Chapter 1

One starry night in early July

"What did I see in that asshole anyways? I should go for someone who is good looking and honest, not him! I can't believe he cheated on me. And i just let it happen?! That bastard will pay for this!"

Eliana's angry rant ended abruptly as she walked out of her bedroom door into the living room. She saw John standing there, glaring at her and holding up his phone to show her a picture of himself kissing another girl.

The image was so disgustingly graphic and disgusting she almost wanted to throw up. 'John walker cheating on me with that bitch! Who does he think he is!? He is lucky I'm not calling the cops right now!'

John looked at his fiancée, the expression on her face telling him all he needed to know about how truly mad she was. "You need to leave…now."

He spoke through clenched teeth, voice low and dangerously calm.

Elsie knew what that meant and didn't even hesitate to turn and run back to her room and lock the door before crying uncontrollably.

Two Weeks later.

It was two weeks since Eliana had left their apartment after being dumped by John. Two weeks since the man broke up with her, making sure she understood exactly where he stood.

Two weeks since she realized she wasn't going to be able to keep living like this anymore.It hurt her heart seeing John like this but she couldn't stay here anymore. This was not going to end well.

She was sure John wouldn't come after her if she left. The only person he would be interested in fighting was himself. The only thing they fought about were stupid things anyway.

She was still bitter about it and felt like she deserved everything bad that happened to her over the past two weeks.

But she couldn't live like this forever; no one could ever understand what she went through.

just then her best friend called to cheer her up. "Hey babe, are you ready to get out of your house and go clubbing tonight?"

Eliana smiled despite herself and nodded happily.

"Yeah, I am. Just give me a minute."

Eliana put down her phone and grabbed her wallet. Then she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

After getting into her car, she started driving towards a nightclub she liked.

Her friends knew exactly what she needed to do.

They just didn't know how much alcohol that would really help with it.

The whole night, Eliana was drinking nonstop. She was having so much fun, that if someone had told her earlier that she would be drinking so much, she wouldn't have believed them. But here she was, in the middle of an empty bar, drunk enough that she couldn't even remember how many drinks she'd had. And yet she had no regrets.

She was feeling fantastic. Everything felt good. Her friends were here Eliana found it difficult to believe that only a few minutes ago she had been drinking, watching her girlfriend dancing and enjoying herself. Now, she felt miserable.

She didn't want to admit it to anyone but herself, but she had never felt more lonely than right now.

she decided to join the dance floor.

she joined the dance floor in a pair of black leggings, dark blue high waisted denim shorts and a pink tank top. her hair was long now, past her shoulders and pulled back into a low bun. she's still short and skinny but she's not as tall either, so she can still reach up to grab on to the bars with ease as she dances along with everyone else.

it's not like it's all that difficult, even though it is quite literally the hardest thing ever to do, but somehow you manage.

you find yourself swaying your hips along to the music, bobbing your head to the beat that's being played.

you were dancing to the music like there was no tomorrow, you moved with ease, grace, and confidence. your eyes were closed, mouth open in an honest smile. they glistened like the stars above, reflecting the light of the moon perfectly and making her look ethereal. her lips curved upwards and then there's a guy standing next to you who just so happens to be watching you with his hands stuffed in his pockets, his jaw hanging slightly open at what he sees. He's taller than you by a few inches, maybe more and the muscles beneath his shirt make him look a lot bigger than you expect. he's definitely got nice arms too.

he looked like a cold-hearted person, but the truth was that he was actually really compassionate and kind

but he could be scary as well

and the fact that he had the heart of a wolf

in human form

could mean something else entirely

the way his gaze pierced through you, with a burning passion and an air of dominance

you felt the blood drain from your face, you froze in fear

as if it were some kind of predator

that would come to eat you alive

but instead, you saw him look at you and smile

and there was just something about it that made you feel safe

even though he was the very embodiment of danger.

He clears his throat before stepping closer to you, making sure to keep out of your space because hey, you're dancing alone for god's sake.

when you look up, he's smiling at you with those bright green eyes of his.

He started heading her way. Eliana didn't have any reason to expect him to approach her, but he did.

"Are you alone?" the man asked, his voice was deep and sounded sexy.

'Of course!' Eliana thought. This wasn't a gay bar, everyone here was straight.

"Not anymore," Eliana whispered back.

"That's great," the man smiled at her before pulling her against his body. His hand slid up her leg and she felt his fingers slip underneath her dress. She gasped as he moved his hand lower, between her thighs. She knew he wanted her and she wanted him, but this was a place where she shouldn't be doing this.

But she couldn't stop him.

He kissed her deeply and Eliana let herself enjoy the kiss for a little while. She enjoyed every second of it, even if it lasted only a few seconds. That's how long he kissed her. Finally, he pulled away and Eliana could see that he looked disappointed.

"I'll take you home now." He said in a low tone.

She could barely hear what he said next because she was in such a daze.

"What?" She was surprised he'd even spoken loudly enough for her to catch it.

"I said that I'm taking you home. You need rest." The man took her arm and led her towards the exit.

"Wait! Where are we going? What about my friends? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"Later, when we're back at my apartment. Can't you just trust me?"

"Yes," Eliana said. "I can trust you."

"Good, because I don't trust you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're going to f*ck me."

She had never met someone so blunt before. He definitely made her speechless. All of a sudden, she couldn't breathe.

They reached his car. He opened the passenger door for Eliana, then went around to the driver side. Once he sat in the seat, he turned to face her. He gave her the most charming smile she had ever seen.

It was probably the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

He ran his hand through his dark blond locks, and Eliana felt completely mesmerized by him. He looked so handsome and sexy.

Suddenly he smirked mischievously and winked at her. Eliana blushed as she realized that he probably had noticed her staring.

"Get in," he commanded.

"What?" She questioned.

"We don't have time to stand outside in the cold. Get in, now!"

Reluctantly, Eliana climbed into the car. She watched him start the car and drive away from the bar.

For the first ten minutes after that, they drove in silence. Eliana couldn't take her eyes off him, but he was being uncharacteristically quiet. She decided to try and talk to him again.

"So where are we going?"

"My place".

"Oh... okay"

As soon as they got there.

They were both so intoxicated. They couldn't keep their hands to themselves, they wanted to explore each other's bodies, touch each other, feel each others touch. But there was something holding them back, some barrier that they both tried their best to break down. There was nothing stopping them from touching, but the idea of it made their eyes wide and a blush creeped up their faces as they turned away from each other. It didn't matter how much they kissed or hugged each other, it never felt enough. It felt like they weren't close enough for them, and that they never would be able to feel the connection they shared when one person held you. It had been hard for him to accept that she was taken from him, he wanted her back. He didn't want to let go just yet, not when his heart was still beating fast in his chest with every kiss. She pulled him close, kissing the side of his face. She nipped at the skin of his neck, sucking on it with pleasure before pulling away.

they knew the both wanted more, it was all they could think about. They needed each other desperately, the feeling between them was intense. Their bodies were aching for each other and nothing was going to stop them from having each other now. Nothing.

She straddled him, slowly grinding herself against him, grinding into him, she looked deep into his eyes. He knew what she meant to say. The words burned inside him. She smiled, and leaned forward, placing a sweet chaste kiss upon his lips. His hand went around her hip and squeezed gently.They slowly inched closer, moving towards the bed to find comfort in each other's warmth. The moment their bodies touched they were ready to explode, wanting and desperate for everything they could ever ask for.

The kiss grew more heated, more passionate, and eventually they fell asleep.


He wakes to an empty bed. The sheets are cold and the covers are wrinkled. A blanket lies haphazardly beside her pillow.

he thought.

he sat up, taking note of his surroundings. He was in his room, laying in the same position he'd fallen asleep in. No sign of her anywhere.

his thoughts echoed in his mind.

he got up from the bed, picking up his clothes and heading towards the door.

he took a deep breath.

his heart pounded painfully in his chest, his body tingling with the desire to have her again.

but then again, why did he have to? Why must he suffer through the pain of not being able to hold her? why must he be forced to live this miserable life without her?

she could've chosen anyone else, why did she chose him?

he shook his head as he walked out of his hotel room... he kept thinking of her... he shouldn't. he had someone else, she wasn't worth it.

he sighed deeply, shutting the bedroom door behind him.

he walked through the hallways until he found himself in front of the kitchen. He stared blankly at the countertop, trying to make sense of his actions. He was drunk, yes, but it didn't mean anything. He'd never acted like this... He always put his feelings before everyone else, even if they hurt him. That was no excuse though... He shouldn't have done that. Not to her.

not even to himself.

the doorbell rang suddenly, pulling him out of his trance.

it was he's butler, telling him he was expecting a guest.

"Who is it?" he asked, staring blankly at the man in front of him.

"Mr. Deveraux," came the answer, "there has been a situation in the living room, Mr. Deveraux."

"What sort of situation?" he inquired, rubbing his eyes slightly.

"A young woman has arrived." the butler informed.

"How young?" he asked.

"Young enough," the butler answered, looking down. "She claims to be a friend of Miss. Karpusi's."

Cedric nodded. he didn't need to ask who that was; he knew exactly who this stranger was. The woman who broke his heart, who ruined his life, who caused him to fall into a dark pit of misery, whose name he hated and despised with every fiber of his being. The girl he once loved, who he wished would return his feelings.

He sighed deeply, knowing he couldn't avoid this confrontation any longer. He had to face her, and he had to do it soon.

"Show me her room," he demanded.

The butler nodded, pointing in the direction.

He began walking quickly, trying to ignore the ache in his chest as he passed by the many paintings in the hallway. He didn' need to look around, he knew where this particular painting belonged. He didn't know why he felt so sad at that moment. Was it because it represented someone who used to be important to him? Or was it because he had fallen in love with someone who didn't care for him back?

he sighed deeply, turning the last corner to get to the room.

When he saw her standing in front of the window, gazing at the city skyline. Her hair blew lightly in the wind outside, dancing with the light of the streetlights. The sight filled him with sorrow, reminding him once again of what he lost. Of all the things he missed when she left.

But most importantly, the fact that she didn't care enough to stay with him.

The sound of approaching footsteps brought him out of his thoughts. She turned slightly, smiling when she saw him.

"Hey," she spoke softly, causing him to wince slightly. "I'm sorry I didn't leave a note."

He shook his head, giving her a cold look. "What do you want?." He said. He took another step forward,

forcing her to take two steps backwards. "Answer my question," he growled, causing her to flinch. "what do you want?" he repeated.

"I..." She stuttered, "I just...."

"Just what, princess? Tell me!" he snapped, stepping forward again. This time she stumbled back, bumping into the glass doors of the balcony. She yelped slightly, putting a shaky hand up to cover her mouth. He grabbed her wrist roughly, causing her to pull her hand away. His expression softened at the sight of the red mark he'd given her, the one he knew had scared her half to death. "Come with me," he muttered quietly, opening the door to the balcony and grabbing her wrist again.

She followed along quietly, allowing Cedric to guide her outside. Once they were safely out of the hotel, she stopped abruptly, turning towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest. He froze, shocked by the sudden display of affection. He could feel the tears beginning to build up in her eyes as she sobbed.

"Leave" was all that he said, he had no emotion in his eyes, they were as cold as ice


"No," she whispered, tightening her grip on him. "I can't leave you." she continued crying harder. "I don't want to."

Cedric rolled his eyes, pushing her away from him forcefully. He pushed her back into the hotel, slamming the door behind him and locking it.

Her bottom lip quivered as she watched Cedric walk away from her. When the door shut behind him, she ran to it, pounding on it as loud as she could.

"Open up! Cedric please, open up!" she begged, banging the door over and over again. She was so upset, and she knew the reason why she was upset; she had only just realized that she had fallen in love with him.

she cried, letting her forehead rest against the door. She stayed there for quite a while, hoping that maybe he would come back. Maybe he wouldn't hate her anymore after all this. After she told him everything. After she confessed her true feelings for him. After he finally told her why he'd left the way he had. He had been right, it wasn't fair to her. All of this could've been avoided if he'd just told her the truth. If he hadn't left. If he hadn't left her.

She cried harder than she ever had before, falling to the floor with her back against the door. She was too tired to move, she could hear the tears dripping down her face.

It was all too much. Too overwhelming. Everything was overwhelming. Everything hurt. So much.

And that's why she was crying.

because everything hurt so much.