
My fingertips made a not-so-audible sound as i tapped it onto the glass office table , biting my lips as i gaze upon the clock

Fifteen more minutes and that pet of mine will arrive , i gulped down the heat and nervousness ive been feeling

I traced my neck with my right hand , my skin burns whenever my fingertips collided with my skin.


My gaze darkened and narrowed as the man who just entered the room looked at me eye to eye.

Hot and painful , my thing is already throbbing because of the anticipation!

"Ive been waiting for you all day. C'mere and pleasure me" , i called out , without any words he did not hesitate to come

He kneeled down as i shifted my body so as the swivel chair im sitting on to face him .

I nearly choked on my saliva when our eyes met again this time his gaze was more dark and heavy

The unbuckling sound of my pants so as the zipping sound echoed on my ear , feeling hypnotized by my own excitement.

Licking my underware , wetting the tip of my rod. A gasping sound left my lips

"Agh!", my eyes shut because of the pleasure whom hit me like lightning, "Do you like that sire?", he asked in his innocent deep voice , i chuckled

"Shut up and keep up the good work", i gritted my teeth as anticipation started to build up inside me , it hurts damn it!

"Fuck... Youre tip's throbbing", i look down to see him , my fase fumed red as he took out my cock

Teasing it , he grabbed it hard with his huge palm making me flinch and arch my back , "Ahh...haah", i couldnt stop myself , the pleasures too much

I opened my eye weakly, "Should i stop teasing you...", he slowly moved his hand up and down , and up again to tease the tip , i growled

"...and start sucking you?", he grinned once again , pissed off i grab a handful of his neatly combed hair

"Youre such a naughty pet , you really liked teasing your owner , huh?", he chuckled and licked his lower lip

"Alright ,alright. You must be pent up , so much that it hurts", he opened his mouth and swallowed my cock

"Ahhh!" , so warm! His mouth is too warm , i was gasping for air as the pleasure started to drown me

Nggh... Ugh..aghhh

"Ah...ahhh... T-too much..", with that he swallowed my cock more and more , deep!

I could feel his saliva running down to the hilt of my rod , its hot..

"Ughh... More... Im near", i closed my eyes tight , i could feel his tongue moving against my cock , fuck

I unconsciously moved my hips back and fort , "Fuck... Fuck... Im gonna come!" , i exclaimed and euphoria covered my whole body

"Mhh.. Should i swallow it?", his voice made me open my eye , his mouth is open full with me semen, my eyes widened with shock

I wiped the corner of his lips and smiled , "Swallow it. Leave nothing behind.", my body still shaking , i watched him as he gulped down every drop of my semen.

"Mhh.. That was tasty sire. Shall i get my reward now for pleasuring you?", he stood up and grabbed my arm , making me bend on the desk

"W-wait! ", he moved too fast and entered his right hand on my   underware gropping my but , He leaned in and whisper near my ear , his breath was hot

"I shall fuck you from behind just like how you always like. Let me make a mess out of you , hmm?"