Belief And Reality

Lee Yong blinked as he remembered his father calling Sung Kyung a little rude and outspoken but a good kid, while his brother called her short fuse. He had no idea what was more truthful about her and no longer cared about the truth.

He had only one concern, and that was his brother. No one else mattered to him.

"Everyone is asking me this question but never answers mine. So why should I answer any of your questions?" Lee Yong snapped and did not say anything further. 

Lee Whan sighed, knowing the stubbornness of both Kang Chin Mae and Lee Yong.

Between them, he would side with the stubbornness he grew up with over the man who never cared for him. He asked the question on behalf of Kang Chin Mae, his long-term acquaintance. "What do you want to know?"