Noah and the twins

Noah Allen an Handsome creature. Epitome of beauty. His curved nose, cheek bones and steely grey eyes. He has similar appearance as the little guy who he would meet in few hours. His black which are combed perfectly were now a little messy. His demeanour was same as Isla but with a mature vibe.

Getting up from the bed, he went to washroom and freshened up. Donning casual clothing he was ready to complete his work. After fixing himself a cup of coffee he entered the study. Our President is not only the president of the country but he had built his own empire making him richest man across the continent.

The danger he felt from his family was enough to make him realise that he is the person who can protect his family. His wife and his kid. Dedicated in been a good leader of the country he didn't concentrated on the empire he dreamed to built. Elena was the one who forced him to not ignore his dreams and help despite her own dangerous work as special force officer. Till now his half power is in her name and he didn't touch it. He asked his good friend to oversee it. If he look into or take over he might find Elena.

Noah engrossed himself in his work as he wanted to finish as much as he could before he go to Huo Mansion. After some time he looked at the time. Oh Liam must have been arrived. He thought.

How could he not know. All protocol was arranged by him. Or Liam would never surround himself with bodyguards. It was after 40 minutes or so Noah was reported of all the situation. Noah could sigh to himself he relieved there was no accident.

Again burying himself in his work, Noah only let go when his son called him. Neil was Mom's boy he had to see Elena when he wake up, when he was small Noah always showed him pictures of Elena. They would talk to her as she was there. People will call him paranoid but this was Noah's moral support. Neil usually greet Elena with Noah. After getting up he immediately headed to study he know his father would be there.

Dad called out Neil. The boy was in his pyjamas. He looked with his glinting blue eyes towards Noah. Who was sitting behind the desk. His eyes were same as Elena but his demeanour and everything else was Carbon copy of Noah. Calm and composed with cold exterior.

Yes my son Noah replied seeing him standing at the door and peeking inside. Noah knew he was impatient. Walking up to him Noah bent down giving him peck on his forehead, he held his hand and they both went to living room. Greeting Elena, Noah and Neil had short talk with her.

After few minutes sound of clearing throat caught there attention. Looking up to see a handsome man with well built tan body standing. Looking fresh with sweat on his forehead.

Uncle Sean Neil exclaimed. When did you come he questioned.

I arrived at 2 : 30 replied Sean. Noah was looking at his brother. Sensing his gaze Sean avoided his eyes. He knows what he was going to ask. He had no desire to go to Allen Mansion. Noah didn't like it.

Ding 🛎 dong the bell rang.

Saving himself from the lecture . Brother i will look who came at this. He told him Mr Matt you should continue the work.Dropping this sentence. Sean immediately sprang towards the door. The composed Sean was nowhere to be found as he fled from Noah sharp gaze.

Opening the door he was surprised to see Ivy standing with her kids.

Jie you are here. Sean said his voice contained happiness. Its been months he had met his family so naturally he was happy.

Come on in Sean said as he held his nephew in his hand.

Noah was surprised to see Ivy at this time, he know she will be working night shift at hospital.

Why are you here at this time he asked. Ivy was older by two year. She will be 35 this year. But she looked younger than her age. Her brown curly hairs were tied in pony. Wearing casual t-shirt and pants.

Liam called, He asked me to come. He said he will is coming here. His mood was off. Why didn't he arrive yet. Ivy informed and then wondered out loud.

Okay now settle down. I will ask chef to make breakfast. Do you want to wait for Liam Noah asked as he directed them towards lounge. The lounge was warm and cozy. Same as Elena decorated. There was picture of family of three opposite to T.V wall. Where a 3 seater sofa was placed. Small frame with pictures of three separately and as family were placed.

Let's wait for Liam. I am sure he didn't eat anything said Ivy.

All agreed. Noah was worried, Liam just returned except for the incident nothing happened till he got the report what would have happened in short time. But he didn't ask a report as Liam was himself coming.

Neil and Ivy two kids were playing in living room. The two kids are elder than Neil. One is two years older while other is just few months older. They are very good friends. The youngest who is just two years old was sleeping in Sean arms. The elders sat down and have a chat. Its been long time siblings got to spend time like that. The atmosphere was harmonious.

Bell rang after some time. Knowing it would Liam. Neil went to open the door. But he was surprised to see two kids standing outside. They had same eyes as him and his father. They had a standoff. Neil could see they were nervous. A little jealous and there was some other emotions in there eyes.

He then invited Liam and the kids in. Aaric and Isla looked curiously. Looking at a big picture in hallway where there mim holding a baby and man standing beside him. Both had tears in there eyes but they controlled there emotions. Neil was observing them. He could tell there mood was unstable.

Gaining everyone attention as they entered like living room. Aaric and Isla felt they were standing on pins and needles. Before Liam introduced them Aaric beat him to it.

I am Aaric Grey and She is My sister Isla Grey He said. With confidence. We are children of Elena Grey.