I Am Tired

Oh Dan-Bi protected her first son and still chided her second son as if both were not the apple of her eyes long back. "He is a busy celebrity, not useless like you!"

She spoke as if Lee Whan was not managing three companies and bringing lots of profit with every single deal. She spoke as if she was not enjoying the luxury based on his hard work.

"I am useless. Fine. But is he an idiot to ignore someone's call for three days? What if it was more serious than this? What if it was a life or death situation? Maybe you should question him too." Lee Whan fired back.

"Obviously, he won't have time for anyone unimportant!" Oh Dan-Bi stopped her words as she did not say her first son might be at fault.

She shifted the blame to someone else. Someone easier to blame. "But whenever I called, he always picked up. You should reflect on yourself if he is not picking up your call. What did you do to upset your elder brother?! This is why I always said you should treat him with respect and protect him well. It is all your fault. Hereafter, listen to me. Or else..."

She left the threat hanging down without saying anything.

Disgust for his mother rose high in Lee Yong's mind. He felt like a failure of an elder brother who let his little brother, Lee Whan bullied and abused by their mother.

Lee Whan was tired of hearing these threats.

He was tired of living a life that was not his.

He was tired of trying to make up to his parents as he could not live up to their expectations.

"Or else what? I am tired. You want me to reflect, right? Hear it out. I am tired of doing everything you want and ignoring myself. Find a new CEO for your husband's company and do whatever the fuck you want. I am out!" Lee Whan spoke with the finality.

It was not a decision taken on the spur of the moment. He had been toying with the idea since he became the company's CEO without even knowing what business was.

The years gave him enough time to think about everything properly.

"Lee Whan! What the hell are you speaking? Come home right now!" Oh Dan-Bi screamed at her son, and there was so much panic in her voice.

"I am moving out. Also, do us all a favour and please remove my name from the family registry." Lee Whan felt light as soon as he spoke the words.

As if the restrain from the imaginary shackle loosened up a bit, and he could move around freely.

Without waiting for a response, he terminated the call and switched off the phone.

There was no hesitation in his action, and his calmness while cutting his parents from his life scared Lee Yong. He was unwilling to lose his little brother.

Lee Yong held his brother's hand. He had no idea when was the last time he stood close to his little brother and spoke to him for more than a sentence. "Lee Whan… Do not be impulsive. She was worried and panicked after seeing the news. Let her cool down. I will talk to her. I will tell her what she said and did was wrong. Hereafter I will pick up your call. Don't be reckless!"

"Sorry, Mr Lee Yong. I am too tired of your family's bullshit. I am leaving. Sorry for taking up all your time when you are clearly occupied with lots of things." Lee Whan pointed at the television, which still showed the news about the sasaeng fans.

He spoke with a distant attitude.

Lee Yong was stunned by his little brother's attitude. He felt his little brother was far away even though he was at arm's length and his hand was holding the other. His throat closed in and breathing felt like a difficult task.

"CEO Lee!" Mr Koh, the personal secretary, spoke for the first time. He sounded more hurt and pained for the young man's pain.

No one in the family understood the young man's pain as much as the stranger who watched it every day.

"Mr Koh! Please tell my dad I will meet him when he has time, but I won't meet him at his home. I will hand in my resignation to him personally." Lee Whan smiled politely and spoke kindly to the personal secretary as always.

Mr Koh felt the pain. "Sir… Where are you going?"

"I will crash in my friend's place till I find a place. Thank you for worrying." Lee Whan's smile finally reached his eyes. He started walking toward the door, away from all the problems.

But he stopped in tracks and turned toward the personal secretary who had helped him in these years.

"It was a pleasure working with you. Thank you for always being patient when I knew nothing about the business and taking care of me when I struggled with everything. You have taught me a lot of things. Thank you, Mr Koh!" Lee Whan bent his waist and bowed his head correctly to express his gratitude and sincerity.

Everyone in the room was shocked by the turn of the event. But the thanks hit their heart differently, and they suddenly felt suffocated. The man was kind to them even though he was hurting all this while.

Na Hyun Joon let out a whimper that caught Lee Whan's attention.

Unfortunately, Hyun Joon did not realise that he was crying all this while, and his face had traces of tears. He was crying for the pain of the man he adored and loved all this while.

Lee Whan was his anchor to move forward all these years. The man's kindness helped a lot. But at the same time, he fell hard and fast for Lee Whan with every minute he spent with him and every tiny detail he learned about Lee Whan.

It was easier to fall for a man like Lee Whan, and it was as if he was meant to fall for the man.

He could not move his eyes when the man who was important to him made eye contact.

"I will be fine, Hyun Joon. Do not cry! Everything will be better for me hereafter. Trust me!" Lee Whan felt his heart tremble as he spoke the words.

He had friends who were angry on his behalf.

He had an uncle and aunt who stood by him.

But it was the first time someone cried for him.

Someone who was not close to him.

The sight itched his heart so much that he felt he might cry as well. But he would never cry in front of Lee Yong.

With a last smile, Lee Whan turned his back to everyone in the room. He wanted to be in the comfort of his friends and nurse his wounds. The wounds he accumulated over the years because of his family.

"Lee Whan!" Lee Yong blocked his little brother's path in fear of losing his little brother.

Lee Whan looked at his elder brother with calm apathetic eyes. "I am tired of this bullshit and officially out! Enjoy your life as you wish. Let me enjoy mine as I wish hereafter. Bye, Lee Yong!"


The chapter is dedicated to Apocalypse. Thank you for the review <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Two chapters will be dedicated to the readers' who write the review and rate the book.


Thank you for the votes and support my dear readers. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
