
Opening a new company branch, finding an apartment and moving in, were three of the most difficult things Kyle thought any one could ever experience.

He was more than exhausted and if there were more words that came with that, then he was all of it. 

He sighed as the elevator door opened on arrival. He languidly pulled his suitcase and tightened his grip over his bag as he stepped out of it. Seeing the delivery boxes stacked in front of his apartment from a distance made him all the more listless. 

And seeing the distance he had to walk to his door, he groaned even more. 

He had used the second elevator on the east wing because the one closest to his apartment was occupied, and he couldn't wait. Every second mattered to him. It was the weekend, and he wanted to fully settle into his place before the weekdays resumed, and he throws himself back into interviewing staff.