
Noah walked up to the kids. And sat down on his knees in front of them. Looking at the kids he could feel the similarities Isla her blue ocean eyes were same as his wife and Aaric was same as him except his hair gave him a different look.

Noah could feel there body tensed up as he got closer. There eyes betrayed there emotions as they prepared themselves for worst. Feeling an unbearable pain in his heart Noah raised his hand to pat on there but they flinched and backed away, Aaric immediately protected his sister. It was an instinct embodied in them for years.

Noah eyes swirling with indescribable emotions, he put down his hand. Word by word he said. Sorry for leaving just now, I believe what you just said and I am glad that you came.

Aaric and Isla realise how they reacted and felt guilty. They wanted to say sorry but they heard Noah voice. Joy erupted in there heart. All worries vanished and strangely they felt calm after hearing his voice but Isla wanted to still confirm.

So she asked rather cautiously.

Do you really believe us. Will you accept us.

Yeah. Dad really meant his words don't worry Neil replied. Aaric and Isla looked towards Noah who smiled and nodded.

The disheartened expression was changed to that of joy. But it would take time to get comfortable again.


A unique family reunion. Noah didn't know that just for leaving he would have to face consequences. But at that time even though he will sulk but would happily receive all punishment from the person trying to argue with him.

Sir breakfast is ready said the Chef. And All family members went to dining table. Looking at the dishes on the table. Aaric and Isla couldn't help but drool. There tummies grumbled making there face go red. Even though the glucose IV was given with then a light porridge. They were feeling hungry but neither took step to take the food from the table.

A nanny came bringing glass of milk for all of the kids. She was about to serve seeing Noah helping Neil, Noah shook his head and addressed the children.

You can tell me what do you want to eat, And I will place them on your plate. According to you preferences. Don't be embarrassed. He added

Aaric and Isla nodded and requested what the wanted to eat. The breakfast was eaten with relish. After breakfast 🍳🥞 Noah introduced kids to his siblings.

It would be an understatement that Liam, Sean and Ivy were shocked. The missing years of Aaric and Isla life now Liam could understand that. Slowly they let the truth sink in and accepted it. Gaining adorable niece and nephew they were inevitably happy.

Noah ordered a DNA test. He talked to them explained them why it was necessary removing doubts from there heart. Noah didn't want anyone to point fingers at Eleanor or his kids to be claimed as illgmen


It was about 10: 00 am. Aaric and Isla were asleep. Noah settled them in his room and ordered Butler to arrange rooms for them He allotted the one nearest to him. While Sean and Liam took charge to shop for accessories and toys.

Neil wanted to do something but as next heir he had to schedule was full so he just decided to bake some cookies with Noah in evening to welcome them.

Ivy was resting in her room, while her kids were been tutored. The atmosphere of the house was serene. However in Huo mansion Ralph was dying from anxiety. He couldn't properly concentrate on his work to.

While Laura tried to busy herself so she could avoid Ralph and his eyes that could penetrate her. But her attitude didn't do any good.

What are you doing. Ralph asked as he entered the combined study room.

Laura was sitting behind a desk filled with scattered papers. Wearing her glasses and letting loose her long hairs. She was wearing casual clothes giving a girly vibe. Laura concentrated to write a new script. She had a pencil behind her ear. There was pout on her lips and excited gleam in her eyes.

Hearing his voice she looked up and tried to straighten her body that was in same position for more than hour. But pain shot through. Laura cursed in her mind, the accident had made her weak. The after effects of accident are not going away and it was will take a long time to heal.

Laura received a angry glare which she received with a hearty smile making his anger go away. A little bit of argument had her hiding. So Ralph controlled his emotions, how could he go on as his wife hides away from him. And smile was all he needed now to relax as he waits for Noah. He didn't know he will get a big surprise today. With a slight shocking memory.

Ralph helped her giving slight massage to her sore muscles and then sat on the couch.

Nothing she replied to his earlier question as he settled down. I have got an amazing story idea she said. It will be on chef and a detective. And she went on to explain the details. Asking for his opinions. Laura knew he was stressed and she was guilty of it so she tried to engage him with her. Earlier she was little scared of him so she didn't dare to approach, she didn't know Ralph was helpless against her. Noah and Ralph were extremely smitten with their spouses.

Laura discussed about company progress. She didn't if she could handle the company as her former self did. She was feeling a little apprehensive.

Almost an hour passed both Ralph and Laura didn't realise how time passed by. They ended the discussion when butler arrived informing him of Noah's arrival.

Ask Elliot to come in living room Laura said to butler as they both Ralph and Laura made there was towards lobby to greet the guests.

Seeing the figures entering Ralph and Laura were shocked. They were stunned. Laura had tears in her eyes as she looked towards the door but disappointed to see no one there.

The two figures were a little cautious but stood with confident expression observing the surroundings.