C22: Battle Fanatic

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There are various ways to freeze a person in time but currently, the easiest is to surround Akashic Records with a barrier of our energies, a domain of sorts, and forcefully stop the flow of time inside of it. It's not an easy thing to do but since both Sirzechs and I are here it shouldn't be too tricky, usually, that is. Currently, I have my full power but my energy reserves are still limited and I'm severely weakened by the hole in my chest while Sirzechs is still weakened by the sealing, along with everyone else.

Normally I'd say we have a hundred percent sealing with minimal effort but now I'd give it about 60-70% with pretty high injury, so it's not looking good. I mean I'm the strongest out of us currently and I'm missing about half my body and that includes my vital organs. I may not need them but it definitely takes some energy to heal them.

Anyways since we've decided on a course of action it's time to do the action part of it. Since wasting time would only allow Akashic Record to get stronger, I rush forward, instantly appearing before him with my sword drawn, already slashing down onto his body.

I'm curious. What kind of desires does the representation of knowledge have? I'd imagine they'd be a delicacy so I'll make sure to eat my fill!

Once my sword cut his body black markings instantly spread from the cut once more making his chimera-like body even stranger but my attention isn't on that. It's the immense amount of desire my opponent has.

Every cut I make with Asuramaru doesn't release a set amount of desire, instead, it's a percentage and that percentage grows the more damage I deal. So imagine my surprise when a barely paper cut level attack releases the same amount of desire as I've had in the last month.

I say that lightly but I live with the vampires who live by their desires and arrogance and I just had the desires of thousands of mages so I had quite a big meal and this 'guy' just matched it with no trouble. And his desires aren't tiny desires like 'I want to eat some chips', no it's more on the level of 'I want to devour all the world's knowledge.' A dangerous desire to have to put it mildly. Still, this causes a slight problem. This 'guy' probably has more desire than I can devour even if I put my all into it which isn't great. The 60-70% chance I gave is now around 40-50%.

Ignoring my slightly full stomach I once again slash at him, however, this time I didn't stop at a mere one attack, I attacked hundreds of times in an instance. Some being blocked by a barrier of energy and some slashing on him creating various wounds over 'his' body. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to capture Akashic Records before his energy gathering reaches my army, without killing him of course.

However, I wasn't alone. Various magical attacks such as light weapons of two colors and various sizes and shapes, I even saw a chainsaw, balls of crimson destruction that destroyed anything in its path such as the law of space to cross the distance instantly, hundreds of magical ice creations that both attack on their own and an ice serpent that is constructed over Akashic Records joints completely stopping its movements, which consequently made the attacks of everyone much easier to land.

As all of this was happening every one of my forces was watching from a safe distance, luckily understanding that they'd be a hindrance in this kind of battle though I could tell Vali wasn't enjoying it, unlike Ferid who was watching me carefully and with a strange furor. It was strange and I'm sure once he becomes a 3rd I'm going to give him all the annoying jobs as punishment.

"Receiving critical damage. Defenses Failing. Determining Course of Action. Complete. Entering Battle Mode. Failed. Energy Reserves Critically Low. Overriding Failure. Initiating Battle Mode." Akashic Records said calmly but its words prove that our attacks our working.

"Haha, are you finally getting serious you bastard?" I couldn't help but shout out in joy, an enjoyable battle to the death with little threat is what I needed. The stress from paperwork and planning is vanishing without a trace! This is fun!