Chapter 15

chapter 15 - trace

"Acting all bossy , ill erase that tonight and ill make you beg for more" , he flashed a devilish grin because of his evil plan.

"Oh yeah? You might be one begging for more later" , i attacked him with a grin , i saw him narrowing his eyes on me

"Try it. Make me"

I pushed him towards the dark living room, kissing his lips aggressively biting his lower lip earning me a groan from him

I could feel my body burning with desire, i must be that pent up that im willing to give this man's ass a f*ck.

My hand crawled downward to his butt and groped it. "Youre quite impatien Mr. Jo" , behind his playful chuckle, his face is flushed red and very erotic

If this man was born female , men would flock around him. Too bad i guess that he was born with a c*ck.

"What were you thinking, dont get too distracted" , he pulled my face back for a kiss as my right hand started to grope his b*tt cheek while the other one started to unbotton his clothes

"Youre being naughty Mr. Jo, has please finally made you go crazy?"

As i took off his clothes i pinched his pinkish n*pples , he arched his back and smiled seductively

"Crazy? Im still sane at this point", thats right im still sane , but i know im on the edge as i saw his white body , it was as if its glistening. Its mouth watering.

My tongue traced his neck down to his collar bone , i was licking him like he was a delectable candy

"delectable", i whispered unaware

"You like it? Thought you hate it", he chuckled , still his face beet red and his eyes were intoxicated from all of this pleasure

i sucked his neck once again but this time i was leaving my trace , neck , collar bone his chest, beside his nipple , i left my trace everywhere in his body to make sure he wouldnt forget tonight's sinful actions.

" made quite a mess", he caressed the hickeys on his skin with a grin , this shitty bastard

i pulled him closer to me , i started to inbuckle my pants he was staring at my bulge intently.

"Youre huge mr. Jo"

This asshole when will he stop calling me mr. Jo?

I gritted my teeth and pulled a fistfull of his hair making him look up on me. "So youre on this kind of play?"

"I just like seeing you writhing in pain", i was serious on saying this cause he's an asshole.

"kinky i like it", i pushed his face onto my raging boner , his face got hotter so is my body , "suck it", i said in a bold voice

He didnt answer but i could definitely see his excited face he lick his lower lip before licking the hilt of my c*ck , my brows furrowed as i contained my self , the pleasure almost made me go mad

"yeah thats right , lick it good" , i didnt take off my eyes even just for a second , i glued it onto this beautiful scene of a gorgeous man licking my rod

Director Ko parted his lips and sucked the tip of my rod , i groaned silently from the sudden action , sexy.

"Urk..uh..", his mouth was making lustful noise as he rammed my d*ck onto his salivating mouth

F*ck! He's so good at this huh?

By this time the pleasure sipped into my brain, i closed my eyes and rammed his mouth mercilessly , i bit my lower lip

"Ugh....urkk....uhgg", i could hear his pleading noise , he was suffocating from having a c*ck indie his throat

I continued ramming his throat , i could see him tearing up , but his didnt budge , he didnt pushed me away.

"F*ck!", i slowed down my pace as i felt my self getting near, no i just dont want this to end.

I pulled my shaft out of his mouth , pulled him and made him turn around , "Im gonna f*ck you from behind"

I slicked my hair back as sweats started to fall down my forehead , i licked my m lower lips as i stared at his meaty b*ttcheek

I raised my hand and landed a slap on it, "ahh!", Director Ko jolted from the shock, "D-dosung....seriously you" , i landed another hit on his b*tt cheek once again now leaving a red mark on his smooth white delectable skin

I caressed it making him jolt and arch his body, i grabbed my shaft and spitted on it , i dont have lube with me right now, "this will do"

i spread open his *ss as i positioned my tip on the entrance , well actually this can also be an exit.

Gently pressing my body onto his , the tip of my c*ck surprisingly was eaten by his *ss

Slowly as my c*ck was burrowed deeper each second, i could feel the his tightness

My brows furrowed as i felt my self entering a tight space , "ugh" , i groaned as if felt my self breaking

i leaned against his body and grabed a fistful of his hair , "You almost broke me , youre so tight"

I breathed in and out and as i slowly moved my hips , in an out , push and pull

"ah!" , director Ko's voice slowly started to get louder , he was moaning from both pain and pleasure

I drilled my c*ck inside him faster when i saw him obviously enjoying the slow f*cking i did , "Cry out", i must be a sadist

"nggghhhh", the intensity of this sinful deed is indeed overwhelming , pleasure has taken control of my body

I couldnt stop my self from ramming mercilessly, i change our position, turning his body to face me , i held his leg up "w-wait! Ahhh!"

Flop flop flop , squelch squelch!

His inside was wet, his c*ck was dripping prec*m and it was erect i with my free hand i grabbed it and stroked it

"No! ahh uhmmm", i could see the pleasure on his face, beet red , intoxicated.

"Do you...want me to stop?", i asked while f*cking him nonstop, his eyes widened as my c*ck reached deeper. "N-No! Dont stop! F*ck me more!"

He was crying out for pleasure he was smiling like a drunk person , "F*ck me like a whore!" , he held his rod in his hand and stroked it

"ahhh! mhhhh yes yes!!", He was receiving my every thrust, i was enjoying. I pressed his belly , "D-dont! Im gonna pee", he grabbed my hand and put it in his mouth, he sucked it like it was a sweet candy , his eyes clouded with lust for me.

Now i really did it. I covered my reddened face with both of my palms , Director Ko is in the bath and i am now here laying shamefully in the mattress. That's minus 100 points for me in the heaven.

Director Ko took a little while for him to leave the bath, just like a girl. "Took you so long" , i mumbled as he walk outside of the bath wearing a white robe. He shot daggers at me with his brow shot up.

"You came inside my butt three times i need to take it out on my own, do you think its easy?" , he stomped as he walk away giving me the towel

My ears reddened , oh right. We've done it atleast four times , and three of those round i...came inside him.

I was a beast , i didnt even realize my shameful actions.