C17: History Breaker

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"It looks like my bet just got more fearsome!" Azazel said with a large grin as Serafall and Gabriel both looked at the girl seriously, the correct thing to do at the moment. Vali on the other hand looked like he wanted to fight Ulva right this instant and wouldn't take no for an answer. What a battle junkie.

"To think this is where we would find it. The Longinus Telos Karma." Michael said with a slightly deprecating smile. I heard he had been watching this sacred gear in particular because of the effects it has on the world's history but he had never been able to find it, apparently because it was here.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Azazel. Ferid will still win this fight." I said looking toward Azazel with a cocky grin on my face.

"Oh? How will he do that when his regeneration is gone? That was his strongest asset but he doesn't have it anymore." Azazel said with a grin even cockier than mine.

"Freed isn't weak, you know, don't underestimate him." I said while looking at Freed as he once again clashed with Ulva this time sending her back around ten meters. It looks like he's taking this a little more seriously.

Usually, Ferid has a joking, mocking attitude that everyone would hate him for but not a single person who sees him fight seriously will ever call him weak. However, Ulva isn't weak either. Both are deserving of the position of 3rd Progenitor but who will defeat the other? It's difficult to say, especially now that Ulva revealed herself to be the weirder of Telos Karma.

Running forward Ferid appeared in front of Ulva with his hands outstretched punching her directly in the chest and sending her flying another twenty meters while her chest caved in on itself.

"Ferid Bathory's right leg won-" Ulva tried to say between her difficult breathing from her caved in stomach that was slowly regenerating itself but was stopped by Ferid's first sending her flying once again.

"Your Sacred Gear is powerful but if I hit you before you use it, it isn't that scary." Ferid said as he appeared beside her flying figure and kicked her to the ground with his foot resting on her back.

"Hm? What was that? Do you surrender?" Ferid asked since even with his enhanced hearing he couldn't hear it, but I could.

"I said 'Ferid Bathory can no longer move'!" Ulva basically shouted with her broken body while trying to lift herself up but only threw Ferid's foot off of her.

"Oh, so this is the power of Telos Karma? How scary~!" Ferid said as he clunkily moved his body around showing his resistance to Telos Karma.

"How can you move? It shouldn't be possible!" Ulva questioned as she finally managed to lift her broken body off the ground completely making Ferid laugh.

"Obviously because I'm stronger than you I can resist to some degree. Longinus are more fearsome than I expected." Ferid said as his body movements got smoother and more coordinated.

"I can no longer be hit! My attacks are guaranteed to hit their target!" Ulva said as she threw a punch towards Ferid, a punch he dodged but somehow it turned and hit him directly on his chest, sending him flying as he did to her.

"I see, so that's how they're guaranteed to hit! How intriguing!" Ferid said while pulling himself off the ground revealing a decently sized wound on his chest. This time it was Ulva's turn to mercilessly chase down Ferid as she rushed forward and kicked towards his chest, intending to send him flying once again. However, that didn't happen.

Instead of blocking or dodging the attack, Ferid caught the attack with his hands, and judging by the blood coming from her leg I would say he doesn't plan on letting go.

"So this doesn't count as an attack! Telos Karma is so interesting! I think I like you, Ulva Amalia. Would you marry me?" Ferid asked with a love-struck expression.

I know that because of his great intelligence he was worked incredibly hard as a child making him childish to this day and he judges everything by how much entertainment they can bring him. That's why he likes me and apparently why he thinks he's in love with Ulva.

"I think I understand why you called him an insane bastard now. Who asks a person they just met to marry them mid-battle?" Azazel said with a confused expression. "I don't know if I should be worried about him or congratulate him for his courage."

"You think that's bad? He treats me as if I were his god and used to pray whenever he saw me. It's damn annoying." I said while shivering, remembering all the times he got down on his knees and prayed to me as soon as he saw me. I almost had to beg him to stop doing that.

"If you have a reputation problem then just copy me and Odin and join the pervert side." Azazel said with a wide grin on his face.

"I don't think I will." I said in a neutral voice. Seriously who promotes perversion to a thirteen-year-old child like me.

Before the fight could begin in earnest once again we all, people in the stands or battling included, looked directly up into the sky. In the sky, there were hundreds of magical circles glowing in the sky. I could break them all right now but this is as good a chance as any to get a strong hit in on the Khaos Brigade.

Flying up into the sky we brought everyone including the enemies into an artificial space while preparing to send them all out of it in case anything goes wrong. Finally, the Magic circles finished, and out came over one thousand magicians and a silver-haired man at the front.