Makes Perfect Sense To Me

Lee Yong asked in the softest tone he rarely used with them, as it was always reserved for his fans. "Since when?" 

But still, the tone and the question startled Hyun Joon.

Lee Yong wanted to know when their maknae fell in love with his little brother. He knew he never paid attention to his little brother. But he always prided himself as he was told he was a good bandleader who protected them and focused on the members and their needs. He used to believe he knew everything about him. So, he did not expect this shock.

"Come on… tell him… we can't be the only one who knows now!" Chung Seok encouraged Hyun Joon as if he did not give away their maknae's secret so easily.

Lee Yong wanted to pull his hair and scream that he wouldn't let anyone taint their maknae, and it could lead to the death of his career.

Not even his little brother was worth such sacrifice.