Meanwhile, back over with the duo, they were finally able to enjoy the festival without any conflicting interruptions, whether it be coming from outer sources or inner conflicts between the both of them.
. . . . .
Playing darts, Asmodeus was trying to win a giant stuffed teddy bear.
Sitting down, Aster was watching as people marched through the streets, he wondered why this festival was so important that it stretched through the whole town, but he was too drunk to continue thinking about this and he shrugged the idea off, taking a few glances over to Asmodeus as the guy was flinging darts like a pro.
Looking back off into the street his head suddenly panged.
A feminine voice rang in his head "Question? Are you in love with me?" and as he heard it and how familiar it sounded? His vision flickered
. . . . .
Inside of some strange room unfamiliar to him and sitting up still in this exact form, some mysterious girl was mounting his lap and holding his hands?
"Question, are you in love with me?"
. . . . .
Shaking his head his vision flickered once more and he opened his eyes to sitting down against some building and looking at festival people.
"The hell was that?"
He didn't understand but it was obviously a warning.
And not that vision or even memory or whatever it was.
It was just a foresight of the up and coming but he didn't understand it or whatever the hell it was meant for?
And this wasn't even the first time it has happened, back when he was with Rena before he started drinking, it was only an instant but it still happened and it's been happening repeatedly though the day.
Now was just the longest he's seen or that he could see.
Looking back over to Asmodeus he moved his hand to his mouth and caught, blood spit out onto the back of his hand and as he saw that it came out, he sighed as if it didn't bother him.
"I'm not healing..."
He suddenly started coughing and with the same result, blood covered his hand but he just wiped it on the side of his clothes and looked up at the open stars.
Closing his eyes he opened them to another one of those visions but this time he was laying down and listening to another mysterious girl talking?
Reopening his eyes he didn't understand this or why it was so long but as he coughed again, nastier than last time, he shut his eyes again but this time he woke up in some back mind space where there was another version of himself standing opposite of him and as he was finally able to move.
He approached the second Aster but then heard, "Where are we?" it was as if this other him knew him and it was so surreal but he just glanced around and responded with, "No clue"
Looking back to this other him, he reached for him and grabbed his shoulder, actually feeling a solid being and he himself was amazed for the moment, but then heard.
"Hiro you're being odd today?" hearing that he himself froze.
The other him then stepped back and turned away, this time crossing his arms and pouting.
"First everyone around me has something fucking going wrong with them and they find a way to put me in the middle of it, ugh, they're so annoying! I'm seriously mad at them. Then comes to find out that whore Ursula might not be the nasty bitch I thought her to be, she's way better than our sister, sorry, I mean your sister, I refuse to have anything to do with that woman, she did us dirty and I won't forgive her for it, especially after how cruel she was after the whole secret of us being a Demon was exposed and that now she knows that I'm a reborn which made it like 10 times worst!–"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Turning around and looking over at Aster the him was confused.
"I don't have a sister?" He didn't even know about the other things, but this stuck out the most so he mainly questioned that.
"Then explain Mari, because I'm not doing this whole I'm her brother thing, especially after the controlling fluffing power she has over me!"
"I feel like I'm missing something here?" Aster said to himself out loud and as he did the other him spoke but then he looked at him coldly.
"Shut up I'm thinking..." *!MeNaCiNg!*
Saying that the other him tensed up, he was so annoying that it was bugging Aster right now, he talked way too much and way too fast.
Thinking for a second despite his clouded mind from all the alcohol and throbbing pain surrounding his body, he then looked back over to the other him.
"Look I don't have any advice or anything to say about that, I don't even know what's happening or going on?"
"That's strange? You usually know everything? Are you alright Hiro–"
"Call me that name one more time and I'll kill you!!!"
Yelling that in sudden anger, he was getting mad over the repeated name being called, he didn't like it, there were too many memories that he didn't want to remember and that dead name was going to have to stay buried forever...
Scaring the other him shitless as he had an aura of absolute fear cloaking him which was so dense that it crushed all around him and made the other him step away.
Gulping as he saw that and the absolute fear enveloping the other him, he signed and calmed himself, before opening his mouth and saying.
"I don't go by that name anymore, it's a long story, but I just go by Aster Hiragi these days"
Saying that the other him was still enveloped with fear and terrified but he just sighed and using a foot technique to appear right in front of the other him which worked, he grabbed the other him's shoulders and said.
"Anyways, your existence is bothering me, who are you?"
But as he said that and an immediate calmness washed over the other him, the other him then gulped hard and spoke.
"I'm... I'm you? I'm Hiro Natsu?"
Hearing that everything suddenly blankened for the both of them and both of their visions turned black.
. . . . .
Opening his eyes he shook his head and his head hurt as if he had the most awful hangover ever, but the strangest thing was that Asmodeus was still playing darts?
"How much time had passed?"
looking over to Asmodeus he noticed that the dart he threw was the same as the last one he saw and he had 7 left meaning.
Only 1 second had passed?
"Fuck it who cares, where was the booze place again?"