Master of the Kang Family

Everyone noticed affection in Haneul's tone, similar to how he spoke to the senior on the call yesterday. But also, there was something else in that tone that they could not decipher. 

Lee Yong paid close attention to the conversation. But he was lost between wanting to hope and accepting the reality that he fucked up big time! 

For some reason, he kept thinking he would never meet his little brother again, and he was not far from that hunch. 

"You texted me to call you as soon as possible at 2 am. Is there really no issues, or is this your way to make me forgive you?" Kang Eun huffed. A noise on his side indicated the boy was plopping back onto the bed or something.

Even though he woke up because of the pressing issue of a full bladder, he checked his phone before relieving himself. When he was Haneul Hyung's message, he ignored his bladder and called his favourite choreographer.