Restless Sleep

Lee Yong was frustrated. His father went to the business meetings in place of his brother as if his little brother was not missing. He could not understand why his father believed his brother was fine while the said brother was not picking up the call.

Frustration towards his father grew strong, but his mother topped the list effortlessly.

After talking to his mother for the last few days, Lee Yong became more upset with her. His mother acted like there was no conflict in the house as she spoke to him calmly and did not even utter a word about his brother.

She behaved as if his brother was home and there was no issue. It only made him wonder how many times similar events happened, and he did not even know about it.

Holding on to the last shred of hope, he called Mr Koh - Lee Whan's secretary, a man in his forties. He was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned about his brother's whereabouts. He had a piece of news about his little brother from a stranger.

Even though Lee Whan ignored his calls and messages, his little brother had texted the concerned personal secretary.

From the message sent to a company employee, Lee Yong knew his brother was fine and settled in a friend's house. Apart from that, he has no other information - not even the friend's house location.

He called his brother again and again, but no one picked up. Even though his little brother did not turn the phone off, the lack of response concerned him.

All these years, his little brother called him. He rarely picked up the call or responded to them. Now that he was on the receiving end, the neglected feeling left a sour taste in his mouth. The guilt consumed his rationality.

At that moment, Lee Whan was about to get into bed. He had a hearty and heavy breakfast with his friends. Even though he was grumpy due to his recent sleep issues, his friends did not mind him being snappy most of the time.

Initially, Lee Whan did not want to get out of bed in the morning, but it was his junior little Choi's first day at work. So he decided to have breakfast and then go back to sleep once his junior leaves for the damned company.

To his surprise, some of their friends joined them for breakfast bringing lots of food with them. As everyone was working apart from Lee Whan, it was a rushed breakfast.

After he snapped at people around him a second time without any warrant, his best friend's annoying little brother made a mug of hot chocolate for him. After the hot chocolate, his grumpiness actually went down to an extent.

With too many people in the house and lots of laughter, a sense of belonging settled in Lee Whan.

The familiar comfort soothed his bitter heart like honey.

A hope that everything would be fine in his life at some point in future settled in his mind.

Lee Whan did not even realise that he had left the phone on the dining table after breakfast. After Haneul left, he announced that he was retreating to bed to everyone with evil happiness as they all had to leave for work.

Some of his friends stayed behind to catch up with others as they still had time to leave for the office. Lee Whan did not worry, knowing the last one to leave would lock the door.

Moreover, the one who owned the house - his best friend's annoying little brother, was also there. That brat also asked him to rest more, knowing he was grumpy due to lack of sleep. So he decided to walk back to his room and sleep for the day, for once listening to the brat without putting up a fight.

Lee Whan had been having a restless sleep these days and was constantly tired during the day. He always kept tossing and turning during his sleep, being hyper-aware of the surrounding that he did not feel rested.

As Lee Whan was drifting into sleep, he felt someone coming into the room. He knew it was, The brat - his best friend's annoying little brother and did not want to get up as he was almost in dreamland.

The intruder walked close to the bed and placed something on the bedside table. Then it was all quiet.

If not for the slight dip in the bed on the other side, Lee Whan would not have realised 'The brat' was still in the room and sitting in the bed. The lack of voice and movement almost lulled Lee Whan to sleep, but he was not sleeping peacefully. He was aware of his surroundings.

The door was opened again, pulling Lee Whan slightly out of sleep, but he refused to move as he did not feel any threat. Even though his best friend's little brother was annoying, he knew that brat would not let any harm come to him.

The second person who entered was The brat's lover and Lee Whan's crime partner, who muttered under his breath angrily. "The longer I know Whan Hyung, my urge to punch his mother grows stronger."

Even though Lee Whan heard the words, he could not respond to them as he felt his body was heavy and uncooperative.

"She is an idiot. Not an evil person." The annoying brat answered.

If any other time, Lee Whan would have laughed at his best friend's little brother. But his body was neither letting him move nor sleep and definitely not speak.

"What do you mean?" Lee Whan sensed his crime partner's disapproval and was glad at least one person was on his side.

"Long story and I am still gathering information. I will tell you once I get all the information. Just pull the curtain shut. Hyung is having a restless sleep again." The brat's annoying voice was full of concern.

"Ah…" His partner in crime did not question further.

Lee Whan heard the noise of the curtain being pulled and felt someone covering him with a quilt.

Lee Whan could not open his eyes but still mumbled the question in sleep. "What's going on?"

"You are sleeping restlessly again. Leave the worry to me, Hyung. I will tell you everything once I have the information. I will take care of everything! Now sleep, Hyung!" A hand brushed through his hair so softly and comfortingly.

Lee Whan was not aware of his surroundings.

Lee Whan felt the soft brush on his hair.

Lee Whan felt the warm his heart.

Lee Whan felt safe for the first time.

Lee Whan succumbed to a peaceful sleep.

This time Lee Whan fell into a peaceful slumber.

Lee Whan did not have a dream.