Who is more good-looking?

The more Lee Yong heard the word 'first love,' he did not like it, but he wanted to know more. "Who is your first love?"

"Someone I grew up with but not exactly. Let's say he is someone I have known since childhood." Haneul frowned as he wondered how he could explain their situation better. It can't be explained in a sentence or two.

"Who is it?" Lee Yong pushed further as if he knew everyone in Haneul's life.

Everyone saw the apathetic band leader behaving like a gossiping aunty from the neighbourhood. It was amusing and, at the same time, concerning.

"Even if I say his name, you won't know him. So why bother?" Haneul raised his eyebrow at the band leader, who suddenly became nosy.

"Okay. Tell us about your first love, if you don't mind. What kind of person is he? I am just curious." Na Hyun Joon tried to make awkwardness disperse and let his band leader at least quench the bit of his curiosity. He decided to speak with his band leader later about his out-of-character behaviour.

"He is perfect!" Haneul could not think of better words to describe his first love other than perfect.

With a soft secretive smile, he continued. "He is the most handsome guy I have seen. He is absolutely gorgeous, more like an ethereal beauty, especially when he does something he is interested in. I used to forget to breathe every time I saw him playing basketball or when he was playing the piano or violin. He doesn't do it much these days, but he used to do it a lot when we were in school. Good old days!"

Lydia could not hold back her curiosity anymore and decided to ask a question, not realising this would lead to a never-ending saga of heartbreaks for Lee Yong. "Among the men at the table, Lee Yong Oppa is the most handsome. Is your first love more handsome than Lee Yong Oppa?"

Lee Yong perked up at the question. He sits unconsciously straight, subtly turned to show the left side of his face to Haneul, as many photographers claimed as his good-looking side.

He waited for the response with bated breath but would never admit it openly. He anticipated the answer and wanted it to be that he looked much better than Haneul's first love.

But the words he heard from Haneul's mouth broke something in him and left him speechless. "My first love!"

"That's a lie." Lee Yong glared at Haneul as he spoke the words without thinking.

Haneul rolled his eyes at the sore loser, the most loved bandleader of a stupid fandom. "Ask Tae-Ri. Who is more good-looking?" With that, he threw his cousin under the bus and asked her innocently. "Tell me Tae-Ri… Who is more good-looking? Your company's Lee Yong or my first love?"

"Lee Yong is good-looking. We can't compare him with sunbae. Both have their own style and… Come on… It's an unfair comparison." Lim Tae-Ri tried to appease everyone and leave the situation diplomatically without creating a spectacle out of something pointless.

But she was terrible at diplomacy!

Lee Yong's behaviour amused Lydia, and she understood who was more good-looking by how Tae-Ri reacted. She wanted to see Lee Yong lose his composure over Haneul after the harsh treatment she gave Haneul in the morning. So she added fuel to the scene with a cute smile. "Just pick a name and get over it, President Lim."


Sunbae - Senior


The chapter is dedicated to Waciaya_Okumu. Thank you for the review.
