Chapter 5 The Beginning of Reincarnation

  After that incident, I took up the pen again and began to record the post-sequence of the story, entirely because things had unexpected developments. Although these developments were not as thrilling as I had imagined before, the amount of information they brought far exceeded my expectation.

  After this incident, I understood a truth. You don't have to deliberately pursue the riddles and truths of many things. After all the dust settles, they will slowly emerge with the passage of time.

  A philosopher once said that it is only when the tide goes out that you can see who is not wearing underwear. Or I use a more apt example to describe it, that is, when you deliberately look for something, you often go through every corner of the house and can't find it; but when you don't deliberately look for it, it will suddenly appeared in front of you. There are some puzzles that look like this.

  After that incident, I was decadent for a long time. During that time, I had been going through two states at the same time, one was extreme depression, where I didn't want to do anything, just lay on the recliner, reminisce some of the old clips, and then think about my choices at the time if it wasn't like that , what would be the result. Thinking that if I wasn't so entangled and obsessive-compulsive, I would probably go step by step to another life, maybe it would be more comfortable than now. On another level, not knowing something is far better than knowing it, and knowing it is much more painful than not knowing it.

  Another state is that I keep cheering myself up, telling myself that if I don't want to do something, I have to do it. So I have always managed the third uncle's shop with such a contradictory mentality. At the beginning, because there was no Pan Zi, I was alone in many things, and it was difficult. Whenever I feel so depressed that I want to quit, I think about the song that Pan Zi sang to me before he died.

  "The third master wants to move forward, but the third master cannot step back." I am not qualified to step back. In such a business field, what I call moving forward is actually just a few small things. If I back down on this sort of thing, I'll really be sorry for a lot of people. So I try. In the second quarter of the second year, many things were sorted out smoothly by me.

  I found a trick, it turns out that when you have done something very complete, especially after you have skipped the original accumulation stage and developed to a certain extent, things become easier because you have the opportunity to make mistakes, You have the opportunity to make a U-turn, and if your overall gain is greater than your loss, your system will survive. And I also slowly touched many of the tricks of the third uncle.

  In the third quarter, I slowly eliminated a batch of guys who were not suitable for me, and replaced them one by one with the ones that were suitable for me. Although it was not as prosperous as the third uncle at that time, the operation of the plate was still very comfortable. of.

  Watching the cash flow keep coming in, I slowly gained some confidence in my abilities. I also found myself less useless than I once thought – success turns out to have a way, and it's not difficult.

  After the development of traditional channels, I went to visit some old friends while training and planning for the future. The easiest to visit is of course Xiaohua them. Xiaohua is still recuperating in the hospital. I didn't pay much attention to his injury before because of his decadence. He's also a very important figure, and I don't even know anything about his team's experience.

  Xiuxiu has been taking care of Xiaohua. I didn't go to Xiaohua because of her, because the affairs of Mrs. Huo stimulated her too much. But when I ran Sanshu's shop, I learned a lot of valuable virtues, such as facing pain. I know that when the time comes, running away is the worst solution.

  Pain can only be gradually relieved when it is radiated. Depression does not have much effect. After the pain reaches its peak, it will naturally go downhill.

  After several visits, Xiuxiu's discomfort with me gradually disappeared. I stayed in Beijing for a while, specifically to help Xiaohua with some family affairs. Relying on the relationship and power of the third uncle in the south, I gradually gained some right to speak, which also gave me more qualifications to help others. In fact, I don't need these qualifications, but after having them, it seems that I can't give up.

  After everything was straightened out, I started to discuss everything that happened with Xiaohua and the others. I mentioned some details about the Zhangjia Ancient Building: the Tibetan ornaments found in the coffin, the two rings, and the last story of the stuffy oil bottle.

  Xiaohua was very emotional after listening to it. He seemed to be a little tired of all these mysteries. He told me that he usually does not have such emotions. For him, his entire life is something he does not want to experience. He has gone through all kinds of disgusting things since he was a child, taking over the whole family, participating in struggles. He is no longer tired of a certain way of life, but now he has such emotions again, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

  I took a few pieces of Tibetan-style jewelry out of the coffin and showed them to Xiaohua, and I drew some of the pieces that I didn't bring out with a pen. After reading it, Xiaohua said to me, "These are all ornaments of the Tibetan Buddhist system, but it only shows that the owner of the coffin seems to be more interested in Tibetan things, and cannot explain more."

  I said to them. : "Since it's in the coffin, I think these buried things will have more or less special meaning. For example, if it's a little brother, his funeral objects must be black gold ancient swords; if it's Ah Si, Maybe it's Tie Danzi. From the funeral objects, we should be able to deduce some information."

  Xiaohua said: "You mean he has Tibetan blood?" I said: "Or he has been active in Tibetan areas for a long time. Yes." Xiaohua sighed and said, "The Zhang family is very powerful, and it's not surprising that they sometimes operate in Tibet." I said, "I don't think it's strange, I just think this kind of jewelry is very common. , Since the corpse chose these burials, there may be some clues that we don't know about the jewelry. If you know this, you can let them take a look. We can't let go of everything that may have clues."

  Xiaohua Obviously, I don't think success is likely. I don't know why he has such a prediction. Maybe, after experiencing such a thing, it is a kind of morbidity to maintain my curiosity. But he didn't stop me.

  We carefully inspected all the jewelry, these Tibetan jewelry are very large, and the workmanship is very wild and wild, and most of the details are traditional Tibetan things that represent auspicious meanings.

  We try to find something completely different from ordinary Tibetan jewelry in these jewelry. Most of the jewelry is basically the most common kind, but there is one thing that I am a little concerned about. Among all the bead chains worn by the ropes, there is a strange red bead inlaid in it.

  We all know that most Tibetan jewelry is made of red dzi beads, red agate, red rosin stone and red coral, but this one is not any of these materials.

  I asked Xiaohua, "Can you find someone to find out what kind of stone this is?" Xie Jia wanted to have a high appreciation for jewelry, but obviously Xiaohua was not particularly familiar with this aspect. He had lived in a particularly harsh environment since he was a child. In the environment, his main energy is not learning how to distinguish antiques. There is a special person in the family responsible for this aspect, so Xiaohua handed these things to Xiuxiu and asked Xiuxiu, "Look at what this is?"

  I I didn't expect Xiuxiu to know gems very well. Sure enough, the woman is completely different. She looked at the beads and said, "The material used for this bead is very rare. This is an organic gem.

  " Dao: "This is a mixed mineral containing metal components. This thing has not been named on the market, but many people call it moonstone."

  After hearing this, my brain exploded, and I thought of Zhangjia Ancient Building . This stone is used extensively in the underground palace.

  Xiuxiu continued: "This kind of stone has many strange properties, one of which is that it is particularly suitable for micro-engraving. Many people will engrave particularly secret information on it, because its own toughness makes micro-engraving very good. Clear."

  I took the bead from Xiuxiu's hand, looked at it carefully, and said, "There doesn't seem to be anything on it."

  Xiuxiu pointed to the perforation of the bead and said, "In order to hide the information, this information will It's carved around the perforation. Look, isn't the perforation very rough? You look at it now like it's just worn, but it's probably got a lot of tiny patterns on it."

  Saying that, Xiuxiu took out her mobile phone, launched an app in it, pointed the lens at the hole on the bead, the hole was magnified several times, and sure enough, there was a circle around the hole. Very, very regular micro-engraving.

  what is it then? I took a deep breath and took a closer look while letting Xiuxiu continue to zoom in a bit. Xiuxiu shook her head: "You will need professional equipment to zoom in again, but I think you can see it very clearly. There is a scorpion carved end to end."

  Scorpion! I carefully looked at Xiuxiu's mobile phone and found that it was indeed the case, it was really a scorpion!

  Why a scorpion? If it is a unicorn, I still think there is a reason, but it is a scorpion, is the little brother a Scorpio?

  Indeed, scorpions have many, many hidden meanings in traditional Chinese patterns: scorpions have many meanings in Tibetan culture, because in that plateau environment, Tibetan scorpions are a formidable creature. But this scorpion doesn't look like a Tibetan scorpion, it looks more like a Han pattern, which should be the result of the fusion of Han culture and Tibetan culture.

  This pattern is the full result of our research on these jewelry. Xiaohua doesn't seem to be surprised. I think he even thinks that it is a miracle to have such a clue.

  In response to this pattern, I first asked a few experts and got a lot of ambiguous information. Regarding the scorpion pattern, it is not that there is nothing to say, but there are too many things to say. After thinking about it in the middle of the night, I found that nothing was worthwhile.

  Xiaohua said that perhaps the pattern was just a coincidence, and the corpse itself did not know the existence of this pattern. In a family with collector habits like the Zhang family, this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

  But I don't know why, I always feel that this should be a breakthrough. In order to show her support for me, Xiaohua found a few friends, completely enlarged the pattern on it, and carried out the first round of consultation work in newspapers, on the Internet, and with friends.

  He offered a high price, hoping that anyone who has any knowledge about this scorpion pattern or can find relevant information can come to us.

  After these things are done, the only thing left is to wait. I don't think there will be any results in the short term, and I don't have much hope, so I will go back to Hangzhou first and continue to deal with business.

  Time passed by, and various atmospheres passed by. Although this kind of life is a bit busy now, but the income is getting richer day by day, but the feeling of desolation before will still come to my mind from time to time.

  I still stay in my own shop most of the time. The financial situation of my shop is separate from that of the third uncle's shop. The business situation is still bleak. Occasionally, I have to use some of the third uncle's funds to help me with my utility bills. If it wasn't for my incompetence, I would begin to wonder if my storefront is not good in feng shui.

  I insisted on separating the books, I don't know if it was because I was still expecting the third uncle to come back. Whether he'll come back, I don't know, but if he does, I'd be happy to give it all back to him.

  For myself, I still like to be in my shop, lying on a chaise longue, listening to the radio, fanning the old palm fan, and thinking about things. I think I am Wu Xie only in this place, and when I walk out of this room, I become another person. This person has the shadow of Pan Zi, Uncle San, and all kinds of people. Not me at all. Although I can not miss them and some past experiences when I carry their souls, I know for sure that the life these souls bring to me is not what I want.

  But even if it's not what you want, what comes from destiny will come after all.