded afraid.

"What's going on?" I asked as I stood with him.

Zane took my arm, "Chris, we may want to consider getting her to a good hiding place." he said quietly.

"You will do no such thing." Jade interrupted as he suddenly appeared in front of us, "He's come here because he wants to see her face to face."

"You can't let him do that! He'll kill her!" Chris protested.

"Killing is not the intention with this. I do know that much. Now bring her outside and make it quick. Don't cause any reason for trouble with him." Jade ordered, turning swiftly to the glass door, which he opened with a loud creak. It could hear what sounded like ice breaking too. An unnatural cold drifted into the room with the fog.

I looked at Chris as the three of us stood there.

"What's going on?" I repeated softly. I was suddenly feeling like my life was in imminent danger.

Zane spoke up, "We have no choice, Chris. We don't need his anger in this."

"I know." Chris breathed, sounding a bit frustrated. He held my hand tightly, "Just stay close to us and try not to act too intimidated. Hopefully this will all end quickly."

I couldn't help feeling a bit sick to my stomach as he led me out of the open glass door and off the porch. Outside was a lot darker than I'd originally thought, and the cold in the air was actually biting. Even though the day hadn't been warm, this was downright bitter. The fog around our feet even seemed to cut through my boots with this bitterness, and I halfway wondered if I could get frostbite if I stayed out there too long.

My thoughts were immediately dashed away by the sight I beheld as we stopped several feet from the house. Jade was standing out there with Will on his right side several feet away, but the thing that caught my attention was the one who stood between them; a dark figure dressed completely in black from head to toe, with hair that was blacker than the darkest night and piercing violet eyes. I could see six large, bat like wings coming from his back. This was the same figure that had appeared and attacked Saffron and me back in Baton Rouge. The one that Jade had saved me from.

The was Lucifer.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as he regarded us with a vacant expression on his pale white face.

"Now I see her as she truly is. Step back." he ordered Chris and Zane.

Chris hesitated, but did as he was told, I stood very still as he and Zane took a few steps behind me. As they did, the roots of the trees suddenly came up and wrapped around their legs, effectively holding them to the spots they were in.

"Hey! What is this?!" Chris demanded.

Lucifer ignored him, walking slowly to me until he stood directly in front of me. I looked up at him, feeling my heart race and my eyes widen in fear. I felt as though I couldn't move. I could see the red flames dancing in his irises as he looked down at me. He seemed to tower over me even more than Astaroth had, but he was much more frighting than Astaroth ever could've been. I knew instinctively that this Fallen would have absolutely no hesitation in eliminating me on the spot if he deemed me worthless. That thought along was enough to make my insides quiver with cold fear.

He finally spoke again, "So, you are the one. Odd. I expected more."

"She is still young. She doesn't even have complete control of many things she can do. That's why we've been working so hard to train her." I heard Will tell him.

Lucifer looked at me for a moment longer, then held a hand over my head. In an instant it felt like something inside of me released. My wings unfurled and my entire being was surrounded by a mass of dark power.

"Yes, there it is. As expected from that heretic. He could not lock away such a thing as this forever." I heard Lucifer say.

"She is quite powerful, but the fool did not allow her to tap into it as he should have. However, I do not believe that it is sufficient reason to eliminate her. She's very useful to Hell, wouldn't you agree?" Jade told him.

"He's right. She can be the one to do what none of us have been able to in hundreds of years. She will keep the Dark Nephilim on the mortal plane." Will agreed. He moved to take a step towards us.

"You will remain where you stand. I am not finished here." Lucifer ordered, glancing at him. Amazingly he didn't bother binding Will. It seemed that only his order was needed.

As for me, feeling this power swirling around me and hearing Will's words, I felt some empowerment towards this evil being.

"You won't kill me. If you do, then you lose your last chance to have us remain as a scar to those angels." I said, working hard to keep my voice calm.

Lucifer slowly looked back at me. I watched as the darkness crept through his eyes, slowly turning them completely black.

"You know the intentions behind some of this. Intelligent for such a young one." he commented.

"I know a lot because my father decided to tell me, and I know my purpose. I was created for the same selfish reasons we all were, but I am the only one who has been able to contact any of those higher angels and get this to stop, even for a short time. If you kill me here because of spite for my father, then you've lost the chance for the Fallen Angels to have any kind of revenge towards them." I went on.

Lucifer considered my words carefully. In the bitter cold, it felt like time itself was frozen. Finally, he raised his hand, reining in my power into a swirl over my head in the size of a softball.

"Great power should only be for those who can use them for my benefit. I came here fully prepared to seize yours; however, you have proven much more useful to me than I had considered. For this time, I will allow you to keep them, but if you falter, then I will return and finish what I've set out to do. I expect for you to destroy that angel who continues the massacre of the Dark Children. If not, then I shall destroy all of you." he warned us.

I let out a long breath as the power was absorbed back into my body. Lucifer stepped back in a swift motion, sending a soft gust of cold air around me. He looked back at Will solemnly, who nodded in return.

"I understand. If we fail, then we will all die." he agreed.

"Then I take my leave. Remember my words." Lucifer ordered.

The fog and darkness around us swirled around him, enveloping his figure into it as time seemed to bend.

Then he was gone.

The normal, sunny afternoon returned in what seemed like an instant, and the world was right again. I held my chest as I willed my heart rate to slow down. I couldn't believe that I had just done that. But it was well worth it. For the first time, I'd stood up on my own. I'd faced down the King of Hell and kept my life because of it.

Chris and Zane were freed as well, the roots vanishing just as fast as the darkness.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chris asked, hurrying over to me.

I nodded as I held onto his arms to make sure I could stand right, "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me." I breathed.

"I don't believe he had the intention of doing anything here except delivering his threat. It seems he's actually looking forward to seeing how this all plays out." Jade commented, not bothering to move from where he'd been standing.

"It's some threat. Stop Judiel for good or we all die." Zane muttered, tapping his fingers on his arm as he considered all of it.

"There's no other choice in the matter. If we don't get this redemption done, then we'll all end up killed eventually anyway. So, now's the time to stand and fight." Will reasoned. He walked over and gently touched the top of my head, "You sure you'll be okay? He tends to take a lot of strength from us when he does things like that."

"I'll be fine. I think I just need to get some rest." I breathed.

Now that I was allowing myself to completely calm down, I could feel the fatigue starting from deep within me. It was like I'd been completely drained with the taking and giving back of power that had been done.

Chris picked me up, "Come on. I'll get you inside so you can rest."

I didn't bother protesting. I just closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax against him. I barely noticed when he brought me back into the house and laid me on the bed. But through the haze of my half sleep, I could hear the guys talking quietly.

"He's put a lot of pressure on her now Will. I don't see where it's fair." Zane was saying.

"I know that, but there's no choice. She's the only one who's been able to get to those angels and get any results in helping us. That's made her a special interest on both sides. Not to mention that she holds enough power to fight back as she needs to." Will reasoned.

"I can't argue with any of that, but it's still putting a lot on her; and you keep forgetting how young she really is. If she makes one wrong move in this game they're playing, she'll lose her life, not to mention all of ours. I know she doesn't want to think about that happening. She's already felt bad enough over what happened to Lennox." Chris responded.

"I still have a hard time believing what happened there. He sacrificed himself for her, and here I thought that Lennox was selfish to the core." Zane commented.

"I told you that there was more to him, although it was a shame. We could've used him as a permanent ally, and I was sure that he would've done it too if his father hadn't kept interfering." Will lamented.

I heard Chris sigh in resignation, "Enough. What's done is done and talking about it within earshot if she isn't asleep may only make things worse. Let's go. She needs her rest."

I heard the footsteps walk out of the room, and the door was closed. I relaxed and let myself to float in the haze of my mind. It was peaceful there, yet also felt unsettled. I wondered if I would end up leaving my body to travel. While that hadn't happened in quite a while, in this state it seemed possible.

"There you are."

My eyes opened within my dream state, and in the surrounding darkness, I saw a bright yellow orb floating towards me. The voice that came from it was very familiar.


The orb began morphing, and within seconds it took the shape of Lennox's body. He was still glowing slightly, now a radiant golden spirit. He smiled as he regarded me.

"I was waiting for you to come to this state again. I was starting to get a bit worried that you may not cross into it in time for me to find you. The window of opportunity isn't always open very long." he told me.

He held up his hand to allow my palm to touch his, "Is this your spirit?" I asked.

"More or less. As you can tell, I'm far from done with things. That's why I've come looking for you." Lennox answered.

"By why? You did enough when you saved me. You died because of it."

"I know and I understand that you may have felt tremendous guilt for my selfish actions, but I came here so I could show you that the soul never really dies. As for myself, I want to do more. I apologize for what I did to you. I brought you a lot of pain with my actions, but I will make it up to you by offering you what's left of me." Lennox continued.

"I can't do that Lennox." I told him, "You already died because of me, and if I let you do this, then you'll be gone forever."

But Lennox was insistent, "Not at all. I will simply become a part of you. As long as you live, I will live on through the power I give you. I do not see this as a true death. I see it as a true beginning. If I can be a part of something worthwhile, then that is enough for me. So please, allow me to do this. It is my final humble request."

I hesitated. Could I really allow such a thing to happen when I knew that it meant he would be gone forever in spirit? But I also thought about what he'd told me. He wouldn't really be gone. If his power lived on through me, then so would that small piece of him. Besides, how could I deny him this when he'd given up his life for me?

"If I agree, then you're just giving me what's left of your abilities?" I asked him.

"Indeed. They will serve you well, and you will also have my powers of restraint to help out your own. So please, allow me this one last gift. It's the least I could do for you after all that's happened." Lennox responded.

He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. I was amazed to see such warmth there. It was like he'd been able to transcend what he once was in death.

Seeing this, I had to agree, "Alright. Thank you, Lennox. For everything." I whispered.

Lennox smiled back, changing into the orb again. There was a distinct feeling of warmth as it entered my chest. That warmth spread throughout my body, wrapping around my very soul. I smiled as I heard Lennox's final words to me.

"Be safe my dear. My last loyalties now remain with you."

My eyes opened slowly as I came out of that dream state, the silence of the room only broken by the sounds of the birds singing outside of the windows. I sat up in the bed, feeling the warmth still within me. It was proof that the dream had happened. Lennox had come back to me in spirit and offered to merge himself with me.

I slowly got up and walked over to the full-length mirror. It was like I was looking at it with truly open eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt like I knew exactly who I was and what I was meant to be. Maybe it wouldn't be an easy road, but I knew that I could make it. Allowing Lennox to connect his last essence to my own had given me that much clarity. Perhaps it was the arrogance that comes with the bloodline, but I knew that I could be the princess that they were hoping for.

And I could end this war.