Broken Chain - I

Kim Seo Bin grew up in one of the great eight families. He knew the family's politics and grander schemes to a great extent. He had been involved in it in one way or the other since childhood. It took him less than a few seconds to figure it out.

He spelt it out for Kang Eun. "If everything changes suddenly, Aunt will ask questions. The truth will come out. What do you think will happen next?"

Kang Eun thought it would lead to family conflict but did not want to say it aloud. He might sometimes behave rudely, but poking at a desperate person's wound was beneath him.

"Either Aunty would leave the Lee family for good. Or make her mother-in-law's life a living hell for ripping her family apart. She would become the living nightmare for the same woman she had always respected." Kim Seo Bin iterated the consequences like he was reading a weather report.